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Floating Text Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


I’ve tried searching for this topic in this subforum and nothing come up.

TL; DR: Statuses are useful in floating text, it’s obvious. Numbers not.

Chitty Chat:
As ranger, but i suppose other class suffer the same problem, i just can’t see what happen on the screen (animation) about my target. Just plain as that.

This is really annoying and sound really absurd that at this point we can’t still configure the (useless) floating text. Seeing big numbers come out of my target can be satisfactory if i need some aheam compensation aheam but there is any other reason to show me that constant flow of numbers.

There is a combat log for that (a filtering for that would be useful too).

Some sort of options should be mandatory at this point of the patch series.
Even a simple: “Show Numbers / Show Status / Show All”.


Questions about putting Money in the Bank / Why do it

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


Actually i understand the reason of a “deposit” into the bank but i cannot see a reason to not enable Vendor / Trading Post to automatically use bank’s gold when you don’t have enought gold on the character.

It’s rather annoying when i’ve to buy something with a low-budget character, i’ve to:
*Check the amount of resource i need to buy from the Trading Post
*Note how much money i need
*Log the character (main) with the money
*Deposit to the bank
*Log the char who needs money
*buy the items

And hoping i don’t need something more ’cause i need to repeat the procedure every time.

Just let the TP/Vendor withdraw the amount of money needed if the character haven’t enough money on it. maybe with an alert before, just to be sure the player notice it.

Water / Portals and all the transparencies invisible

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


This absolutely isn’t the only solution.

I’ve tested the rumors about Teamspeak overlay plugin and i can confirm it as the source of the problem.

Starting TS3 do not affect the game. Enabling the overlay cause the problem.
You need to disable the plugin and restart the client to get everything back to default.

Mouse Issue: Right-click Not always Responding

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


Confirmed issue. And it’s a BIG issue.

Proper fighting with the visual not responsive due to this problem it’s equal to a certain death/defeat.

And agreed too with the “just left click to target”.

Please fix at least the “right click target” in the next patch. It’s won’t be hard to implement.

Looking For Group Tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


there is already post about this

A link please

Looking For Group Tool

in Suggestions

Posted by: CriusTheSecond.4890


First post here, so “hello”.

Okay, presentation done.
I know, I know.
LFG tool reminds a lot of World of Warcraft but in terms of utility it’s a very useful tool. Especially for the nature of the avarage player of pve in GW2, which is a casual, that means to me, do not have a lot of time to spend into the game.

I begin to see a lot of “LFM/LFG” into the general chat and it’s not “nice” neither “funny”. It’s just annoying, for whom is searching and for who is just not interested.

I’m not a game programmer but i “simple” web developer.
So i don’t want to sound arrogan while i say that it should not be difficult to implement:
Mainly cause GW2 doesn’t implement the classic triad (tank/dps/healer).
Maybe it’s enough to check for a good variety between ranged/melee in a first version.

Hope this happen soon
Keep up the good work Anet