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Exotic Dagger Recipe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


What Lilith said and the thing you are trying to discover is actually a Rampager’s Destroyer Dagger.

Ah, that would make sense… although I was fairly sure I hadn’t discovered it yet… weird. Cheers for clearing that up!

Exotic Dagger Recipe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


Hi guys,

Just trying to craft some exotic weaponry when I go to the discovery panel to discover these daggers… put all the ingredients in (hilt, blade and inscription) and it still seems to think that I need more ingredients?

Not sure what’s going on, but if we could fix it that’d be great

EDIT: Only happens when I try and create a Rampager’s Dagger

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


1) Dungeons.

2) Living World.

3) Moar dungeons

That is all, thank you

Players have got it wrong

in Living World

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


So recently I’ve been seeing a lot of hate for the living story – so many flame threads about how it sucks and how it’s “killing the game”.

Now I’ll be one of the first to agree that in order for the living story to work, it requires much more polish – the storyline needs to be both conveyed more fluidly and have more relevance to the world of Tyria that we all know and love. Wasting time and effort on grindy achievements and half-baked events seems daft when it never seems cohesive with the story or world that we are familiar with – unless it fits perfectly with certain developing story lines. I think what everyone wants to see is a more polished experience with better-rounded ideas. I feel one way to achieve this would be to take more time on each living story installment, going back to once per month or even every 2 months – but that’s a different story.

That isn’t to say I haven’t enjoyed some things to come out of Living Story. Unfortunately I missed the whole Flame & Frost saga, but heard very good things about it. I thoroughly enjoyed the Bazaar of the Four Winds and wished there was more “meaty” content to do in the area. A couple of Scarlet’s invasions were fun, the Aetherblade JP is an insane addition and the return of SAB is great.

I think the main problem that players are having is feeling like they are “forced” to play the living story, because it won’t be there for much longer. I feel like this is a shame because they are cutting themselves off from the main game and not doing anything else. Throughout the past few living stories, not once did I try to max out all of the achievements: I did a few events, saw the sights, etc. and when I’d had enough, went back to doing map completion, dungeons, WvW and just messing around. And it was great – I really don’t understand why people feel like the Living Story is the be-all, end-all; if you don’t like what’s happening, seriously just don’t do it. It won’t damage your life in any way at all. Make the ethos “Play the way you want” work for you – (but it doesn’t mean being handed skins and loot btw).

tl;dr (and I guess bottom line): while I would like to see an improved Living Story (which I am hoping for), players shouldn’t neglect the awesome base game we have, and should focus more on doing what they enjoy rather than grabbing achievements for things they don’t like.

Future Profession Wanted: Monsterologist

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


I’d rather we simplify it to being a partial Shapeshifter class.
My take on it is somewhat inspired by the manga series called “+Anima”. Humans who have the ability to shift parts of their body into a specific animal part. Example: Your back shoulder blades stretch out into wings

The important part of this concept would be to there being no “full-form” shifting. Only parts change at a time. That way, gear is still relevant in visually appeal.

Different utility skills could either only shift the body part for a moment and specified purpose
- Alligator head -> Gator Bite
- Dove wings -> Dove retreat -> Evade backward

Or a longer temporary shift for boosting your abilities
- Bear arm -> Grants bonus damage to melee attacks
- Elephant legs -> Grants stability

I like this idea fo sho. Partial shape-shifting over full-forms any day


in Suggestions

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


I’m not a fan of this idea. The whole idea of the game is that you play the game, not that you are automatically insta-levelled on any new toon after you max out one char. This game is about progression and the narrative, and the fact is that the game is the same gameplay at lvl 80 as it is at lvl 1 – there is no advantage to this at all, just makes people skip out the journey – which is the main thing.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


You shouldn’t be spending your entire time on a game man. Getting addicted and doing nothing else ruins careers, breaks relationships and families and makes people fail at life. Perhaps this game is trying to teach people to play games more casually and limit themselves to how much they play, because then they can enjoy their real lives more – noticed that blazing through content as quickly as you can, while fun at the time, leaves little to accomplish later on. So set your goals with a longer timespan and try not to finish everything too quickly. We only got one life, try not to waste it all on your computer

Reworking of waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


+1. Hate using waypoints right now, they cost so much! I guess it does get us running around more and exploring, but there are those of us cough cough who do enjoy running around discovering stuff anyway! It’s just really annoying when there’s someone who needs help with a really cool event going on and you don’t want to pay/can’t really afford the cost of the waypoint. Becoming more of a limiting factor to this game than a help at higher levels. I’m okay with keeping them at really low costs e.g. 10-20c, but when you’re looking at 2.5s to get across the world, it’s gonna add up.

Ranged Attacks and Guardians good or bad

in Guardian

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


Scepter > Staff anyday.

Soften them up with a Scepter, kite for a bit and jump right in with a Greatsword.

Works all the time, on groups as well as solos (just don’t try and solo a Champ!)

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Crimsonified.6418


I’m seeing so much hate here for the venoms and it’s completely bewildered me. Upon discovering my venom build I’ve been totally bossing content (as opposed to getting crushed – as previously happened).

WITH REGARDS TO BASILISK VENOM – please for the love of God DO NOT REMOVE THIS SKILL! It’s an excellent way to keep another venom in my toolbar – and a 45s cooldown for an elite? It’s amazingly useful, especially when leeching venoms is applied – got 2 regular venoms, Basilisk Venom and Caltrops as my slot skills. Really really works a charm. I actually had so much more of an issue with the “blind” build – just seemed totally ineffectual, mostly when combating ranged mobs/groups of mobs.

Top weapon combos for me – Dagger/Dagger (although admittedly I never use #5 except for escape purposes), Shortbow for AoE and range…

Can’t get the hang of swords, maybe it’s just the playstyle doesn’t suit me (and there’s no reason why everything should suit me) but I find Pistol Whip to feel… too static somehow. Daggers just feel more fluid in terms of rolling/leaping around.

Guns could probably do with increased damage (for the abysmal rate of fire) but otherwise turn out very useful.

Thieves are great in that they are a class that are actually hard to learn to play effectively – this IS a good thing. Having an advanced class where you need to actually do some thinking to succeed with gives such a sense of achievement when you find something that works!

Honestly, there’s very little about the thief that needs changing (perhaps a little more group utility? Not many skills are useful to the whole dungeon party for example)

People just need to find a way to make the thief work for them and realise TRAITS ARE IMPORTANT. Used to think thieves were UP, now they sit quite nicely in the middle (survivability being the main thing people need to think about).

Really Anet, congrats on making such a fun and interesting class! (P.S. my thief isn’t even my main! I just love it to bits, becoming more and more played)