Showing Posts For CorruptEagle.1948:
Other bugs:
1. sometimes when a clone spawns it is fixated on one player and then randomly swaps to another player within a few seconds.
2. player gets fixated by both clones at once
3. clone randomly stops moving or attacking and just sits there so we can’t kill it and/or for it to merge with another clone.
4. a pull is used on the core such as path of scars and the core is pushed instead of pulled as if it was hit by a normal attack
5. the core is unable to be moved at the start of the phase or sometimes just wont move in the middle of moving it around.
6. clones dont remove stack of his buff or he regains stacks of his buff.
When 50% of our wipes seem to happen because of the above bugs, I think that this boss was not ready to be released yet. It’s extremely frustrating wiping to things that are not the fault of anyone in the raid group.
I was just reading a thread on Reddit about this issue, and this post summed things up quite nicely on why people would like to have the story and lore within the raid available to them through more than just videos, wiki’s and cleared content. I’ll quote it here:
Reddit user Happy_Wave wrote:
They want the experience of being the hero, of engaging with the content and participating in the encounter. All the things you typically do in a computer game.
People are right that the majority of the lore is gleaned from scraps of paper, and truthfully that’s almost the same as reading it on the wiki. You’re taking an interacting story telling medium like a computer game and reducing the experience to reading text.
I think that was very well put.
Yes but what you need to understand is that all of the parts not on the ground assume that the boss was difficult, and are put in there to make you feel like a kitten, trust me when I say that if you make the bosses either everything you expect to gain from them will not have the original meaning.
Poe’s Law, man.
I could say exactly the same about all of your posts.
I guess the main difference between us is that I’m more open to different ideas, since it doesn’t seem you want to hear ideas different from yours, just speak your own.
- Output from the raids team isn’t coming at the expense of other projects in development. Raids are made independently of Living World. We do communicate regularly with that team (and we share some resources and assets in both directions) but neither team prevents the other from doing its job.
It’s still the case though that any of your scarce development resources used to produce raid content played by only a small fraction of players .. in ALL MMOs raiders are small minorities, I see no reason to think GW2 is different .. means less content for the majority who are non-raiders; move the raid devs. to non-raid work and we’d get more non-raid content for the majority, thus this comment of yours is simply not true.
Case in point: had you not dedicated devs to the raids then no doubt LS3 could have been completed by now and played by vastly more than will ever step foot inside non-cleared raid instances!
As someone pointed out before, and since you clearly don’t understand how coding works. There is a well know Law of coding that states that after a certain point, if you add more developers to a project, the time it takes to complete becomes longer.
“you have no interest in being convinced of anything but your own position” Yes I very much do. Unlike some people cough cough I am open to new ideas. Now if you want to accuse me of not being open to new ideas because your ideas haven’t caught on with me, well, your ideas are bad so that’s why.
If you want it to be in a public forum I am 110% willing to post our entire conversation here on the forum when we finish it. The practical purpose is so that we can have a real time conversation, in which both of us seem a bit more human to each other, and so that I can respond to each of your points individually, and not have to shift through a massive wall of text, and then 3 post later you make another massive wall of text with the same exact points as before which I now have to debunk a second, third, fourth time. The point of another forum is so that we don’t talk past each other, you know that I don’t understand what you mean by some of your points, and I know you don’t know what I mean, so another forum will help with that.
So again, what reason is there to not have a discussion with me? It seems you are not the one open to new ideas.
(edited by CorruptEagle.1948)
First, thanks Vinceman for the encouragement, I have tried looking there, maybe I didn’t look hard enough or wasn’t patient enough.
Secondly, that second comment was totally uneccessary, I read guides and looked at videos trying to learn raiding, I do have a few characters with meta builds, I gave a lot of effort camping at the Lion’s Arch areodrome looking for a guild or squad willing to help me, both in LFG and by asking in map chat every once in a while, but as I said it was personal experience so far that kind of ruined it for me, I’ll maybe try again in the future, and look for a good guild.
I am in a guild here:
Has been extremely helpful and open to all new people, if you really do want to get into raids I think its a good place to start.
Raid teaching guilds don’t exist, even though there’s like 3-4 right here on this forum.
(edited by CorruptEagle.1948)
Oh so you’re saying you want a tofu burger that’s CALLED a burger.
No no, I want ground beef, fried up and put in a bun. You are offering me something different than that and calling it a burger, and I’m telling you that this is not what I asked for.
Dude message me in game, it’ll be much easier for us to both explain our points. I think we’re talking past each other.
No, I’m being perfectly clear, you are just ignoring what I am saying, and I have no interest in talking to you in-game.
I’m starting to wonder if there’s a single person complaining about raids that isn’t a Bernie Sanders fan. Anyone? Genuinely curious.
I voted Hillary, but to each his own.
Dude I really want to have a real conversation with you but I cant keep responding to giant walls of text with many inaccuracies, if you actually want open discussion please let me use some kind of forum with you that is an instant message.
And yes you’re being clear, you want a tofu burger that is a regular burger at the same time. You want to have your cake and eat it too.
Your analogy is incorrect.
A correct analogy is. You ask for a burger, and complain that there is tofu burger on the menu, even though they hand you a burger.
That is what you have been asking for.
I’m very sorry. I assumed you would be able to understand the analogy without footnotes, that is entirely my fault. Allow me to provide them.
In the analogy, the “burger” would be a Forsaken Thicket map that is equivalent in difficult to a Dungeon. It would use the same maps and assets as the existing raid, but without the high organization, skill, and gearing checks.
It would obviously not be one of the existing Dungeon or Fractal maps, those would be the “tofu burger” in the analogy, something that is in some ways similar, but clearly distinctly different than what is being requested.
So no, the existing dungeons and fractals would NOT,m and I cannot repeat this often enough, would NOT be the thing that I’m asking for, and never would be. You have offered the suggestion, it has been rejected, move on or you could not pretend that you would not be trolling.
Oh so you’re saying you want a tofu burger that’s CALLED a burger.
Dude message me in game, it’ll be much easier for us to both explain our points. I think we’re talking past each other.
Your analogy is incorrect.
A correct analogy is. You ask for a burger, and complain that there is tofu burger on the menu, even though they hand you a burger.
That is what you have been asking for.
I’m pointing out dungeons and fractals exist because you keep asking for anet to make raids like dungeons and fractals. Which is 100% pointless because dungeons and fractals already exist.
But there are Guilds out there who like to help Players to get into Raids, there are even Guilds whose Main Purpose is to train People for Raids with no LI exclusion and Raids Scheduled everyday, which People can join.
If you want to Raid without any Barrier that Players are throwing around, you should join one of the Raid Training Guilds who are out there. They get quite a few People to Raid and even enjoying it, who would have never done it if these People would have to rely on PuGs.
So yes everyone has the Option to do Raids.
The thing you need to understand, is that for a lot of players, this entire experience is something they want no part of. They don’t want to join a raiding guild, they don’t want to coordinate training runs with them, none of that, at all. They just want to be able to go in, attempt the raid, succeed at the raid on the first night, and either repeat the raid after that or never do it again, whichever appeals to them.
Trying to help players to do the raids as they currently exist is a noble goal, so long as you accept that many players do not WANT to do the raids as they currently exist, they want something different than that.
" They just want to be able to go in, attempt the raid, succeed at the raid on the first night, and either repeat the raid after that or never do it again, whichever appeals to them."
Content already exists for you that serves this purpose: fractals and dungeons.
I don’t see how this would work or fit into the theme of raids.
Yes, I can understand why people think the other way BEFORE anet comes out and says that its not the case. Once anet says this however, many people seem to just accuse anet of lying. IF you really think anet devs are lying to you like that, I think there’s much bigger issues going on than just stuff about raids.
I believe the reasons other content is taking longer is for a couple reasons: 1. the raids started being developed when HoT started being developed, while ls3 started being developed at HoT release. 2. ls3 simply takes more manpower and time
Story is gated behind ls, story is gated behind dungeons, and story is gated behind raids. But why is it only raids that people get mad about having story gated behind? Just because raids are less popular?
“Raids need a Story Mode / Dungeon Mode / Solo Mode / Easy Mode / Casual Mode” No, they don’t NEED any of this. I think the definition of “need” is a bit different than what you seem to be using it for.
“expecting the other 99% of players to read it on a Wiki or go into a empty stale cleared Raid instance.”
Again, if you want to experience the lore behind raids, then the simple solution is to play raids. If you don’t want to experience the lore enough to play raids, then why do you keep complaining here about wanting to experience the lore?
Some kind of lore book like for ls1 seems like a completely reasonable idea to me.
It is a good thing that Raids exist in this game, it adds to the variety and now that fractals are getting certain attention and dungeons have improved as well as a game feature it is one of the best time for PvE players.
You mean instanced content players. For players that enjoy open world content the only new things added over the past six months have been the Leyline events, Bandit bounties, and Legendary moneypits, most of that over the last couple months.
Also the amount of story in the 3 wings are like 3 of the 16 HoT story missions and the 3 wing maps together are like 1/3 of a single HoT map. So the 3 wings are basically only ~15% of the HoT open world maps in terms of content.
And it’s also better than the whole of the HoT story! That is the point, not that its’ quantity is big but that its’ quality is superb and not everyone can experience it.
Ask someone to open you a finished instance. Done. You are experiencing raid story like all raiders. Or even better watch a youtube video from gw2 lore nerds and get a detailed recap of the story complete with explanations, theories and other stuff. Literally the only thing you will miss is a bit of gold and some loot from the raid bosses.
Do you really think that is the solution? To me that statement is as lazy as when the developers said it themselves, it is like telling someone to let you enter the end of the Arah story mode and talk to the NPCs to get the story of said dungeon.
Raid story is told through hidden notes, environment and npc dialogue. It does not work like arah.
Are you telling me that Matthias, the very first true White Mantle member in Guild Wars 2 or his dialogue during the fight does not tell part of the story? Simply not true! To the story fighting Mordremoth or Zhaitan in person is as important as fighting Matthias or whatever the last boss of the Stronghold of the Faithful is going to be (possibly Lazarus), and just a run through of what remains isn’t going to give the full context of the plot of the Forsaken Thicket. And telling to experience the story through Youtube is even more atrocious, I paid the game to watch the story through that medium, not through one of the lore experts.
If you wish to experience the lore of raids, there is a very simple solution: play raids.
If you don’t want to play raids, then perhaps you don’t care about the lore that much anyways.
This has nothing to do with feeling, this has something to do with the ability to read. NcSoft and Anet themselfes have published that they expected HoT copies to sell better in various reports.
Ah, I thought you were talking about raids specifically. Yes I’m really not sure how well the HoT expansion overall did, my bad.
“Which, by the way, was not such an overwhelming success” Just trust him on this, he can feel it. His feelings tell him what the truth is.
Look until someone actually pulls real evidence that raids aren’t a success, I’m gonna go by what the devs have been telling me.
Raids gate one the most popular and loved GW1 stories, a clear and deliberate attack on the fans of this game.
This is in my top 10 favorite internet drama comments ever, im keeping this one.
Fairly insulting to anet that you think they would “deliberately attack” their fans.
Lighten up, it’s just a game man. You seem tense.
Can’t we all just calm down a bit?
(edited by CorruptEagle.1948)
Plenty of people like to talk kitten about raids, but not a single one can actually back their “facts” up with evidence, or reason, or logic.