Born of Indecision [BORN] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
Posting for a friend:
Somehow my password changed during my brake form Guild Wars 2 cO. So i wanted to reset it. Here Anet magic begins. I cant receive @ with link that allows me to reset my password. Ofc i sent ticket to support. 4 days passed. I ve recived multiple bot like @ from support but solutions doesn’t work for me. There is a thread on forum where u can post your ticket numer and get faster help. Ofc i cant post it myself because i have to password ;p So if someone can post it for me it would be great. This is what i want: I want password reset link in @ from support not from bot. I have no problem with reciving @ from
My ticket number 715527
I would also recommend Deso.
They have a pretty great group of players at their core and they put up some wonderful fights against us the last 2 weeks. I really enjoyed them and know they could use the players.
Also.. correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that the influence bonus from PvP doesn’t work in WvW?
Also.. correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that the influence bonus from PvP doesn’t work in WvW?I run a small/medium sized guild and we struggled to have influence. But we have usually 15-25 members on for WvW. They have made it hard for smaller guilds to keep up and I think we should get more for WvW activities considering the WvW perks are important and costly. Just my 2 cents.
Also.. correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that the influence bonus from PvP doesn’t work in WvW?I run a small/medium sized guild and we struggled to have influence. But we have usually 15-25 members on for WvW. They have made it hard for smaller guilds to keep up and I think we should get more for WvW activities considering the WvW perks are important and costly. Just my 2 cents.Also: A way to see who has claimed forts and to reclaim them if there are no buffs running.
When I read the accusations by off-server people I always have a good chuckle at how ill-informed they are.
We have 1 (one, einz, uno) American guild who literally just transferred to the server this weekend. No one asked them to come, they came on their own. As the only other active American (I live in the EU) on the server, I think it’s pretty safe to say I know when my people arrive. Eagles and flags just explode in my heart and I know that more of my countrymen have arrived.
With that being said, I am really disappointed in the arguing. Just stop it. This is a game, where the points don’t matter in real life – or in game, really – at all. I understand the frustration of night capping, but it goes beyond that. Almost all of us are primetime players and want to have good fights then. Let’s just stop the whining, accusations, and finger pointing, and just have some fun this week. It’s the holidays!
Happy non-denominational holiday. Because in America we can’t say Merry Christmas without a law suit.
@Mystery. I can assure you this is not a guild we usually run with. In fact, I’ve never seen the tag around. Unfortunately not much we can do but report him. =[. I am sorry you had to deal with that.
Last night on Elona Reach borderlands was so much fun. Thanks for some awesome fights ER and Deso!
Don’t you think it would be good to post team names too?
cant there be a general rule in the JP’s that who doesnt attack, doesnt get attacked…
i’ve been walking behind you for the past 2 minutes, if i wanted to kill you i would’ve by now, but as soon as you have about 3 ppl you start attacking me.
mostly pointing toward hordes of RS players in EB JP todayNooooo!
If you’re not on my side I will kill you wherever I see you. I won’t cuss you in forums, I won’t abuse your characters corpse. I am going to kill you wherever I see you, night or day, wind or rain.
Please accept this now, it will make it less stressful when you get jumped and die because you thought we had an agreement.
Gwalch Iceni
as long as you face me like a man and not hide on top of a tower where nobody can hit you.
Be careful, he has magically colored armor that dazes all who look at him.. except you won’t be able to see it so my point is invalid.
On a sidenote: Die Piraten have chosen a theme song:
Sorry Germans
Hey Cora
Thank you for defending me, but I’m not sure those guys you quoted are even angry at me :-)
Gwalch Iceni
I am a dumb clam.
Also.. Suppenkasper… your name. God kitten it. I snort really loud whenever I see it. Struwwelpeter is my favorite though.
(edited by Coraliine.1597)
I don’t know who you are, but the folks at are not behind this post. We know the proper channels to go through, and this it not one of them.
But the basis is correct. SFR is, and has been, looking for US, Asian, and Oceanic guilds to join our ranks. We do NOT need any more EU guilds, though we will not discourage you from coming over to our pretty rad server.
So far its been an easy week for SFR. I hope that we dont think T2 will be so easy. FSP has just given it away
we dont give anything away, you saying that is an insult to me and all the other players that still go to the battlefield every single day knowing that everything we take will be taken back with 3 times the force.
I don’t think it was meant as an insult. I know Gwalch and he’s an excellent person. I have seen several small bands of FSP players who have given us hell a few times capping supply camps. For the amount of activity you guys have had on the map this week, you’ve done excellent. I hope to see some guilds move over to you guys and have you get back in the game (…of thrones).
I would just like to tip my hat to the players of Riverside.
Vielen Dank für eine Herausforderung.
BORN had been on our homeworld for about 2 hours before we moved to your border land. You guys were all over the place, it was excellent. Great leadership, communication, and teamwork.
There was also a small group of FSP players who were running around near hills and capping supply camps. Unfortunately I didn’t get your tag when I saw you a few times, but you guys did great as well!
..kinky and corny OK
I would expect nothing less from SFR. Kinky? Absolutely.
you could lose with dignity . in the end no matter how bad SFR are , you are worse. An 24 hours hours coverage by SFR does no justify the fact FS got 60 points at peak time.
When SFR fought Blacktide , we never gave up, and we had good fights since first night , we even had more points at peak for 3-4 hours
but the fact that FS already gave up is just ….
you got 10 ppls maximum in home borderland… the issue is with you , not with SFR … in my opinion you should check your own backyard.
Cheers sir, and thanks for not giving up. I understand that FSP has had some issues with guilds leaving, SFR had that not long ago. But I literally find no fun in us taking every location. There are only so many times one can run dolyaks.
That being said, I want FSP and Riverside to do well. The game is fun! Make sure you’re remembering that when you play!
While I cannot speak for the entire server, I have to say that I do not condone these absolutely immature comments and will be speaking to my guild this evening about proper forum etiquette. I am both embarrassed and ashamed that people would be acting like this and are old enough to play this game. This is the behavior of schoolyard bullies, not of adults playing a game and having fun.
But I am not posting here to try to convince you that SFR is full of sunshine and rainbows. I would like to respond to this statement:
In the end it’s just an almost 24/7 crew, mediocre though.
Absolutely not. We have almost 0 night time guilds. In fact we have one, and their numbers are not more than 10. Nor do we have a particularly large early morning crew.
The fact that you are also resorting to name calling and making claims that you cannot possibly back up speak a lot for you as both a player, server representative, and person.
Like all servers SFR has bad eggs. No one can stop them from talking on the forums, and if you’re judging an entire server by the comments of a handful of individuals then I have to say you are entirely being narrowminded.
In fact, this topic was discussed just today by several officers, leaders, and active members on our forum chat. We are all appalled and upset that members of our community are behaving in such childish ways. Though if you know PvP communities you will realize that this happens, and there’s not much that can be done against it.
(edited by Coraliine.1597)
As a guild leader, active member, and very devoted member on the Seafarer’s Rest server I have one thing to say to you: Was?
I have never once seen our server turtle. In fact we discuss how much your server does it. Just Tuesday night while leading event my guild, Born of Indecision, was attempting to take down a tower owned by you all in EB. We failed because we did not turtle, because we do not turtle. While I cannot speak for every single guild, I know it is not common tactics for [BORN], [AR], [FU], or [OSC] to turtle. Do we portal bomb? Absolutely.
We even joked saying that we cannot take any towers owned by Miller’s WITHOUT turtling.
However, I will offer you advice when it comes to turtling, because as a fellow GW2 player, I understand the amount of annozance it causes and hope dearly that it does get changed: Use siege. Balistas, canons, mortars, and catas all destroy large groups and can be used inside the range of a treb. It’s really quite easy to work around these issues.
I wish you luck, hope you realize that blaming us for doing something the majority of us do not do is ridiculous, and shall be online tonight to kick your kitten across the borderlands and back.
Grüße aus Berlin und jammern nicht mehr,
Cora Staalvoss Leader of [BORN]
Hello everyone!
I’m doing a survey on guilds located in the EU. I would really appreciate it if everyone could answer. Your answers will not be shared openly, and it’s completely anonymous.
It’s quite important that I receive accurate answers! Thanks for your time!
Excuse me. But I think you’re going to have to get my name correctly if we’re going to live happily ever after.
I’m getting really frustrated. I was told by ANet that it’s my ISP because I’m suffering packet loss. However, I contacted my ISP and even had someone come out here to take a look. He confirmed that it’s not at all on my end. The packets are being lost, yes, but it’s because of the game.
I’m able to play any other online game for extended periods of time without any lag or disconnects. Yet GW2 always manages to give me problems.
I went 2 days without the error and thought that maybe I was done. But, no. It’s back today and with a vengeance. I am so sick of this.
I’ve been talking with ANet via a support ticket and I cannot say how utterly disappointed I am with the service I’ve been getting. The guy who responded was rude, refuses to listen to what I’m saying, and keeps saying it’s my router.
Really ANet? My router? Because I can play literally any other online game without interruption, play on my MacBook Pro on the same wireless connection, and browse the internet at my leisure with literally no problems until I try to play this game.
This is just getting ridiculous. I want to play. But you’re making it impossible.
I don’t know about anyone else, but this patch made my problems worse. The game was playable at one time, but now I literally cannot play. It disconnects me within seconds of logging in.
Ran HijackThis and PingPlotter. I refuse to believe it’s my ISP since I can play perfectly fine on my mac.
The spotify trick worked for me yesterday, but now that no longer works. This is getting absolutely ridiculous.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Coraliine.1597
Well if it’s the ISP I can do nothing about it. I am not the contract holder and my roommates are less than accommodating with helping with computer issues. But I play wireless on my macbook and have no problems. Apparently I’m just suffering from the same major problem everyone else is. Streaming Spotify in the background helped me stop disconnecting for now.
I’m having this exact same problem.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Coraliine.1597
So I have been playing GW2 on my desktop since Friday. It worked fine the first day, then it started to crash my internet connection. I’ve been playing on my MacBook Pro, on the same wireless network with no problems.
I am using a TP-Link TL-WN851ND adapter. When I launch GW2 sometimes it plays normally and it’s just a bit laggy. But a lot of the time I will not be able to load, or it will kick me offline because the internet connection drops. It also lags so bad I am unable to play.
I ran the test provided to me by ANet and these are the results. At the moment I do not have access to my router to forward any ports. My roommates are both gone and I don’t know the password to the router itself.
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