Showing Posts For Crusheddiamond.1895:
I’m shocked nothing has been said about this, i cant continue the story in any way cause of this bug…really sucks gets stuck at the “I think so. We’re almost right on top of the source” every time
Hope that would include more than just the Ipad, but the market trading would be awesome.
It is smartphones and ipod touch and ipad’s as well
Depending on what it includes I may be interested in it.
If it is just an official character planner, well, IGN’s app does that.
An application for smartphones, iPod Touch, and iPad will be made available to talk to in-game friends and guild members, view friends’ in-game locations in real-time, and allow remote access to the marketplace. The application will be free for Guild Wars 2 players.
I’m pretty happy that a developer is on the forums talking about an idea unlike most companies.
Thanks arenanet
Is the app still in development or was it abandoned?
It was a great idea but no new information or progress on it.
Was anybody excited for it but me?
This needs more exposure
Ah I see well that helps…guess I’ll have to stay up till like 3-4am this weekend and hope theres two spots on the server.
Is there any way to move onto a server if its full short of staying up? The girlfriend and I wanna play with our friends but of course tarnished coast is full I’ve pretty much been up all day and night and it never goes down from full.
Should I assume that it isn’t going to go down?
Do I still get the digital deluxe special if I buy from greenman gaming? I can get the game for 42 dollars.
Game Loading Time is longer after Oct 7 patch (SSD)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895
^not true at all.^
not to me i said, did you guys tried my advices? and are you sure it’s not just a placebo?
i keep my SSD clean and below 70% used space (especially if it’s also the windows partition) and do not have such issues.i just noticed that the character-selection screen loads for 2 seconds…but that could be the case earlier, before the october 7th patch, too.
if you look at a loading screen biased, while thinking “man, i heard that it loads slower now”, then it will be slower – guaranteed. :P
My GW2 is on a SSD by itself…256gb Crucial M4 with only 1 other game installed (Dishonored)
And I am SURE that it happened after the patch since my GF computer which i built is running a HDD not a SSD and shes loading in a half secound right after I do (on a lesser system as well) When before it would load a good 5-10 secs later then me.
So no its NOT a placebo effect.
Nvidia has already stated the issue is not coming from their side, just waiting on Anet to optimize the GPU use a little bit more, so lets just have a little faith and it’ll happen.
Game Loading Time is longer after Oct 7 patch (SSD)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895
It’s not just you. Sad to see theres no confirmation from Anet on this issue it’s pretty obvious to all SSD owners.
Guild Name – Eternal Guard
Guild Age – Est. May 2012 (A few of us have played together for much longer)
Website –
Server – Dragonbrand
Countries Served – US, Australia, UK, Europe
- You’re 18+ years of age.
- Teamspeak 3 (To listen if you don’t have a microphone)
- We’re Looking for all players to bolster our ranks {*Any level/Profession*}(See below)
- {PvE Players} Eternal guard is looking for more PvE players to fill up some dungeon/leveling slots for the guild.
- {PvP Players} We have a very organized WvWvW team and are looking to build a SPvP team very soon.
[Alliances] We are looking for other guilds to form alliances with for WvWvW. If you have any contacts for Eternal guard to send a message to please leave a post here.
Personal messages may be sent in game to the following
CrushedDiamond – Crusheddiamond.1895
Drtrider – Drtrider.6314
Crushed Sapphire – CrushedSapphire.9036
- CrushedDiamond
(edited by Crusheddiamond.1895)
Game Loading Time is longer after Oct 7 patch (SSD)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895
Wonder if there working on it or not? LOVE my SSD but kinda hard to not be bummed right now
Can somebody tell me if theres any issues with these drivers? I keep seeing other posts on other forums saying these stutter for the 600 series
306.97 is now available
I see that, gonna try it.
Also this made me laugh
Planetside 2 – rated Not recommended
The not recommended is for a 3D Vision profile….
Game Loading Time is longer after Oct 7 patch (SSD)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895
Crucial M4, having the same issue here. Hoping for a red post
Alot of things needs to be patched
Yep hope it gets fixed like soon ever since the last patch there’s been more bugs and network lag then ever.
As title says I cannot delete any of my characters I put in the name right I hit delete and nothing happens, tried logging in and out, restarting computer nothing.
Keep expanding and we will have a unstoppable server force. So far Our groups together achieve big things in a short amount of time due to communication.
Drtrider and me (Crusheddiamond) are the leaders of Eternal guard [EtG]
The communication has to work both ways we approached many guilds that say they are wanting to start an alliance but nobody has continued talks much past the first meeting.
We all have things to do in RL but if we want this to work we need to solidify this alliance and turn things around before server resets.
So far it seems that [Totn] is willing to let the alliance use their teamspeak (which is large enough for us all) I would like to plan a meeting with all guild leaders {and one officer} soon so we can set out what we would like to do.
I’m in game as Crusheddiamond.1895
The Eternal Guard is here to help I started this thread now its time for people to step up. Saying “ya I’ll join up with the alliance” isn’t good enough you gotta show up present yourself and show that you really want in. Actions speak louder then words.
Get organized and then progress forward instead of doing nothing and expecting something to happen
Hit me up anytime (in game) to set up meetings
[ToTn] Has a teamspeak large enough for all of us to get on and talk about WvW and where were going with all this
Look for Alejos Totenreich in game
Your open to join ours.
[EtG] Eternal Guard
We have plans to join up in a alliance with ToTn
Talks went well. The lines are now open and we plan to change our server around
I want to help our server in anyway possible be the guild you have a small amount of members or a large number your help is needed. It’s time to unite the server. Opening communication is the first step.
you first need to find someone worthy of of leading each allied guild. chances are it’s not current leaders
So far getting the lines open is a bigger feat then deciding who will lead each guild. Each guild has their own ranking system.
I have two people in my guild that have proven themselves time and again to be great leaders and well off in tactics.
The fact remains that we need to get people to start talking
I want to help our server in anyway possible be the guild you have a small amount of members or a large number your help is needed. It’s time to unite the server. Opening communication is the first step.
Let’s get our guilds together and work on a plan to bring us back to the top.
Please send me a message with guild names and sizes.
I plan to have a meeting with all WvW centric guild leaders about pushing us forward.
It’s time to take responsibility of our servers protection.
Time to fix miscommunication
Time to fix misinformation
Lets show the world that we’re a force to be reckoned with.
I started the level 3 Architecture upgrade and it took my 5,000 influence but now its missing and I’m still out 5,000 influence. If you check my guilds records you’ll see that it would’ve been completed a while ago.
Being a smaller guild 5,000 influence is not a small feat for us.
We have agreed as a guild that we do not like the server we are on and would like to move but of course we all used our influence boosts from the deluxe edition as well as we’ve gotten pretty far in terms of upgrades our guild has.
Is there anyway to transfer the guild as a whole or at least get a influence boost again for the guild (on the new server)
If not then why not? [Just would like to know the reason as to why we can’t]