Less Talkin More [Sekz]
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] PEE PEE TEE #GetGud
GG JQ, you have successfully over-stacked up the SEA/EU timezones, fielding about 3 times our numbers accross all the borderlands.
What bg can’t coast to a easy victory now?!!? Sorry JQ but looks like the BG trolls have turned on ur server. Enjoy it while it lasts, however they seem to get pretty obsessive.
Sorry, Blackgate is currently busy helping other servers getting their Teq kills and achievements with opening/managing our TS to other servers as well as helping people guesting to us.
Feel free to keep doing these 24 hrs wvw full map pushes and all-nighters JQ… we will be back after we are done helping the GW2 community.
Kiss Kiss
That’s a weird way to paraphrase fairweathering. Not sure what you mean about these 24 hour pushes as I prioritize sleep over GW2, but I guess that’s a language and culture barrier between me and [Heavy Loot Bags].
So is JQ and TC’s strategy tonight to ignore Blood Lust caps? This is seriously boring. I want SoR back. At least they put up a fight.
I was farming Riot this morning. You should wake up earlier.
I see JQ is stacking their server with good guilds like Agg/NS/GD. wtf is in the cookies?
The secret ingredient is the #getgud sauce.
To the Blackgate guys trying to join my party. I know you’re mad about getting farmed, but I don’t understand the language of [250 Heavy Loot Bags]. You better off getting back into my inventory.
The King holds court at the King’s leisure son.
You might be in a big rush to prove yourself, and be all excited about your first week in T1, but to us it’s just Thursday. Indo will be in touch.I could tell you the story of Black Talons, Ruin, Esol, Icoa, Strike Force or any of a dozen guilds over the last year who thought to rival TW.. But it’s long and quite repetitive so I’ll just jump right to the moral. You might have had a good night, but it’s a looooonnng war going on here. Simmer down
Oh please do tell us the story, I’m willing to read it. However after typing your story, can you guys just simply answer “yes” or “no” to the GvG request? You address your guild as “competitive gaming” and here we are looking for a competition as well. This is a public challenge and we’re calling you guys out.
You may need to re-read what he wrote, he did give you a time frame of when the GvG will happen (The King holds court at the King’s leisure son.). With the return of Jade Rainbow, your blob guild can look forward to joining the many guilds before you that have attempted a TW taunt. I’ll take your quote from you, This is a public challenge and we’re calling you guys out. Gratz on having a good week against us, but as my good friend Letoll said, this is a long battle and I’m yet to find a guild that can challenge us after the excitement of T1 wears off, your guild is no different then those before you, and your outcome will end the same.
Last time I checked, kings don’t hide behind other skill groups and arrow carts.
So why shouldn’t we take new guilds while you are still recruiting?
I remember many of your BG dudes wanting us to go into T2 because we are too bad for T1.Why don’t you name a few guilds BG has recruited?
And we heard it straight from the horse’s mouth, JQ makes up for lack of skill with numbers.
Whoa there arrow cart city. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Last time I check, you were a part of the [250 Heavy Loot Bags] inside my inventory. #getgud before you talk about numbers.
what about agg vs tw?
Are you going to be ok without ghost tonics? I hear ghost tonics gives +150 to all stats.
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wow never seen so many people run away like t1
Can’t keep up with those numbers, this could explain why your not receiving the fights you so long for.
30 NS + 20 EMP vs TW + FEAR + Queue pugs + wped garry. Do da math and dont kid urself, u still got farmed.
You say “you” like TW actually got farmed there. If anything I maybe saw 5-8 TW go down in that whole fight. You guys never connected with us enough to do real damage.
We can’t connect with people inside a keep bro. #getgud
NS seems to think they are the big shots here when you guys are just… not.
Big shots in tier 1 means PPT champions right? No… we are not… :-(
You guys are one of the guilds with the least class which are actually not that bad. But don’t get ahead of yourselves too much. Humble up.
#getgud first.
hmm when we first fought you guys, before you mapped hopped after we wiped you guys 3 times, we only had about 30 online. we never had 46 members online at once, and the only reason we had so many on was because of the new “content” added to wvw.
oh TW one of your guild members was linking his address and fb page on my stream and calling us kids. seems pretty childish to me what he was doing.
He even said how he got 2 precursors from us! I didn’t know it was possible to get loot from wiping! Man, would get no bags over there.
wow never seen so many people run away like t1
Can’t keep up with those numbers, this could explain why your not receiving the fights you so long for.
For that compote food to work you actually gotta kill something.
Apparently your blob + the Sup ac to the left and the cannon from the bloodlust point wasnt enough.
- Dont worry we ate that food as you kited in to your garri
Whew you guys blob these forums as hard as you blob in game.
Whoa. You’re actually on the forum? I thought you hide from the forums as well as you hide in your keeps!
Uh oh! Clown shoes trolled our whole server! He’s so clever and original, I wish I had a keep to hide in since were so good at it!
What was that? I can’t hear you over the arrow carts you hide behind.
When do the good Blackgate players log in?
Just kidding. I know you don’t have any.
this just happened bads just wiped
So when do the good JQ players log in?
Just kidding!
There aren’t any.
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Not worth playing this game this week.
We’ll probably get the same match up next week to because of this stupidity.
Farewell WFD! My static fields will miss your faces!
Just because 1 guy is harshly stating the truth doesn’t mean all of are disrespectful. It’s just hard to respect groups that literally provide no challenge for us. We’ve even started to self impose limits onto ourselves to make it harder, but it’s still faceroll easy. You will gain our respect when you get a group good enough to fight us. We loved it when Mag/Yak’s shoved us into the timeout corner. It means we could improve as a guild. Right now, it feels like we’re punching childeren.
That said, bags don’t care if there is respect. They’ll drop for us anyways.
Truth and respect are entirely different concepts. The truth is that you run a very skilled group. Few people will deny that. However, there is little respect to be given when you choose to belittle others by mentioning that BP (or AR for that matter) isn’t “good enough to fight” you.
BP fights hard and the majority of them have earned my respect. The ones that haven’t are usually the same ones complaining on the forums about double teaming and making excuses for placing 3rd. Whatever you think of their skill level is irrelevant to the discussion about respecting them.
For example:
Do I generally think [Rekz] is skilled? Yeah. I’m always extra careful around them.
Do I respect [Rekz]? Not really. Most of their posts are boastful and belittle others.
Do I generally think [FTF] is skilled? No. I can usually pick them off pretty easily.
Do I respect [FTF]? Yes. They don’t give up easily and I’ve yet to notice a post from them belittling others or trash talking.Happy hunting!
It is a fact, BP is not good enough to fight us. I could rant about the skill level of your guilds but that has already been done. Did we [Sekz/Rekz] trash talk you guys when you moved into t5? No, because we respect groups that tries to fight back. That hasn’t been the case for a while now. The difference between us is that every time we wipe, we excited and learn how to dumpster you guys even harder, but every time BP gets wiped, it seems like you get demoralized more and more. AR’s WAR at least had the courage to man up and GvG us. They did not win a single round against us, but they stuck around until they didn’t have enough people to fight anymore. They deserve respect.
We’ve gotten bored looking for a challenge from BP, and right now, the biggest challenge for us is how to dumpster you guys most effectively on the forums because we already do it in WvW.
I shouldn’t have to mention it by this point, but please don’t hold the [CHAR] trolls against AR. There’s not much we can do short of ignoring them and hoping they don’t get riled up. AR seemed to keep it pretty civil last week for the most part, leaving BP and Ebay to wage the forum wars.
That being said. I’ve been noticing a very unsportsmanlike trend coming from [Rekz]. Careful you don’t go the way of [PAXA]. You are a skilled group, but the trash talking is making it hard to like you guys. Its becoming as predictable and annoying as the select few trolls BP has been plagued with lately.
Its easy to get big headed when your server is up, but its far more satisfying for the ones you trash talked to see you fail after treating them so poorly.
You will gain respect by being gracious in defeat, but gain even more by being gracious in victory.
Just because 1 guy is harshly stating the truth doesn’t mean all of are disrespectful. It’s just hard to respect groups that literally provide no challenge for us. We’ve even started to self impose limits onto ourselves to make it harder, but it’s still faceroll easy. You will gain our respect when you get a group good enough to fight us. We loved it when Mag/Yak’s shoved us into the timeout corner. It means we could improve as a guild. Right now, it feels like we’re punching childeren.
That said, bags don’t care if there is respect. They’ll drop for us anyways.
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BP’s little stunt on the supply depot at our 2nd bay was really cute.
Crazy fight AR and BP at BP’s hills.
To the BP outside Greenvale in your borderlands. Your cowardice on that hill led to a kittening fun fight.
edit: Round 2 didn’t work again. If it didn’t work the first time, what made you think it would work again?? -______-;
Oh yes, I was the guy trebbing your zerg with cows. Well, until the majority of us WP out of there and moved to a new target.
Anyway, it was fun wiping Rekz outside the gates of bay, and then again inside Bay’s lords room FTW. Oh and earlier at BP Garrison. And yea you guys took us down a few times as well. It was fun.
Anyway, yea we had fun on the hill for the few minutes we were up there and kudos to you for trying to charge up the hill the first few times, but don’t call it cowardice. I think we set up trebs more or less to get you guys out of the tower, and it worked. But once you were out we were holding a good position on a hill; why would we give that up? I was kind of sad that we WP for a different target and left the PUGs to their fate because I think that dance could have lasted a bit longer. (and we don’t get to dance like that enough).
WvW was slow because WFD refused to fight on even grounds. And the BP zergs would waypoint out when they see us. So when we got wiped we were sooo happy there was a zerg on the map that actually wanted to fight.
Oh you were definite chickening up on the hill. We were already outside the tower. It’s common knowledge that we like to fight in open field. You don’t need to give us excuses.
(edited by CrowndClown.1702)
To the BP outside Greenvale in your borderlands. Your cowardice on that hill led to a kittening fun fight.
edit: Round 2 didn’t work again. If it didn’t work the first time, what made you think it would work again?? -______-;
(edited by CrowndClown.1702)
Dear Ehmry Bay,
Greetings from the guild Exiles Edge [EDGE] from Borlis Pass
You may have heard of us, you may not, and it matters not. I come here to address troubling rumours and whispers I hear in the air. I have heard that Ehmry Bay relies on numbers and not skill, I have heard that Ehmry has much hate agaisnt us from the Pass, and that Ehmry looks down upon Borlis from time to time….I sincerely hope these rumours arent true, and that Ehmry Bay is not a bunch of zerg minded individuals, I stand agaisnt the Borlis perception of Ehmry, and I must prove that Ehmry is home to as skillful soilders and heroes as Borlis has.
Our guild EDGE, will be venturing into your fabled homeland in WvW from this week onwards, on the hunt for Ehmry flesh, We will be stalking your forces and will KILL any Ehmry we deem fit to stand against us, I wish to disprove the rumours that you need to outnumber us 2 to 1 to kill us, for if our numbers are around equal in a fight, you can never defeat a borlis….please prove this wrong, for I had already sent a hunting party into Ehmry so far, and the rumours appear true….4 of us fighting off 6 of Ehmries proved too difficult for you…
There will be plenty of time for you to prove your skill, and we will be watching….waiting…and hunting…bring your best skill groups when you see the tag EDGE, we will be waiting…of course we welcome the wipe out from your zerg if you deem if a must to kill us by outnumbering us by the droves….
We will be waiting for you….you will either learn to fear us, or learn to respect us…I sincerely hope it will be the latter….
More specifically to Rekz, I have long heard you have developed a skill group for WvW, and I am very very eager to see you on the field, I have long for battle with your guild on equal terms but it seems the other Borlis Guilds such as WAR and WFD have already slaughtered your guild a few times, or so I have heard….come let us test our mantle…
Be wary of us EDGEs on your field Ehmry….we will hunt you…defend yourselves….
Arch [EDGE]
Founder and Marshall of Exiles EDGE
Yo carebear. We’ve been wiping your guys since we were in NSP. Get on my level bro. (64btw. Not the highest either)
(edited by CrowndClown.1702)
Props to AR’s [WAR] for the gvg. You guys busted out crazy tactics and we learned stuff from you guys. We’re glad there are guilds out there who want to learn. We’re always down for GvGs. Fun times!
ps. Watching it from your side is really interesting! Thank you for that!
wall of text.
Seems my simple post hit a nerve that cause such a response. And possibly just proves my point more so. So what we see here is, the daily seks group in wvw is 15 players. reset night is 20 players… the reset night on [WAR] on avg is 10-15. daily, well, we don’t run groups daily. The few days that we do run would be 5-10 players.
It is a bit funny that a guild that doesn’t even run consistent groups daily in wvw, is still something you feel you need to stroke your ego with. We play for fun, for the fun that was from the days of DAOC and WARhammer. You guys play to try to move up a tier. So i guess, you can keep farming more gold, or buying more gems, and keep server hopping your way to the top!
We play for fun too. But you guys don’t even want to try to learn. So it’s more annoying when ai is more challenging than BP. [Sekz] is all for GvG if you guys want to improve.
Well we are off to a good start I see…
Really though so many Glass Cannon builds with CoF armor on BP it seems, is all of Tier 5 like this?
Yeah, they also don’t carry condition removal or use common sense then cry. See WAR.
Rofl. It’s called a build and my weakness was conditions. Confusion beat my old build, which is completely unviable. I beat every other class and build. ASK FOR YOUR 5g BACK!
Mad because bad. This is fun
Lawl. I want to see how good your warrior is nooblet
I’m super good. I’m like superman. Don’t get so sensitive when you get called out either, it’s really making you look bad. You know how to get a hold of me.
Also, what ever happened to that GvG? Surely your top players have been on all at once before?
acutally most of our better players are gone all weekend, sadly
Are they at the BP commander meeting?
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Who’s leading that [WFD] guild running around? You’re as bad as the rest of BP’s commanders…leaving your servermates behind while you run away/desperately spam the waypoint. LOL
Haha you appreciated that one, didn’t ya? We stuck you with RI for 4 minutes while we took back some other stuff
Sometimes the only way out is the way you don’t think about. Oh… P.S. ya’ll bring some SERIOUS numbers to the tables on reset! I’m very impressed!
You guys bring a marco that waypoints you to Burger King. Seriously, do we make your repair bills that high that you have to waypoint out instead of manning up and trying to learn how to fight us?
(edited by CrowndClown.1702)
I was enjoying the fight against FTF and PK, 1 – 2 Hours of 40+ zergs in bp bl, ended up winning it and it was enjoyable, until PK did it again, Wait in spawn for 10 mins and wait for the enemy zerg to leave then go and cap a keep, no offence to you guys but i cannot think of any other cheap way for a guild to cap a thing, i want to leave this tier
In the video that your wonderful guild BURN posted, the chatlog clearly says to sit and wait at spawn to make it seems like bp left the map. Dtz saying some things that could be taken the wrong way as well. You might want to hide chat next time. Good video though, it was interesting to see us from your guys’ point of view.
And idk how most of SBZY does it, but it seems like they have a waypoint keybinded to avoid that nasty repair bill they have. No backbone at all….
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Why don’t Omega Golems drop anything nice? I got a blue and a spike…? Really?
What was that tactic at SM bp? That was a strange place to ball up on. We’re you planning to rush us when we were selling from all the loot you gave us?
Edit: Whoa there, portal bomb? Did you like that static field?
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Oh what happened BP? Got Smashed? Inb4excuses
(insert night cap or pvd excuse)
Oh, I think I’m sounding too much like Ehmry.
BP’s nightcappers should be able to handle this no problem!
Going to take my wife to dinner since none of Sekz will accept my one vs one. Funny seeing you guys zerg the forums claiming to be good, but not willing to back it up, knowing you’re not.
Get good, then we can talk.
It doesn’t matter who’s better at 1v1’s. SekZ is more fun and coordinated than SoS will ever be. Also, quite a name you’re building for yourself and your guild, “Omg 1v1 me, I’m the best, you guys suck!”.
You have a short memory.
SOS, I’m starting to like you guys better. Good coordinated little group you guys have.
Your hand is getting lonely. Take her out to dinner now.
[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?
That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>
Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.
Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.
lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.
You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?
In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.
You guys travel with 20+ most of the time becuase you’re scared, and you have never SEEN a SoS full 80s group of players, ever.
Fixed it for you.
Now you’re just lying. You havn’t seen a SoS group of 80s? Let me refresh your memory. Ten of us chased the entire Sekz zerg off Hills twice last night before I logged.
I love how you were online for that. The word of mouth from SoS’s keyboard warrior is too strong. I’m trembling under my blanket.
inb4 “Friend me so we can 1v1”
edit: I’m also glad you can post the same picture. It really shows you’re trying. Our efforts are not lost guys!
[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?
That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>
Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.
Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.
lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.
You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?
In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.
You guys travel with 20+ most of the time becuase you’re scared, and you have never SEEN a SoS full 80s group of players, ever.
Fixed it for you.
Does AR remember the Grub yesterday? You guys were adamant about getting that thing. It was nice of you to pull it to your wall and still get wiped when we were under all that cannon fire. And to the few people that got the chest, was it worth the repair bill? It was worth it for us.
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