Showing Posts For Crampz.9120:

Iron Man Mode in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


^ lol

Iron Man Mode in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


@BrotherBelial I do it myself, I do have self control. If anyone wants to try it I invite them to, if not carry on. idgf either way, you do you.

@Reikken Oh I completely agree, hence why I’m putting this out there. Parma-death is a touchy topic though. Just because it locks you out of PvP and WvW. Also if you’re doing a fractal and you die midway, although funny as hell, I don’t think “Sorry guys I died so I’m killing this guy off now byez.” would fly to well for either group.

Iron Man Mode in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


fair point. Let me rephrase it then, a core game/HoT account with BLTP restrictions and mail restrictions, without having to drop $40 to buy another account.

Using a free account would serve the rules perfectly but restricts access to items like mastery and HoT content.

Iron Man Mode in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


So basically it’s an idea that was implemented in other games that turned out to be very successful. The core idea is that it’s a single player mode. This is accomplished by restricting trade with other players and making it so that people have to go out and make everything themselves.

Now I can guess some of the criticism that will be aimed at implementing this idea into GW2. I get that GW2 is group oriented and that’s at it’s very core. That’s why I was thinking of this idea only being applied to trade (and not dungeons or raids and so on) so that group work is still encouraged.

The free to use accounts in GW2 (with BLTP restrictions) are a good example of implementing an iron man mode. Also I have tried this myself and it’s a blast. It’s more of a critical thinking exercise and allocating time to gather resources and put them to use wisely. The only down side is that you have to keep track of what’s your main account’s currency and what’s your iron man’s and that’s where an official game mode can help.

But i’m interested to hear others thoughts. Even if it doesn’t become an official game mode I challenge you to try it, it’s pretty fun.

Questions on Guild Recruiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


So a few more questions. I took some time and thought about it a bit more and here’s what I’d like to ask.

- [making the assumption that a guild need more members, is willing to pay, and wants to focus on other topics in their guild’s growth] do you think it would be better to take a part of the payment in the beginning between 20-50% (retainer fee) of the quote agreed upon or better to pay every week as members are invited and actively stay for the whole duration of the week?

- Does it make sense to create 2 ranks below the standard member (recruiter and recruits) where new members are more or less in a waiting room rank below the recruiter to be approved by an officer or leader to a standard member rank (Vetting the selections into the guild).

- If yes, in your opinion would this be a fair measure of performance? Can you think of a better solution if no?

Thanks again guys, you’ve been good to me so far and again I love that! I can’t wait to read the replies after I’m done with class today.

Questions on Guild Recruiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


@Bruno It would have to be in good faith. Trust on both ends, which that point I can see where things can go south, as in the recruiter misinterprets what is needed, guild doesn’t tell the recruiters, then at the end of the time period they say “oh btw all these guys suck we’re not paying you jack, kitten off”. That’s one of my concerns and why I’m asking the public.

@Necrotic again as mentioned above I think it’s about dealings in good faith more than anything. The recruiters building an honest reputation even if that means taking in revenue in the form of accounts receivables after the job is done. As for performance tracking, seeing what is done is easy, a guild has access to a backlog of every person who joins and leaves and who shot off the invite. What I’d think would work would be an established relationship with the leaders and officers so that they can send the invite so it doesn’t run this risk that a recruiter would go into a roster, get rank control, then start deleting people below the rank where the recruiter is.

Just also wanted to thank everyone for their involvement in the thread. Most of you expanded on why you responded the way you did and I love that, it’s what I’m looking for. My objective isn’t to have everyone agree with any questions, but to see if this is even something that would work logistically and would be beneficial to the community at large. Please keep replying I look foreward to doing some more refining on what we have so far.

(edited by Crampz.9120)

Questions on Guild Recruiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Also bear in mind this is something that is more of a convenience and a service. More of an independent contractor relationship trying to bring together like minded people and placing them where they will feel that they will fit in the most of the vast sea of guilds out there big and small.

Questions on Guild Recruiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


@Bruno Great question! I was thinking setting a quota based on where they want to be in the next few month and set a price based off of variables like current guild size, what they budget for, how specific the group is. As for the buying part, I feel that the time freed up from recruiting goes into getting to know who joins. Like for example lets say I’m a pvp guild wanting more of people playing [X] class well, I tell the recruiter I want that type of person and when those type of people start rolling in I can start doing runs with them to feel out the fit, if it’s what I was looking for. If so, great! welcome to the team! If not, I tell the recruiter to readjust the type I would want.

Questions on Guild Recruiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


@Elden I agree, I’ve never been a fan of map plugs either. Word of mouth in marketing is the most powerful but not reliable. Of course you have organic marketing which would be the free advertising you are talking about, but also what I was thinking was something along the lines of “I’ll give you [X] amount of recruits a month/week/day and in return, when the job is done and you feel like they’re quality people, you pay me [Y].” If you combine the two together, you get a powerful and more reliable mix and once the guild engages their member base enough, then the job is done and they’ll have a working system in place were that free advertising becomes more consistent and we move on to the next guild who needs the help.

Questions on Guild Recruiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


@Tapioca Thanks for taking the time to respond

@Bruno Yeah, I thought of the idea back when I was running my own guild. I was good at recruiting but it took up all of my time. I figured that this would be a way for small guilds to grow without taking time away from developing the guild, that it would grow at a constant rate even if they’re not on at the moment. Both methods are the traditional ways but as I said, depending on your goals, it’s time consuming and it’s time you can spend on guild development or game play. Thanks for the reply!

Questions on Guild Recruiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


So I want to get a sense on where the community stands on this before I try anything. The questions are this (Anyone can answer, but guild leaders responses preferred)

- Is there a demand for guild recruiters?

- Are guilds willing to pay for recruiters finding quality people?

- [This one is targeted towards guild leaders] Would outsourcing your guild
recruiting allow you to focus more on your guild content, especially if you knew the recruiter can get you [X] amount of good players in a certain demographic or player type within a certain time consistently? Would it be worth the cost?

That’s all for now, depending on the responses I might have more questions but your opinions will influence whether or not I want to drive into a pet project I’ve been planning. Thanks

Halloween Event: a Broken Record

in Living World

Posted by: Crampz.9120


With me reading up on the small buzz on the forums and with me experiencing the Halloween events in prior years it looks like it’s going to be been there, done that (And I’m not talking about map completion). Why is it that we can’t get new content and we just get a re-hashing of the same event from years prior? It’s almost like they take their same file, change about 10% and call it all new. ANet, my one recommendation to you as your consumer and a loyal player is to be Avant Garde. You’re not going to make amazing revenues be beating a dead horse. This Halloween and Wintersday, me and a lot of other players want to log on and say “Wow! This stuff is really all new and I don’t remember them having anything like this last year, and completely different from the past events.”

Flip the tables and make it all new. Turn around our expectations and produce never before seen content. Make us have no objections to dropping any kind of money or gold because we will know that this will all be exclusive to this year and it will never come back (events and items). And please don’t just re-hash your old event files; don’t be a broken record.Thanks

How to Fix GW2 Economy [ranting a bit]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Gw2’s number one issue in the economy isn’t champ farming nor is it item flipping. No, it’s so much simpler than that. The main issue with this economy is the currency inflation. The best ways to make money and the most popular ways to make money is producing a ton of new gold. That 1g you get at the end of CoF P1 is new money that ANet’s reward system just created. Also, the small amount of money you get from loot bags/boxes is created money as well. ANet, with these systems in place, you set yourself up for your own destruction!

Now here’s my solution, however it’s quite radical:

Stop producing new money (thus no need for any new or existing gold sinks)

Make crafting a lot harder to level (Will protect the value of gathered resources)

Make P2P trade an option (The BL is a listing service, make it an option to use it or not)

Replace the gold you get from bags/boxes and dungeons with a higher chance to get better crafting mats and at higher quantities.

In conclusion, inflation can be fixed if no new money is produced. Some might think “Crampz! Won’t resources inflate the economy!?!?” Well… You tell me the last time a tree you chopped down gave you money instead of logs.

How to Make Gold

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


I just wanted to open this thread so that we can post our methods to making gold and link older threads of relevant money making tactics that are still working.

My question is: how do you all make your money without gambling it (Mystic forge, dyes, salvaging) or getting it from dungeons (Only because it causes serious inflation and the reward amount is sticky and fixed.)

Are trading bots gold farming the TP?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Anyone want to start a stock brokers guild? Nah just kidding XD But yeah I have to agree with Matisse, listen to what this guy is saying becuase he’s on point.

Error Attempting To Sell

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


It would be cool if we can buy the ability to trade faster with gems. Take my money to upgrade your TP servers and let me trade at the speed I want, not the speed of a snail.

Are trading bots gold farming the TP?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Short: Yes it is possible to program a TP bot to buy/sell, but only to a certain extent.

Long: Well let’s assume your theory holds merit. These bots are most likely running on stop loss and buy in algorithms. In simple terms, the program says to buy in on item A at the price of X and hold on to until it goes up to Y. Stop loss is step up so if X<Y by 2 weeks or so, then sell it. Also it would be running logic tests continually to see if they still have the bid or if they were undercutted. It defiantly is possible. Is it fully autonomous? Hell no. However can it be automatic in some respects? Absolutely! If you keep undercutting them, you can actually drive the price up or down without spending much money. It makes for easy market manipulation.

Player Trade

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Developer John Smith, Thank you for taking the time to see and reply to my post. I have read through your posted article and I do have some things to say about it and a call to action, if I can have your attention for a bit.

I completely agree with ANet that stemming scamming is a good thing. However, no matter what you do to stop scamming, there will always be a scam from time to time just like people get sick from time to time. Developing a P2P trade system would enhance the community and, as stated in your link by a poster, “Bring Guild Wars 2 a step forward as an MMO”. Although you’re centralized trading post is a great idea, and still continues to be, P2P trade would add variety of options to our economy. Is it a risk? Absolutely! However in retrospect, isn’t everything added to the game a risk to the game economy? An example of a high risk DLC was adding champ boxes; people were farming them and adding a slew load of new products into the markets. My goal of this post is to plead to you, the developers, to offer more economic options to your players by enacting a P2P trade system that, as Behellagh stated, docks 15% from the seller end of the transaction.

This a different and innovative way to add variety to trading in guild wars 2 while supporting its goals for its players and not devaluing the Black Lion Trading Post. One of our great developers was able to kindly take time to reply and I just want to ask: Is it possible that I can have your support in this Developer John Smith? And in your perspective how can developers create a working P2P trade system?

Player Trade

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


And in case there’s any confusion, when I say “player trade” I am referencing a closed 2 party trade off system in which players can agree on their own prices.

Player Trade

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Crampz.9120


What’s the goal of Guild Wars 2? From my perspective, it’s to engage in group environments where you can excel and have hours of fun. However what if we took it further? We should allow players to trade between each other, in a neutral interface trade table, were players can put items up. Players who wish to trade between each other do this often by using the mailing system. The short coming to this is that you could get ripped off very easily. I plead to our community and ANet to allow us to have a fair player trade system that we can integrate into our great community and prosperous economy.

I would like to hear your opinions and how we, as a community, can further GW2’s goal for its players

Bring me the Guns ANet

in Ranger

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Anything is possible tbh.

What would you think?

in Ranger

Posted by: Crampz.9120


I think we should re-vamp rangers. Making the ’Range’r a super archer class would provide the option for people who don’t like the pets to be independant from them. Although no Dagger-Dagger, I would go with Pistols and a rifle as added weapons. In regards to the stealth with D/D, it’s already in a class. More AoE’s is a must, I agree with that one. I don’t use a SB so I wouldn’t know :/

Bring me the Guns ANet

in Ranger

Posted by: Crampz.9120


To be honest I think rangers should be able to use rifles. Rifles are used for long range and it would make sense for a "Range"r to be able to use one. Also make the rifle better than the LB please, because that would make sense. (I feel that I don’t have to explain that last sentence further but if you wish, I will break it down for your upon request (Warning it will be TL;DR and full of real world physics XD))

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Crampz.9120


^^^^And this ladies and gents in a true hunter! Let us throw him/her a MOOT!! I’ll bring the ale kegs! XD

Can rangers do decent ranged damage?

in Ranger

Posted by: Crampz.9120


It’s really about personal preference. Is it the most powerful class in the game? Probably not. Does it have a lot of range? I would say 1,200 are more than decent. Can Anet do something to beef up the ranger? Most defiantly! But in the end, it all boils down to what you like. Keep what you like, throw away what you don’t and you’ll have a good time playing

@Hermit I honestly don’t think you have enough merits to answer this question. I’m just calling them how I see it tbh. Lvl 57 ranger telling an lvl 56 ranger that it doesn’t get better, purely off of personally experience (I presume) is laughable. XD

These Gold Sinks...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


I’ve read through a few of these post and you all had good points. I really want to just get around the sinks. I farm about 30 hours a week and I hedge fund my items to go with inflation. That one with the German marks was supper interesting though, thank you for that astral. Just know that no amount of gold sinks will stop inflation though (in fact some steady inflation is extremely healthy for an economy) Champ boxes and dungeon rewards are supper inflating the economy and to be honest it’s just going to inflate more. As for the wp’s, I believe that wp’s costs are fair.

These Gold Sinks...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crampz.9120


I’m so sick of these gold sinks, I will just briefly rant about each one I hate and if you want to discuss it then let’s. Although I’m not going to get into some pointless debate. So before you even start to glance at this list, understand that these my opinions so if you disagree, fine, but don’t make some fandango about it as if your some master economist. this is for calm discussion about an opinion (mine):

1. TP Taxes: they drive me nuts… I say just ax them completely. “But soft! the evil flippers and day traders will invade!” yeah, no… The TP is part of the game and it main function is to Buy/Sell items and it punishes players for selling. for exploiting supply and demand and driving a market on otherwise undesirable good isn’t going to be a game killer. Laissez faire and free markets are desirable and allow for the player to take ownership of their community economy. and plus you can’t buy or sell your goods anywhere else besides the TP. I would understand if you had both player trade and the TP and you charge for the TP service, but you don’t. (kinda flubbed on that one ANet)

2. Repairs: Are silly, especially in WvW, although I suppose it’s better than just dropping all your gear on the spot you died on (lol RuneScape PvP XD), I’m neutral on this to be honest but I feel there’s a better way to implement a death penalty. :P

3. Soul bound stuff: NO!!!!!!!! This drives me more nuts than the TP tax. Why shouldn’t I be able to resell my Twilight if I wanted to put the funds for buying a different item(s) I mean wtf, are you kittentin me ANet??? as soon as I put it on it’s like trying to sell my soul to some deranged imaginary contract. gem store and holiday items should really be the only thing that have the soul bound rule to it, other than that it’s silly…

I can’t think of anymore tbh, but if more come up I’ll post them.These gold sinks are just delaying the inevitable fact that the economy will inflate to the point were copper will become a novelty. My main intent is to make money while enjoy my game, not making money just to have it taken from me as some bullkitten cost of play crap. I 100% back a free market (more importantly a tax free market) And yes I earn my keep, in fact I make enough to provide for my guild and even cover some guildies expenses. So don’t bark at me that I’m lazy or don’t want to earn my money (bark at the people who cry poverty because they don’t want to contribute anything to an economy i.e: no mat collecting, no crafting, no farming, no investing, etc.), I just want more bang for my buck just like any other decent capitalist would desire. Well i’m glad I got that off my chest, it’s been really aggravating to me as of late. :P

Player Housing /w New Crafting Discipline

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Can I get a reply? :/

Player Housing /w New Crafting Discipline

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120



The crafting disciple that would be introduced to complement player housing would open all sorts of opportunities for creativity. As you level the crafting skill, you will see an improvement in quality with each tier you move up. For example, a greenwood chair or a bronze gate would look shabby and crude, although an orichalcum or deldrimor item would look luxurious and expensive looking. House size will also reflect on your current house building level. At the crafting master, you can purchase a blueprint to build a consumable, with the right materials to build it, will make your land bigger for building upon consumption (These of course would be soul bound, and passably sold in the gem store). Also this new crafting disciple would use current materials.


Now I will discuss some technical features. The house building process will include two modes, a living mode and a building mode. In the living mode you can activate items that give you boons and interact with other items. In building mode, you activate items to move them around and set furniture and other items from your inventory. Also a portal would be set somewhere in lion’s arch so you and your friends can access your house. Now you’re probably thinking “where are all these houses going to fit or go?” Fear not, the portal as discussed in the last sentence leads to the mists and in the mists is your own personal land and house. When you buy your land plot, you’ll be able to select the land theme. From humble Ascalonian lands and fielsd to the creepy and eerie expanses of orr, you’ll be able to pick from a whole bunch of cool land themes to make the next black citadel or a creepy zombie house. So let’s say you want to visit that cool weird haunted house in orr. You can go to the portal and a dialog box will prompt you if you would like to go to your house or a friend’s. Select friend and type in a name and off you go. Let’s say the owner doesn’t like strangers, that owner will have the option to set a password so that only his friends can enter while keep anyone who doesn’t know that pass code out.


In conclusion, I think that adding player houses would be an innovative and remarkable idea that would develop the game even more. Combo it up with a crafting discipline and you have a new economic industry that any player involved in can easily benefit from with a little time and effort. In addition to that, the convenience would make housing and the discipline very popular. I think that this is a real money maker, both in game and also for Anet and NCsoft.

Let me know what you guys think, I’m always open to improvement. Thank you for reading

Player Housing /w New Crafting Discipline

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120



Adding player owned houses would be extremely beneficial to the game. It would open up new possibilities and offer an avenue for player creativity. In this article I will be discussing the positive impacts of adding player housing in game. I will also be discussing a recommendation to add a crafting discipline to complement player housing. I will be also talking about some technical features to easily implement housing into the game smoothly. Player housing would be a positive impact on the economy, offer in-game convenience, and introduce another exciting crafting discipline.


Adding player housing will open a new economical market and improve upon the material market. Housing with the crafting disciple will provide additional uses for the current materials and will create demand in the markets. Also, it will allow the gem store to add new and exciting items. Such items can include themed housing items from a living world event, or items that add convenience. (I’ll brush up on that latter) it will generate revenue and help the developers produce new content faster and more effectively. Blueprints for houses (gardens, kitchens, forge areas, shooting range, etc.) can be sold at vendors and can be used as either a Karma sink and/or gold sink to regulate the economy.


Convenience is another thing that will make player housing popular. Players can build special items that, when they activate in their house, will grant them a buff. Such items can be shrines to the gods, or living world items. For example if you placed a shire to Balthazar and you activate it in your house, you will receive a 30 minute boon for 5% more damage. In addition, Items can be introduced that add easy access to a bank, mystic forge, and Trading post within the house. Also, with a high enough level, you’ll be able to build your own portals in your house. These portals can be calibrated to go to dungeons (as long as there are uncontested) or be used as easy access to capitals. And to top it all off, crafting areas can be introduced in your house. Such areas can include a player built kitchen for cooking or a forge area for Weapon forging as well as other areas for the other crafting skills.

I've been muted for an HOUR!!!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crampz.9120


This is totally unacceptable! I was joking around and just talking and I entered two things at once by mistake and now I’ve been muted for over HOUR! I wasn’t swearing, nor being suggestive in any way so I don’t know why I was muted. This isn’t the first time that this has happened. I’ve been muted for a whole day before before. If this is a bug I DEMAND that you fix it ASAP!!! This isn’t right and I will not stand for it, I’ve done nothing wrong and I am not having fun at all with this unusual punishment! I want 2000 gems by tomorrow morning! jk XD but fix this discrepancy otherwise I’m playing a different game, bottom line.

Ability to deposit money into your bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120


I just found it, I feel like an idiot… XD Well I hope they give interest, because the taxes are through the roof! Especially on the gem market! O.o

Grove of Artemis [GoA] looking for gamers!

in Guilds

Posted by: Crampz.9120



Gem Market Stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120



Ability to deposit money into your bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Now come on, I feel I wasn’t the only person who tried to keep their money safe and try to put it in the bank so prevent spending

I think it would be neat if you added a option to withdraw and deposit money into and out of your bank account so you can have some savings :P

It would work well if you made it like BLT money pick up, but having the ability to put money into it then just taking it. What do you guys think?

Gem Market Stats

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Hello, it’s me again. Do you think it would be possible to add a little bit more info to the gem market? I’ll admit, I made a killing investing just before winters day then selling a week after (Profit 13 gold form investing 2 gold in gems prior), but that was more or less a shot in the dark… Do you guys think that you (ArenaNet) can add more detailed stats and charts to your gem market? I have a whole portfolio marking percent change and making moving averages (Going to business school soon :P) but what for the people who don’t have the time to make a portfolio? And I’m not on every day so I sometimes have to guess some days. You could put a small circle at the tip of that day so when you roll over it with your mouse, you can see the price per 100 for that day. Also, put overlapping transparent lines over to mark a short moving average and a long moving average. RuneScape (the RPG I played before guild war 2) had their stats and charts of items that are on the grand exchange (Their version of centralized trading). and In those charts they had a daily average and a 30-day average line in the chart and had those circles I was talking about, And you can find it right on the website for the game. I would invest more often, but how can you be a smart investor if you have no data? Thank you and I would love to hear everyone’s opinions on this. Jeers or Cheers?

I have attached a png file of the RuneScape chart for those not familiar with their charts.

Now I’m not asking for NYSE charts here, but for you guys to beef up your data on these charts for gems

Again thank you for your time


Diversity in crafted weapons!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120


I 100% agree with ScribeTheMad. He describes my irritation with this to the T.

Diversity in crafted weapons!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Oh I guess I missed that, Thanks

Diversity in crafted weapons!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crampz.9120


When I started playing this game back in november I crafted a bronze sword and was super excited. I kept crafting to get to the next level but was very confused when all I saw was that the sword was completely the same (With the exception of colors). I would love to see some diversity in the weapons, The armors are perfect when it comes to diversity because each crafted set is different. please make the weapon smiting diverse like the armors are. Thank you!

Grove of Artemis [GoA] looking for gamers!

in Guilds

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Hey, I’m Crampz.9120 and I’m looking for fun people who actively play GW2 and love the game. We have PvP events, PvE events, WvW events, and we can provide help for people new to the game.

Right now we are a small guild, but we are growing We are based out of crystal desert. Come, and join us for lots of fun

~ Artemis (Crampz.9120)

Looking for a guild that does PVE and PVP

in Guilds

Posted by: Crampz.9120


Hey whats up, I’m the leader of the Grove of Artemis [GoA] and we do a lot of WvE and some PvP events planed for later on this week. I’ll send you an invite, if you accept it then welcome to the family :P. (We’re based out of Crystal Desert and we’re small and close knit.)