Showing Posts For DJisGOD.7045:

Wintersday Deployment - Thanks Anet!

in Wintersday

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


I hated the loast coast event,BUT i am so impressed with winterday so far,the added atmosphere to the maps and the events are great fun,also got some nice rewards from doing tixx . and the music is fantastic .keep up the good work .

Lost on the way?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


YAY got my chest.thanks for for looking into my account finally. lol but at least i have it and got a few nice exotics and 20 slot bag


Another Lost Shores Thread?!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


yeah but if i was never going to receive it why tell me in my support ticket that i will? i would have just moved on and not cared but they dragged this out and i still ended up with nothing.

Another Lost Shores Thread?!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


see this is totally unfair i played all three days,crashed and got nothing yet you get the reward and didnt even try

Lost on the way?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


i am in the same boat,i played all the weekend right through to the anciant karka event and then got cut off and returned to a overflow where it had finished.i opened a ticket and was told i would recive a reward early this week.i got nothing,i today opened a new ticket and asked why and was told they have finished handing them out and i must not meet the requirments? i dont see how when i played right till the end and got cut off….like everyone else who has been rewarded.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


i did the whole thing.had it crash on the last battle ,opened a support ticket got s reply saying i would get a reward early this week..seems others have got the, but still none for me

Lost Shores event compensation?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


i got this in response to my support ticket ,so i do not think it will be long until we receive our rewards

lost shores event

Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (name edited) 11/28/2012 05:55 PM

Thanks again for your patience while we looked into your issue with the Lost Shores event. We have confirmed that we can provide everyone who did not have the opportunity to loot the chest with a reward for their participation. All affected players will receive a reward regardless of whether or not they have contacted Support. We’re working very hard on this, and you should have a reward in your in-game mail early next week.

The Guild Wars Support Team

Customer By Web Form(name edited) 11/19/2012 09:33 AM
i played through all three phases of the event phase 2 was un finishabledue to bugged npcs and phase 3 crashed 3 times during the final anciant battle,it put me back into an overflow where the event had already eneded and i got no rewards……

what can be done about this? i spent far to much time to be rewarded with nothing at all .

i guess i will have to think hard about putting any more time into this game unless the situation is rectified

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


my feedback is this.

terrible lag,bugged events and 3 server crashes in the final phase which led to me getting no reward because it put me in an overflow where the event had already finished.

i wasted three days doing this? thanks.

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


it seems very unfair that i hear people that looted the chest mutiple times when some of us never even got the chance because of server crash’s.this was my first couple of weeks in guild wars 2 and if this is how badly the game is managed i dont think i will bother to put any more effort into this game.

of the 7 days i have been playing this game 3 were wasted doing lost shores events only for it to crash twice on me during the end phase then put me in an overflow where it had already finished.

Those who did not get the chest

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


i wasted 3 days doing lost shore events only for the server to crash mid anciant battle,i rejoined into an overflow where it had already finished…… i have spent all that time and effort for no reward at all.thanks alot anet.

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


yeah I got disconnected twice while fighting the ancient and got no reward for three days effort…………..seeming this is my first week on the game this isn’t a good start. not sure if im going to waste much more time on it if its this badly buggy.