Showing Posts For Convoite.9830:

Looking for Social/part time guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Convoite.9830


Been playing since launch. I have a guild that I fully rep but at nights it dies down and the game gets a bit too boring. I’m looking for something fun and social and not too crowded. I can rep, and can rep when asked. I’m usually on at nights. I am in game if you wish to PM me there. Or you can drop a message/comment here.

3 days no help from with my ticket.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Convoite.9830


How do you close them?

3 days no help from with my ticket.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Convoite.9830


Thanks for your help! Never knew that Chrome did that! Just solved all my problems!

3 days no help from with my ticket.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Convoite.9830


I’ve been away from my account for sometime and couldn’t remember the password. I’ve had to change my password so many times to things that I can never remember because we are not allowed to use similar passwords, causing me to make up some junk that’s nearly impossible to remember. The reason I’m able to log into forums is because chrome has remembered my password for me but sadly the client does not.
I have submitted three tickets. The first one was responded to promptly. I told them I don’t receive their password reset emails but I do receive their response emails and maybe they could send a link through that. After that, I was told my ticket would be submitted to a higher authority. Then nothing. I submitted a second ticket but did not receive any help other than the automated response. I then sent in a third ticket, using an alternative email as suggested, and nothing once again.
I understand the team here at ArenaNet are very busy and enjoy the game, but I’m upset that it has taken this long and still haven’t received the help I asked for.

Looking for a new guild on TC

in Looking for...

Posted by: Convoite.9830


I have 2 level 80s. Been around since launch. I main dps classes. It would be nice to have a furry friendly guild. Mature but fun is always a welcome! PM in game or reply here!

Need some help with Map Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Convoite.9830


Hey all! I seem to be having some trouble with getting map completion again. I recently made it to level 80 and Im shooting for completion with him. I have all the zones, excluding WvW, completed..but Im still missing 9 hearts. I’ve gone over everything. Checking websites and going back and forth between toons but nothing. I’ve gotten map completion already but it was a long time ago. Any insight?

Wrong Password/Account Name Error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Convoite.9830


Just to make sure. You are using your email as the log in, not your account name? Some people tried to log in using the account name and get a rejection.

Gosh, you’re amazing! I wish I could hit the “+1” button a million times! Thank you!

Wrong Password/Account Name Error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Convoite.9830


Well this sucks. I looked this up to see if there was any solution, I only found that it happens when accounts come from a long break or a big update has occurred. In my case, it’s both.

Wrong Password/Account Name Error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Convoite.9830


I just re-installed GW2 after a long break. Also after my hard drive got wiped. Everything goes smoothly, except one thing. My password is incorrect. Mainly because I forgot it. So, I change it and it’s the same thing! So I try again. The website registers my new password with a problem, but the launch client doesn’t. Anyone have any insight on what’s going on here?

Looking for a new guild. Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: Convoite.9830


I just recently came back from a 3month break and I’m looking for a fresh start! I have one level eighty toon and working on my second one. I enjoy mild RP and an easy going guild. I love participating in WvW and farming in just about any location. Feel free to pm in game or reply here

Looking for a casual/social guild on TC

in Guilds

Posted by: Convoite.9830


I’ve always been fond of mature casual guilds, but I decided that I should stop and enjoy the company of a younger crowd! I’d like to join a guild with people around my age(18-21). Now I know a guild like that probably doesn’t exist but it’ll be nice for a change. I’m on almost everyday and spend at least 5hrs on WvW a week. Not much, but it’s what I do. I will rep, and do events. I’m constantly farming Orr. I’d like if the guildies were a bit youthful and fun. I need a change Thanks for your time!

Looking for a friendly furry guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Convoite.9830


I don’t mean to try to steal the thunder from you Drake, but is it fine if I can look for a guild here too? I’m trying to get into a furry guild also. The only problem is I’m on TC and everyone is too busy roleplaying haha. If you want me to delete this post later, I will.
Anywho, I also have a Charr engineer at level 80(guess it really is a fur thing ha) I’m usually in game from late afternoons to late night(PST) so feel free to whisper me in game
Again, I apologize Drake if this bothers you.

Looking for RP guild in Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: Convoite.9830


Hey guys, I came to TC for some rp and haven’t really seen much. I’m not as good at it as I used to be, but if a guild is willing to work with me I’d be happy to represent it.
Feel free to send me a message in game!