Showing Posts For Cupcake.8341:
I don’t care if I am a SoS player. I am now using “You’ve just been Henged” for every kill in WvW and sPvP.
I have to work until 10pm some nights so it’s really inconvenient after I spend all night online only to find all of the towers I worked hard to defend taken by players during the day. If anyone knows of any add-ons to pause 24/7 global combat, plz let me know.
WvW is a gold sink. Simple. The game is new so gold is hard to come by, as the game ages later however – it will become almost necessary to help the economy, especially if gear stays so cheap.
People will complain about the price now, but if they wait and put up the price later, it will give older players more of an advantage and create the ever feared divide between newcomers and older characters, which will not only create more complaints but also discourage newbies from playing.
It’s also good in the sense that (… mostly.) it stops spamming of siege equipment to the point where there is no hope for the offensive (losing) team (even moreso than now with weekly match ups)
noone sane would tag a server as “french”, “german” or “spanish” if they intended it to have a healthy dose of around-the-globe players. the message that anyone with an IQ above single digits get from it is the polar opposite.
so please, if your gonna be so dead wrong, save us the pain of reading your nonsenses and dont post ever again
Well, maybe anyone with an IQ above single digits would realise that “french” “german” or “spanish” are not meant as nationality but langage, or maybe simply know that france has territories all over the world or that spanish speaking cover more than 20 countries also spread all around the worlds. Not even talking about citizens off those countries that happens to travel in different time zones…
But hey, nice try.
Quoted for truth.
Like I’ve said time and time again – The server is labelled for:
A. Location, so people can choose a server with the least lag
B. Timezones, so people can choose a server that resets at a time that suits them whether they be night or day players
C. Laguage, so people don’t join a server with a team/guild/map chat that they can’t understand.
It’s not a big pillow fort with a “(Insert country here) ONLY, NO OTHER COUNTRIES ALLOWED” sign on it – and if they were intended that way, accounts would be region locked.
It’s so players get an idea of the server before they join.
It’s not rocket science.
Kinda sums up the Whines for WvW. Don't come in if you can't take a joke
in WvW
Posted by: Cupcake.8341
You forgot the most important rule of all:
If someone finds a set of jumps in the map and places a treb location that you attempted to get to once but failed, it is deemed a fly hack which obligates you to make five threads on the forum with dodgy screenshots and ten paragraphs about how that team is obviously exploiting.
Sea of Sorrows here. My favorite part of W3 is never being able to leave spawn for an entire week without getting zerged.
A++ would die again.
If you live in Australia and you want to play with your North American friends then they should make some international servers where everyone from all over can play
You mean like… How every server is available to anyone who wants to play currently? You seem to want other players to move, yet don’t want to move yourself.
Like I said, “North America” is simply the location and the time resets etc are. An “International” server wouldn’t make sense because you can’t have some omnipotent server that is both everywhere and nowhere with resets both all the time and never. That simply doesn’t make sense. The server would still be based SOMEWHERE and server space is not cheap.
Like Anet has already said: W3 is a constant 24 hour battle. It was designed that way. Just like IRL, warfare isn’t going to stop because someone took a nap.
If you want a temporary battle that only suits you, there are PvP maps up that will match you to players that play when you do.
The “North American” servers simply mean that the servers are located in NA and will reset at NA timezones. It is nothing about who can play and who can’t. Sometimes, I have run with the night cap zerg because that’s when I’ve been online and playing W3 during spare time. I’m not “cheating” because I live in Australia, work odd hours and want to play with my US friends. I paid for the game, like everyone else.
If you want to pay for my mates to fly over to another country so I can play with them on a different server without them lagging and then write to my boss about changing my work schedule, go for gold.
sPvP is always open if you want even matches with everyone on at the same time.
I don’t mean “Alliance” wise. I just mean, when you see the match ups, you go “Yeah, that server is rad! I hope they win!”
Personally, I’m a HoD supporter (even though I’m on SoS and there’s going to be a snowflakes chance in heck that we’d ever verse them) because they’re always super nice on the forums and I think have shown some pretty nice tactics.
Four candy canes for you, HoD. You go, HoD.
(Please keep the hate off this thread, I do not possess a mop for failtroll tears.)
I’d imagine they are locking the threads because it has been answered and there is no way to stop the issue without someone losing out simply because they are in a different time zone or don’t run on the circadian cycle.
With most of them turning into whiny troll threads leading to unnecessary exaggerated loathing and abuse of Anet and forum moderators or bickering between players, I don’t blame them. They own the forums and the hosting server space so it’s within their right to lock something if it’s been answered or gets out of hand. I’m sure they’ve heard both arguments loud and clear by now, perhaps if you have a new suggestion on the issue directly mail support.
that is just sick, if they do nothing about it then what’s the point on playing wvw
Dear Arenanet, please give us some info how you will deal with this problem.
Disclaimer: I do not work for Anet and I don’t come from Yak’s Bend.
I think the issue is that you can’t see names of the opposition.
I’d imagine that Anet wouldn’t have some special tool to detect who it is unless someone from BV has said “HEY LOL I FLY HACKED” in their chat log and looks like the character in the screenshot, because I don’t think they can ban on assumption – Nor would it be fair to ban or disadvantage and entire guild or server for one person’s inability to play a computer game without resorting to pathetic tactics.
I doubt that they “Aren’t doing anything” it may be that they ARE doing things but different players from either the same guilds/servers are using the same tool. (Which can be hard to find if you consider that links can be shared through other forms of contact rather than chatlogs. GMs do not have dominion over other forms of outside correspondence because it is not by Anet and therefore would not have published logs.)
Keep in mind that the game being released to the general public is fairly new and the GM’s I’d imagine, could have orders not to speak on the issue (if it is being looked into and they release too much information, it could compromise catching the hackers as they could find ways to get around it faster than figuring it out themselves.)
I’d imagine that the GMs are employed with the Publisher rather than the developer – and therefore would be VERY on edge about hacking as a certain other game GW2 shares a publisher with was brought down within a few months due to people leaving because of botting and whatnot, so it’d be a VERY serious issue as to not repeat history.
Keep in mind, the GMs are NOT developers and therefore can only pass on information and pass approved correspondence to us.
With this in mind, please do not demand specific answers. Anet has said that they are cracking down on bots and with them sticking very closely to their word with many other things right now as well as trying to compromise with players – I’d give them the benefit of the doubt and saying it IS being dealt with, even without specifics.
I think 3 days is good. By that time, the rest of the week is defined by who has the power then anyway and it’s a massive plateau of boredom because the players who LIKE W3 have pretty much transferred to the winning server by then to get map completion/jump puzzle rewards so it’s hard to get back up and keep fighting.
I’m going to assume this question was “Are you going to still play WvW” because it’s in the WvW section and there are many other great components to the game.
I’m finding the week matches boring because it plateaus at the 3 day mark about who has the map (Winning and losing for multiple days both get tiresome.) So, no. If it’s still week long matches in a month, I’ll probably focus on the other components of the game until I get bored of sPvP and PvE.
When I post an item, there’s the selling fee – which the AH tells me it takes and it is taken when I post, but then when I actually get the money, especially if I post a bulk lot, the ACTUAL amount I get is less than it tells me I’ll get when I post it.
Is there ANOTHER fee that’s hidden and taken after the successful trade or is this another bug?
(I can’t search to see if this topic has been covered because the search bar is broken for me -.-)
It’s going on 4 days now. It’s my last skill point for Queensdale. I also sent an in game bug report a day before making this thread. Hopefully there’s a server reset soon and it fixes it or something because I’ve heard nothing back.
(I’m sorry if there is already a post on this but ironically, the “search forum” function is also broken.)
Chhk the Windmill King has not spawned where he is supposed to spawn and hasn’t for two days. He’s nowhere to be found and is seriously blocking my map completion. His “chat” is coming up in the chat box as a /s but he isn’t ANYWHERE.
I play on the Sea of Sorrows server. I’m not sure if it’s happening on the other servers and I can’t check because I’d have to wait 24 hours before coming back to SoS.
Not that I care but for the same reason they’re entitled to less in other games, the servers are labeled as “American” for time zones.
Sure ok…… then where are our Oceanic servers ?
Last I heard,my copy of GW2 was legally distributed and purchased in the AU and the servers provided were also provided and maintained the funds from AU customers,regardless of where they are situated.
You have the wrong idea of what the labeling is for.
Signed. I play at midnight in AU time because I have this thing called “work” that I have to go to. Funnily enough, this “work” also provides me with money to spend on GW2, both to purchase the game and to purchase gems if I can afford them. I shouldn’t be penalized by a game I’m putting money into because I have to WORK in order to put money into it. It’s not some evil plan by the Aussies to thwart the US, it’s called “life” and it’s a thing that is not exclusive to America.
After drudging through the posts of retweets and random jargon of figuring out what the heck or who the heck the developers are talking about/to – I find the latest update was 6 hours ago. (Although, I did have a chuckle at the person who signs ^MK – I know it’s their initials, but it sounds SO passive aggressive. Like " We do not speculate about timeframes. Thanks. ^MmmmKaayyy")
I work 2pm-10pm AU time here. I didn’t choose my hours. I didn’t sit there stroking my pet cat in a spinny chair going “Myes, eeeexcellent. Now I can show those non-Australians once and for all!” It’s not done on purpose.
When SoS is not getting roflstomped, we play at your “night” because it’s our daytime (or, in my case, early dawn.) Other countries exist and should get to play like everyone else. SoS has a lesser “day” force because in a country that isn’t the US, most of us are sleeping. Other servers dominate us during THEIR day time and we dish it back in OUR day time. So it was pretty even ground when we had shorter matches because each server had one off time each day and then two slots of about 3-4 hours of full-on carnage either side of that.
Transfers are still open and free, by the way – If other country’s time zones not adhering to you winning a video game at all times hurls your life into mortal despair that much.
I will forever be rooting for HoD… Even though I’ve never been there and will stay on SoS forever probably. <3
Yeah, but the starting area in EB has TP, vendors + repairs. I don’t need to port twice :P
It feels good to be on the losing team… (spoilers: not really)
SoS fo’ lyf.
Also – free insta ports to a salvage/gathering vendor + manual vendor. Does HotM have THAT?! (Probably, I don’t know.)
Now that everyone has given up hope and there’s only ever 8 people in WvW, I get a week of porting to the TP for free and only having to pay for transport back, making every port to TP only half price. Which comes in handy since most people on my server are now just farming instance runs for cash.
Worth it.
Just confirming, it is possible to climb. Not in a difficult or sneaky way either. It is very obvious in the design that it was meant to be a (challenging) climb.