Dvaita Vedanta | Human Mesmer|
The Fluttering Horde [TFH] | CD
The recruitment continues.
Bumping for great fights!!!
AR, great guilds, great players , great times, great
My suggestion would be find a server you are happy with first. People will always talk positively about their guild/server but you are at least able to guest in servers and get a feel for it. After that find a guild in that server, that way while you are scoping the server you can get a feel for the guilds that are present and the environment they offer.
AR is a great server with a great community and an unbreakable spirit. We have a strong guild community and welcome more people with open arms, whether its a guild, a person looking to make a new one or just someone looking for a new home. Come over and chat some time if you are thinking about a change
AR is a great server with a great community and an unbreakable spirit. We have a strong guild community and welcome more people with open arms, whether its a guild, a person looking to make a new one or just someone looking for a new home. Come over and chat some time if you are thinking about a change
So interesting match up, current rank 17 FC is losing to rank 20 and very close to losing to us too. Kain is also now beating ET and EBay and GOM who are rank 19 are beating 16 and 18. I mention this because it’s starting to look like the bronze league is going to be super competetive and unpredictable. AR could very well score highly. Full of potential indeed. So come check us out, guest if you please, we will happily talk to you about our friendly community.
Everyone makes a difference here.
(edited by CornChips.5392)
y not just xfer to CD or HOD which are a bit higher ranked and guaranteed to be in silver tier, that way you will still be fighting reasonably high ranked servers rather than the lower ones SF has been fighting recently
Also bump
In honor of free transfers, here’s a video from AR to you all.
Erm I dont mean to be mean or anything but I havent seen any GOM roamers in this match, unless you count the unusual RISE group running with 10 rather than 15-20 we found once. You guys seem to mostly be 20+ guild groups, which isnt a bad thing, it’s just a thing, though your server might be what they are looking for. I just suggested Kain cause they will be free and need the help
Edit: Oh wait no I remember one, the RH guild
Ummmm I hope that 99% of this post is a joke and that you arent seriously coming back with such an attitude.
Apparently w/e tier maguuma is in packs it out
AR is a server which respects and cherishes it’s roaming guilds. We have a few currently but will always look for more so I ask that you come check us out in the free transfer period. Other than AR, FC in the bronze have some of the better small man groups.
But I guess you are looking to fight small man groups so you prolly want to fight these servers too so my other suggestion might be Kain. Hope I have helped
I’ll put my two cents here. Anvil Rock is a well respected community within the bronze league. We frequently fight harder numbers and can hold our own. This is supported by feedback from our opponents on this thread and on our last match-up thread: http://www.gw2wvw.net/topic/02282014-dh-dr-ar
Contrary to popular belief the lower tiers are not dead and have lots to offer guilds who seek them out. Here are two channels to for your enjoyment: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxADphKriPJqOlSNsdG0qXA and http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUF0i903n7pnEyOMeApeHw
These are videos from some of our wvw guilds and as you can see the fights are good without getting too absurd that solid groups cant have an impact.
So come to Anvil Rock, we’re free on the 18th and a friendly bunch who like a good fight.
Im not recruiting for my guild as we don’t really recruit sight unseen etc. But I would suggest that you consider making the move to Anvil Rock when free transfers come up on the 18th. There are a good amount of WvW focussed guilds here, both big and small with a reasonable sPvP focus as well. Guilds here are also very welcoming to new people. You can contact guilds through our server site: anvilrockserver.com or come guest
(edited by CornChips.5392)
Thanks DI for the GvGs. They were fun. A good learning experience to get my guild back on their game. Peace.
No complaints about this match-up so far. Great fights in DH Bay today
Was fun fighting SF in today’s reset in ARBL.
You will notice that a significant portion of our PPT has come from these hours lately. Also, bring your friends!
Oh I can very much empathise. There was no harm intended by my post. happy Wintersday to DR
Would have prolly been better if his server was winning. Oh well, beggars cant be choosers.
It might be just me…but as I was reading this post I kept picturing you as a “born again” christian, preaching about mistakes made and learning to get right with the lord lol.
Nothing against any person or religion, it’s just what I pictured.
There is nothing ‘christian’ about Parashadow, I’ve been on vent with him, trust me.
I’m both ashamed and disappointed. When a 3 man ET group takes GoM Hills, I call it a good play by ET. But when we call for help from EB to defend our Hills against that 3-man group and the response we get is “We don’t care about our BL, Stonemist is more important.” It goes to show that there is discontent in GoM. I think I can safely say that the majority of the WvW guilds in GoM are on the same page that our BL is the #1 priority and nothing else. That doesn’t mean that all of them are on the same page. But ALL of our WvW guilds only make up a small portion of the competition you see running around in WvW, the rest are pugz from other small guilds or players from the large PvE guilds in GoM.
There is a very long discussion about priorities in some servers… In fact, I belive the priority should be where you can hold more points…
Keeps worth 25ppt be it on Eternal Battleground, [Your Server Name] Borderland or [Enemy Server Name] Borderland. And I would gadly trade a bay keep on my server borderland for a hills keep in an enemy borderland as hills keep is a much defensible position compared to bay.
Stonemist Castle is the highest ppt on the maps (as it worth 35), and GoM has the advantage of being red (thus constantly controling the overlook, which is the only keep that can harass SMC). I’d pretty much priorize SMC over one keep (25<35) since SMC have 2 rows of walls/gates as any keep. Also, SMC have the advantage of being able to control all 6 towers around it (thus increasing the total ppt it worth).
Of course, most people down here think that BL lockdown is the best/only way to play, which sometimes get very disapointing… This kind of thinking is the reason you go to an enemy borderland and see no friendly living soul around for hours (And I personally don’t like it).
But in the end, who I am to tell people how to play eh? Those are just my two cents…
Forgive me for chiming in on your match-up thread but I want a piece of this discussion.
SMC is possibly one of the hardest locations to hold, it has so many entrances and so much room to move except the inner hallways. It even takes some time to locate an offensive compared to most keeps. It is also 1000x harder to upgrade to make it easier to defend.
My opinion is SMC is secondary to BL until that location is so sieged up and upgraded you can defend those WP. That way you waste less time on the defensive. If you waste less time on the defense you wont have to be doing it as much = higher ppt.
WvW is also a long term game, you need to consider the locations in which you have advantage and shore-up your consistant ppt before considering moving to further objectives. If you can do that you are on your way for the whole week. SMC is not a reliable long term objective unless you can upgrade and WP it. Keeps are.
Additionally maintaining that consistent average ppt will keep servers from being ‘stomped’ in the eyes of fair weathers giving a more consistent population/turn out.
No offense guys, but you should probably delete this thread if you are able to. This is quite close to begging and doesn’t make your server very attractive to new people. Anyway, that’s just my opinion.
My advice would be to come into a recruitment thread with your head held high, the way you approach WvW.
Also, because I’m a shameless gossip, who is leaving and where are they going?
My last post was unfortunately deleted due to it being a response to an infracted post so I’ll repeat my sentiment now.
We were warned by our commanders (even though we knew already) that SF was a good server with some strong groups, overall strong plays and a kitten to fight. We fully knew SF’s strengths and weaknesses and formulated a server wide strategy for this.
Irrespective of the outcome of this match the result has not shifted my and our respect for SF. We still consider you guys as harder fighters than most in the bronze league group and probably harder than some silver. Keep up the good work and good fights.
As for my server mates. Please excuse their over excitement. It’s been a long time since we started moving any other direction then down and we know that hard consitant coverage fights will be soon at our door.
AR celebration party hosted by TFH. GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Its been a long fight and its been a hard fight. You all deserve it.
AR is the place to be. We have fought long and hard after a spectacular exodus and we were pegged to be last in the Bronze league. Half way through we have turned it around with pure grit and are looking at 6th almost 5th. We have a strong server pride and a great group of core players who stuck through the dark months and push now for our turn around.
Bump. Got 2nd place in the last 2 match ups. Doing well on this weeks reset. We are becoming known more for our defense of the borderland. We have a oceanic guild coming to ar as well soon. This will turn our bronze league oceanic force into a tough time for many enemy bronze league forces. Again things are looking good here in anvil rock. Weekday forces are almost on par with our weekend force.
Yes, nobody has denied that we have had some transfers. The one mentioned in this post is Zero, and as mentioned above only 10 have arrived so far. This is not a transfer movement, AR has a very high population rating last I checked, this is a server revolution. At the same time, because of this, we know that we are looking at some tougher fights in the near future. Will we stand to the test, I believe so, but time will tell.
Gotta love the smack talk. I was watching youtube when you took Gari with your 60 man oceanic/pug group so I cant really see orange swords while Im not in the game. Someone on ts said ar in lords and I rushed on over with the people in my party if you call that a zerg then you might want to look up what zerg actually means. Make that Gate of Madness is a NA server and people get off at 1am or earlier during weekdays. Our bl crew went to bed and I was trying to go to bed. I rushed in to see how many you had since you claim you only have 10 people at oceanic time. But grats on getting an empty gari. The 30 that I had with me went to bed and I was looking for someone to get on and take over but seeing as we have no oceanic commanders or guilds. I just stay up to watch ar wipe our map and then went back to youtube. I do have to say I love the 8 superior rams on inner and outer gari. 800 supplies. We may look like a big WvW server and we are listed as a very high population but during the week its only the core GoM WvWer’s that stay on. Once we lose 1st all the pve players leave and you see what GoM really is. Sad thing is even if I would of defended it with my “zerg” then it would of been lost in the morning. Seeing as how we have nobody on during the hours of 6am till 3pm est. I was watching our point tick at work. Yeah the BeMo commander with a slow response because Im away and you can ask any GoM player on that I stay up crazy hours because no GoM commander will show up to take over for me. Our small “zerg” of 4 just ended up going to bed or watching youtube while in game. We were having fun watching ar wipe our map while we danced at north camp. We even put a challenge out to Allergic to Grapes to come for a fight and he was to afraid. Messaging me back to stop picking on him. Our small “zerg” just danced the night away waiting for the 60 man ar group to come fight but they never came. Makes me sad. Guess that’s why GoM is Madness.
Your friendly BeMo Charr Commander and yes GoM can confirm this because we were outmanned and just laughed as we got wiped. You guys now have more players at oceanic time than HoD. I can’t wait to see that fight. Best of luck to all the respectful AR. Great job on 1st. Now if I could get our pve server to come back we could put up a fight at oceanic time lol.
We have more than 10 oceanic. I dont think anybody has claimed otherwise. We have had 10 oceanic transfers sure and that may be where the confusion lies. At the same time some NA players have been pulling long shifts recently. 60 is an over estimation as well, it was more like 50…
That sucks you cant get anyone to take over for you but you probably shouldn’t be watching youtube while commanding. Unless it’s to get tips (jks jks).
Anyway GL;HF for next match everyone, will be interesting to see the next match-ups.
Hey guys.
Lol fifteen character limit?
If you want? What’s to talk about though? Our dashing good looks?
What is this, a KAOS chat thread now?
0. 0 Large guilds have transferred. ASAP are AR original but have received a large group of recruits and are attempting to up their game. We have had 2 commanders, one from GOM and one from IOJ transfer over but as far as I am aware they brought nobody with them. Zero are slowly making their way back from BG (only 10 so far) but its debatable to call them a transfer as they are an AR original guild.
In saying all this we do greatly appreciate the small transfers we have had and are always open to more additions to our community. We have all then normal mod cons and an unwavering spirit in our core wvwers to boot.
All that said, AR has always been a class act in my memory and the rest of us should remember that and not let a few poor winners ruin the reputation of a good server.
Definitely. I always enjoy fighting AR.
AR is playing the PPT game very well this week. The late night pvdoor crew is obviously carrying the score hard for AR, but that doesn’t discredit the efforts of the rest of their players. Even during the primetime-to-midnight hours when we can actually run up the score on them a bit, they do a good job of minimizing the damage until everyone goes to bed.
A gif for you. I know you like a good gif. Also you get to be Indi in this, nobody can complain about that.
(edited by CornChips.5392)
After all these weeks SF trolled itself into a corner haha! The smack talk was good up until their coverage gap became their go to excuse. AR didn’t lose Garrison for 3 weeks, we played ET twice and never lost it to them. DH even had a hard time taking keeps from us. AR didn’t lose our entire ptt to the Brahzilians, yea we lost eternal but we kept them out of our bl. We have started doing a server “night cap” to help our skeleton crew and made it known to our server when we are weakest. Now we are 600 points ahead of GoM. If they lose to us they will place under FC. It’s called playing for something. AR plays for improvement. Just like DH is playing to beat you. I know it isn’t about ptt but ptt is what makes a community stronger. A nasty little trick Anet did but it is worth it.
There are trolls but trying to recruit our players when we played was just bad form.
GG to DH.
Lol please just stop, AR stays losing, the fact that you didnt lose garri hasnt won you any matches. Im not really sure what your post was supposed to mean to any of us in this match up.
And to those who said we fold when the going gets tough?? We didnt give up at all against HoD. I wish some of you had to deal with 2 weeks of that in a row and then come talk to me about giving up.
2 weeks. hahahaha. 2 weeks. Come back after months of damaging fights against everybody and we can talk.
Come to AR Clint. We can teach you how not to give up after losing once or twice. (Don’t really, we don’t want you, your poor attitude is unwelcome.)
AR/ET/DR – Thoughts? Ideal?
Either that or Kaineng to replace one of the 3. AR/DR/Kain is problably much more balanced tho, as ET is aparently the weaker of the 4.
Im not really sure how strong Kain is, we only faced them once and I dont remember seeing much of them. Likely it was a blowout and we had others to handle.
Popped in to say grats AR looking like a 6th place finish. Way to stick it in the faces of those who predicted dead last for AR.
Can’t count our chickens yet, it’s a very close match still and many days to go.
Start counting those chickens my friend. By the numbers we already have 6th. This week’s outcome cannot change it, whether we come first, second, or third. (That is if Kaineng comes in their expected 3rd place this week.)
I know we are going to come sixth. I am probably too competitive but I want a solid 6th rather than a 6th/7th/8th.
On another note, what’s up with GOM today?
Judging of how lucky we are, I’m sure the first matchup after leagues for ET will be somenthing like ET/(Insert a high ranked silver league server here)/(insert another poor ranked bronze league server here)
AR/ET/DR – Thoughts? Ideal?
Popped in to say grats AR looking like a 6th place finish. Way to stick it in the faces of those who predicted dead last for AR.
Can’t count our chickens yet, it’s a very close match still and many days to go.
TL;DR Some small transfers have helped a lot but they aren’t the answer to our improvement.
Well the improvement from Nov 16th – 23rd and now is noticeable.
We’re doing our best to rebound, our major strength is consistancey though. As some others have posted AR is very consistant throughout the week. We dont really have spikes like other servers do. We play a long term game and you might find it hard to demoralize our community in the initial stages of a match.
should be a fun week. remember what goes around comes around, anvil doesn’t sleep }:)
We have been discussing that. How AR has improved since the last time we faced you during this season and you have a more dedicated wvw base throughout the entire day. Can’t really tell if you had mid-season transfers or if you have more people in wvw because the meta-event is almost done.
We had to drop a few merchants last night in towers in order to sell because our loot bags were so full. Loot bags all around are a good sign of everyone having fun.
As for the “what goes around comes around”. That’s my line. haha. You guys started it when you took our fortified keeps.
Here is a post I wrote last week that might help:
Transfers? No not really…maybe 10? There are a lot of reasons for AR’s turn and only some of them are to do with transfers, but not numbers.
AR is a v.high pop server but previously had very little interest in WvW. This has begun to change, we are seeing an emergence of a few WvW focused guilds. Some are built by transfers who have more of a WvW focus, but the guild members are AR.
We also have more coverage in stable, reliable commanders, some transfers, some AR originals. This has helped a lot.
Some AR original guilds have also changed their focus with WAR moving from trains to PPT plays and my guild, TFH, are focused more on our BL rather than EB zerg fighting.
Due to our months of coming 3rd we are also very conscious of our own limitations and we are really trying to play to our strengths without over extending, like pushing locations at the inevitable loss of others.
We are also doing well for a change, thus a rolling ball effect, if we can keep it going we may be able to actually convert our fair weathers. The additional benefit of this is a better culture, people are less stressed and it is showing in good communication, positivist and cooperation.
This is why AR is turning around.
There are transfers, and there are going to be more that we already know of, not a huge amount but down here everything helps. These transfers have not occurred yet though and have not yet contributed to our community and progress.
TL;DR Some small transfers have helped a lot but they aren’t the answer to our improvement.
Last place gets the #1 first round draft pick, right? RIGHT?
ET, what guild do we want from NA?
With the fist choice in the WvW Season 2 guild draft Eredon Terrace chooses ______!
I’m on the edge of my seat!
O.o this will be fun
Well getting to the end of the first night for me. So AR got a bunch of transfers or something you guys have way more people than usual.
Transfers? No not really…maybe 10? There are a lot of reasons for AR’s turn and only some of them are to do with transfers, but not numbers.
AR is a v.high pop server but previously had very little interest in WvW. This has begun to change, we are seeing an emergence of a few WvW focused guilds. Some are built by transfers who have more of a WvW focus, but the guild members are AR.
We also have more coverage in stable, reliable commanders, some transfers, some AR originals. This has helped a lot.
Some AR original guilds have also changed their focus with WAR moving from trains to PPT plays and my guild, TFH, are focused more on our BL rather than EB zerg fighting.
Due to our months of coming 3rd we are also very conscious of our own limitations and we are really trying to play to our strengths without over extending, like pushing locations at the inevitable loss of others.
We are also doing well for a change, thus a rolling ball effect, if we can keep it going we may be able to actually convert our fair weathers. The additional benefit of this is a better culture, people are less stressed and it is showing in good communication, positivist and cooperation.
This is why AR is turning around.
There are transfers, and there are going to be more that we already know of, not a huge amount but down here everything helps. These transfers have not occurred yet though and have not yet contributed to our community and progress.
TL;DR Some small transfers have helped a lot but they aren’t the answer to our improvement.
So… TFH… awful zergy in your BLs, but you might wanna work on your even number gameplay. Seems when we can best u guys then but then more of u show up to overwhelm all the time. =/
Still, way to hold your BLs on lockdown I guess…
‘Even numbers’ 4v1 or 2, yup ‘even’ gg. Anyway, gotta lock it down bro.
Yes, initially it’d be 1 or 2 ppl (Probably a scout for a camp) 1 min later being 8 of u guys… still, had a nice fight at lowlands that I can appreciate
Oh, im not saying that we dont kill you with superior numbers, im simply referring to your statement on how we need to improve our even game, and that I think our fights have gone from 2 TFH v 4 to 8-10 TFH v 4, no even fights
edit: I saw one even fight, 1v1, it was a draw
That was mainly a bit of frustration on my part at the lack of even fights I saw, (But WvW isn’t designed to be even does it?) and I apologize for that. My group’s steadily trying to improve group play as well as we’re mostly built for solo roaming, and so far today we’ve made pretty good progress. Frustrating day at first, but the fight at Lowlands turned it around. I’m usually pretty vengeful but I cool down quickly, lol :P
I will be honest too, I got vengeful when one of your guys sat on me after I was ganked by 4 of you. I apologize for finishing that 1 v 1
So… TFH… awful zergy in your BLs, but you might wanna work on your even number gameplay. Seems when we can best u guys then but then more of u show up to overwhelm all the time. =/
Still, way to hold your BLs on lockdown I guess…
‘Even numbers’ 4v1 or 2, yup ‘even’ gg. Anyway, gotta lock it down bro.
Yes, initially it’d be 1 or 2 ppl (Probably a scout for a camp) 1 min later being 8 of u guys… still, had a nice fight at lowlands that I can appreciate
Oh, im not saying that we dont kill you with superior numbers, im simply referring to your statement on how we need to improve our even game, and that I think our fights have gone from 2 TFH v 4 to 8-10 TFH v 4, no even fights
edit: I saw one even fight, 1v1, it was a draw
So… TFH… awful zergy in your BLs, but you might wanna work on your even number gameplay. Seems when we can best u guys then but then more of u show up to overwhelm all the time. =/
Still, way to hold your BLs on lockdown I guess…
‘Even numbers’ 4v1 or 2, yup ‘even’ gg. Anyway, gotta lock it down bro.
You know, I always thought ET were classy opponents, but I guess I need to revise my opinion a bit. Just now, AR lost a fully upgraded bay, because of ET exploiters.
The keep had no holes in the walls since being fortified, and unless you had a mesmer inside hiding for a day, there was no legit way to get in. We had defenders all across the outer wall up to the minute it got flipped.
I hope the action was just from a couple of bad apples, and does not reflect on the attitude of the entire server. Resorting to exploits to try and win is just low.
I might be entirely mistaken of course, and you were legitimately ninja, in which case feel free to correct me and explain how you managed to flip t3 bay without taking down any of the outer walls.
It was flipped from the north, that’s where the “hole” was.
We found your rams in inner, we found nothing on outer.
Most likely the guards destroyed them. Even then, we must have one beast of a mesmer to be hiding in there for that long. Either way, it was an IoM thing and we don’t take shortcuts. Sorry if it just came out of the blue to you.
Well, if you got in legitimately then well done, credit where credit’s due.
You know, I always thought ET were classy opponents, but I guess I need to revise my opinion a bit. Just now, AR lost a fully upgraded bay, because of ET exploiters.
The keep had no holes in the walls since being fortified, and unless you had a mesmer inside hiding for a day, there was no legit way to get in. We had defenders all across the outer wall up to the minute it got flipped.
I hope the action was just from a couple of bad apples, and does not reflect on the attitude of the entire server. Resorting to exploits to try and win is just low.
I might be entirely mistaken of course, and you were legitimately ninja, in which case feel free to correct me and explain how you managed to flip t3 bay without taking down any of the outer walls.
It was flipped from the north, that’s where the “hole” was.
We found your rams in inner, we found nothing on outer.
I’m gonna put my two cents here for Anvil Rock as well. We are a small server that is once again finding it’s feet. So trust me when I say that we appreciate any and all people who contribute to WvW in a meaningful way.
By the sound of your guild we have one very similar guild on our server and they are very well respected for what they do and the effort they put in.
My guild is one of AR’s roaming guilds who are always spoiling for a fight so, should you transfer, if you ever needed help we would come running.
AR are small in numbers but when we fight, we fight. We have an increasing TS community thanks to the efforts of some devoted commanders and we have a server website to help our sense of community. So all that is left to say is:
Anvil Rock Wants You!
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