Showing Posts For DXXXVIII.8927:

Our technology is ancient

in Engineer

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Yeah… We got megalasers and kitten mechanical Killing machines that repair themselves and the engineer profession still trys to be a technologial avantgarde by using gunpowder…

[PVE/WvW] Dire Gear Problem

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


To be honest, i play warrior and engineer on condition damage… Dire is one of the best statcombos u can have atm. U loose nearly no dps in comparison to the other condition-damage equipment while getting tankynes that is only comparable to soldiers gear. and while the damage multiplicator for power-dps (prec+crit damage) needs to be acquired with the equipment itself, u get the multiplicator for condition damage with runes/sigils and buffood. (its laugheable easy to reach the 100% duration cap with rune+sigil+buffood).
The only drawback is the same all condition build suffer. condition can be cleansed and they cap.

PS: The on-crit condition procs are so weak that its not smart to invest in crit-chance for conditioners.

(edited by DXXXVIII.8927)

Uncraftable exotic insignias

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


U cant have all types of stats … no givers insignias…

Giver's Orichalcum-Imbued Inscription

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


He means that he wants givers ascended weapon. SRY ionic, but dev decided to not implement givers ascended gear.

look at this:

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


No Giver's Stat in Ascended/Legendary?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


(edited by DXXXVIII.8927)

No Ascended Giver's Inscription's?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


(edited by DXXXVIII.8927)

Allow Giver's stats on ascended/legendary!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


And wth nerf down condition duration for 1h to 5%… this wouldnt be worth anything anymore. how bout increasing 2h weapons condition duration to 20%?

Allow Giver's stats on ascended/legendary!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Yeah atm many stick to their givers weapons due to the fact that they provide better stats for a condition build than ascended weapons. which excludes a big player base of conditioners from the ascended gear upgrade.

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Maybe its their way to tell us that they dont want conditioner-builds in gw2

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Yeah feels like: “ASCENDED WEAPONS an upgrade fo every class… except the engineer.”

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Yeah mes as well… engineer xP

No Giver's Stat in Ascended/Legendary?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


stil no response?

No Ascended Giver's Inscription's?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


still no response?

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


still no response?

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Yeah seems like crafting gets slow answers

No Giver's Stat in Ascended/Legendary?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


what ur talkingabout is an exotic with legendary-skin
thats not the same

No Ascended Giver's Inscription's?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927



You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Still no official answer?

No Giver's Stat in Ascended/Legendary?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


YEAH… Adding all existing stat combos to ascended… wheres my GIVER’S Gear… Im so saddened…

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


but if ur using one handed weapons… ur loosing 20% duration which u heavily need to reach the 100% cap. If u dont ull miss out the damagetick.

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Theres no givers gear higher than exotic implemented… what i heard there is the possibility for legendarys to pick from all possible ascended-gear stats and they cant pick givers. therefore no ascended-givers…

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Oh kitten … ur right. DARE U ANET!!! I WANT MY GIVERS PISTOLS!

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


ah u can create giver gear from givers isncriptions cause its crafteable
u just need snowflakes which exploded in its price

You forgot Giver's weapons

in Crafting

Posted by: DXXXVIII.8927


Yeah, loves my givers weapons and was happy as i read that they would add all existing statcombos as ascenden weapons… and now… im unhappy… no need to get ascended gear atm… loosing 20% condition duration would be just a downgrade