(edited by Corehaven.5480)
Showing Posts For Corehaven.5480:
There’s been a host of complaints involving guesting and it causing players to be thrown into an overflow map. People are obviously just watching dragon timers and attempting to guest in when they might appear.
Fixes to this situation might be to have those that are guesting be put into overflow BEFORE anyone else who has that server as their home. Not sure how this might work. The guesting mechanic was obviously implemented so that people could play with friends on other servers. However, its seemed to cause some problems as well.
In my mind, if you are on your home server, you should be the last of the folks to be put into an overflow map. Those that are guesting should be put there before those that call that server their home. This may alleviate the entire problem regarding people using guesting just to farm dragon bosses.
Since the idea of guesting is to allow people to play with their friends, perhaps if a guest is grouped with their friend, and their friend is on their home server, then that guest might be allowed to negate the overflow. Allowing legitimate guests to be able to stay, play with their friends, and fight the dragon. However I think most people are just barreling in from other servers, have no real interest in playing with a friend, and instead just wishes to farm dragons. This probably needs to stop somehow.
Because when I can’t fight a dragon on my own server because folks from other servers just can’t get enough dragon farming, I find it unfair and selfish on their parts. Thank you.
All I can say is I had to run a story quest today to get my daily done. I just logged on with a character I dont really play (very low level), to do a story quest I cared nothing about, just to get the daily. I did NOT enjoy it.
Why did I have to do this? Because while there’s a choice of 9 options, 4 of them are so ludicrous (typically) that you just do the 5 that somewhat aren’t. Although I have no doubt the day will come where I don’t do the daily because I can’t find 5 that I will suffer doing.
Every time they’ve changed the dailies, I’ve hated it. I thought this time would be great because we were getting optional ones. Instead its 9 options, nearly half of which are totally ludicrous, leaving 5 that are more wonky and annoying than usual.
What a mess.
Yeah this was totally unexpected, I was thinking we were getting to choose from the dailies that were doing already lol.
Yea exactly, and if it had been that, it wouldn’t be all that bad.
Instead they’ve injected ridiculous things. WvW stuff, jumping puzzles, mystic forge usage, keg brawl.
I can get my entire daily done in 30 min. Yet, with these changes I just had to run a story quest I cared nothing about, with a character I wasn’t really currently playing, just to get the daily done. I did not enjoy it.
There’s 9 options! yay! Except so far, typically all but 5 of them are viable to do fairly easily. The rest are 30 min-to an hour affairs, each one taking that long by themselves.
There’s no choice here to me. Its just doing 5 that are hopefully viable and quickest and trying to avoid the other ludicrous things they’ve included.
If it was the dailys we had before and we got to choose among them, that would have been great. This has just made it more complicated, and even more of a hassle as far as I’m concerned.
That being said, at an equal skill level we aren’t nearly as useful as a guardian(heals, buffs, reflect, aegis)/mesmer(timewarp, feedback) and we don’t deal nearly as much damage as a warrior. That is why most favor those classes above all else. Just like certain classes have skills that lend themselves better to PvP, some have skills that are better in PvE.
Look I could be wrong, but I’m currently playing a Necro using mostly duel daggers with a staff for ranged. I have an 80 warrior. Im tearing through mobs even faster than my warrior did with his greatsword.
So again, I could be wrong, but I certainly don’t see the necro as doing less damage than a warrior. Minions can work as little tanks, and with my skills along with theirs there’s a lot of blinding abilities and a knock down or two. I can’t see why people wouldn’t want necros to tag along with them.
So far I have an 80 thief and 80 warrior. However I might be tempted to say the necro is the most seemingly powerful class I’ve played. Both thief and warrior did amazing in PVE and I ripped through it with those as well, but the necro is doing every bit as good if not better. Whether in a group or solo. In fact it can be pathetically easy at times.
I enjoy the axe/mace combo. Axe has a second skill that give 4 vulnerability. However the off hand mace has a skill that also does 4 vulnerability. You can stack these and I find it to be effective. I also enjoy the off hand mace’s ability to slam a foe into the ground.
I consider for PVE the sword to be non optimal. I consider main hand mace to be garbage but off hand I like it. As a substitute I might use an axe/axe combo but I haven’t really tried it much. For my personal tastes I find the axe/mace combo to be the finest weapons to equip even more than a two hand sword or hammer.
Get Signet of Malice (3 point healing skill) and use it. Just have it passive and heal when you need to. Use duel daggers while this is equipped. Suddenly, things get INCREDIBLY easier. Trust me, I was struggling with my thief until I did this.
Works best with duel daggers because they attack quickly and often. Signet of Malice heals you a little with each attack. I don’t find it nearly as useful with say, a sword dagger combo. But with duel daggers it will work wonders. Trust me.
If something gets me below half health, I usually dodge back, heal, and begin using a ranged weapon, but this is rare, and only happens in the case of me fighting more than 2 mobs at a time. For ranged I use short bow mainly, as I find duel pistols lacking. Occasionally I might use a pistol/dagger combo for ranged, but I find I’m not liking it as much as the short bow alone.