Showing Posts For DaGhostDS.9738:

How good are necros in dungeons and fractals?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


After doing a lot of Arah/Sorrow with my Staff and D/F vampirezerker Necro, i think they are fine, hell they cant be worse than rangers with their pet dying one shot to every boss mechanics and killing their dps at the same time.

No Clean-Up L.A. Quest?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


I have LOTS of Blade Shards and Bloodstone Dust to contribute to the reconstruction. Heck, let’s rebuild LA entirely out of Bloodstone Dust! Who’s with me?!

I have enough to build my own region out of it.. the Bloodstone desert, new island south of LA! Nah but seriously i have 74 stacks of it.. and i used a lot.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Ascalon is the true homeland of the Charr, it was stolen by the humans before the Guild Wars, Humans should not have any right on the lands.
Human were the original invaders, they brought the wrath of the Charr on themselves.

I would march to take back Elona, hell just take back Orr it was just cleansed by us player with minor help from that “it wont end well” plant guy and its the original Human Kingdom.

No Achieves Because Other Players Are Bad...

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


I think you’re being punished for being a crappy teacher.

No one shows up with the intent to fail. But they may lack the knowledge needed to win. If you’re so certain that you’ve mastered every nuance of the fight, then you need to master one more: sharing that knowledge.

For someone to be a good teacher, they need people to actually listen to them.
Three times when we’ve had 10 minutes before the fight starts, I would explain as simple and clear as I could how to defeat each champion. And would remind them before they entered their match.
Simple things
“You can only damage him from behind!”
“You need to lure him into his own mines in order to stun him so he can take damage, otherwise you cannot hurt him!”
“He hits like a truck, you have to DPS him down. Range works pretty well with this one!”

And so on.
Explained the tower defense part, the lane numbering system, boss fights and more… and it didn’t help. There are just those who don’t read map chat.

Edit – Just did the one at 7pm EST in an overflow server and my god.
Before the match started, I explained everything in simple detail, did what I could… and in the end.
A Perfect Run.
No fails in any lane… Lane 5 severed the 5th chain for a mission complete.
Was amazing, everyone was cheering and it felt good. When people listen, you can succeed!

You got lucky, ive seen over the last few days dozen of people explain for 20mins + linking website with guides to do it, max we.. well i should say THEY could ever get was 3 chains… How hard is it to hit dodge and dps a boss? Align him toward “insert strategy here”.

In the end bad design choice, sorry Anet, but “You’re only as strong as your weakest link” design philosophy is awful and should be reverted, if another platform need help, your team should be able to move to that platform and help, not just watch and cry…

(edited by DaGhostDS.9738)

RIP Dhuumfire

in Necromancer

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Im happy that my build never got hit by the nerf around Dhumbfire.. mostly..

- Life Steal? – Not Viable. If u focused ur dead, if not ur life steal is useless because u dont need to heal.
The Bloodmagic-Line is useless. I already have spent 20 points each into curses and soul reaping.*

Maybe to you but not everyone try to rush in and get killed in your play-style.

(edited by DaGhostDS.9738)

Fire elemental powder mega-nerf?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Was expecting that one.. in October. Be happy you had the Fire Ele for that long. :P

Immobalized / Cannot Move for no reason bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


I can probably shed some light on this issue on the PvE side at least, im gonna go with an example because that’s where i see the issue most : Claw of Jormag when he fears you, a ranger already dropped his Healing Spring and the condition removing effect goes into action 0.2 to 1 sec after the fear, you cannot move but you can still use attack / skills and it get fixed on the next fear or Waypoint teleport.

Please make ascended armor ALT friendly

in Crafting

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Why shouldn’t time gating be per character? If I take the time to level up a weapon smith, huntsman and artificer why cant they all make one of each time gated material?

Each alt can do the Dragonite events once a day and open chests once a day which is alt friendly, same with gathering.

Why is there time gating in the first place? If the results are account bound anyway why make us wait? I don’t see how forcing us to log in every day to craft materials one at a time gets them more money.

Il stop you there, Time gating is per character.. I can do one of each time gated item on all my maxed profession on my 2 characters.

Lets say the issue with those items is near zero since you probably wont have enough mats to get to 500 in 5-10 days anyway.

I found a hidden gem inside the tri-chest

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


It was in both the Release note and the (pre) release page.
Do i need to tell you can sell it? :p

Quartz Crystals spike

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


They might have intended to use Charged Quartz as a cheap way to discover Exotic armor pieces to build XP for post-400 armor crafting, and got in early.

Thing is, celestial exotics aren’t discovered, they are learned from recipes so way less crafting xp there and they are accountbound on creation so no way to recoup some gold from crafting by selling on the TP.

They are alot more expensive than other items you can craft to get to 500.

Very true was fine for exotics weapon for me since i put them in the mystic forge, even got a spark, but for armor it will be a big loss of mats and money.

Precursor Hunt Datamined

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738



I can’t wait until the disappointment and tears which will undoubtedly happen when people discover that the precursor hunt is going to be RIDICULOUSLY grindy.

Cant be worse than grinding a precursor currently :p
Like i always say in-game: “pff, precursor drop are a myth and urban legend created by trolls with link code!”

On the other hand, mystic forge seem to be the best source… RNG must love you!

LFG tool : Group Merging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Note that there is no such concept as party ownership, or leadership.

Slightly not true, “Leadership” being the player that entered the instance first which cause problem if that player leaves early, it should be transferred to the next player still in the instance instead of kicking all the players out and having to restart from nothing.

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Hello all, I looked into this because we intended to have a release note for the changes to the champion loot.
We did modify the gold and bloodstone dust coming from champion bags, and a release note will be added shortly.
What I can tell you is that we made a mistake, this one fell through the cracks and I’m truly sorry. I’ve promised before that we won’t make stealthy economic changes without notes and I mean to stick to that promise.
Thank you all for pointing out the error, we will be more vigilant in the future.
Good luck in your adventures.

What about the reduction in Rare/Exotics from those bags and the Orr temple chest?
Ive been talking to a few players and they all seen a major reduction over the last month.

P.s. The gold drop was already reduced 2 weeks after the introduction of those Champs bag.

You lost the real enemy out of sight!

in Living World

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


The whole Twilight them seem to be connected to a certain unknown and plotting dragon in a certain jungle of the west, Scarlet could be his lieutenant.
After seeing this , i believe it even more.
Krait/Twilight plant Hybrid

Queen Jennah isn't real

in Lore

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


(edited by DaGhostDS.9738)

My recent connections?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Had the same issue and looked the IP address on google, its listed under NCsoft so false positive :p

No necro changes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


…….are you refering to the supposedly leaked patch notes? Because if so there are a number of changes……….including minions (necro and ranger pets) getting a massive health buff.

This, and if you look at those supposed notes, necros are getting a boost to all the vampiric abilities. If you read them (not saying they are real) you will find that they are going to split into both a healing (scaled) and a power (scaled) aspect for siphoning. To me this means that a true vampiric build may finally be viable! I already have a good set of celestial armor and woudl love to experiment with it, if true.

Let’s hope it’s true then

How many Aetherblade pirates are there?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Well actually they could have an army the size of the whole population of Tyria since we dont even know if they are native to our time and world.

Steam creature were already confirmed to come from a possible future.

airship in DR = giant eagle ?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Im pretty sure the wings are made to come down once the Jubilee is completed and close the pavilion down.

Economy concerns

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


I think it was pretty obvious guys. Isn’t ecto up 22s or so?

The market has waaay to many gold faucets right now.

I don’t think nerfing the rate of rares/boxes/mats should be nerfed, but the amount of silver from the boxes definitely should.

Yes, ecto price has been climbing. It could also mean the opportunity cost of farming the daily world boss is increasing, since champ can be more profittable. Less rare = less ectos. I farmed champ a bit, and I noticed the gold generation is not that good, I get tons of greens from those bags.

You also get 5 to 8 silver per box, chance for rare/exotics (which sells from 18s to 45g), chance for tier 6 mats and chance for cores/lodestones.
Your math is wrong :p

[Merged] Karma Spender

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


Obviously the daily was not updated to check the wallet if karma was spend and looking at the old place that now is probably always 0.

Make sense and this is probably the issue, with the amount of daily we can choose from we dont have an issue completing the 5 needed at least.

Ranger Pet Solution

in Ranger

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


I dont think straight % bonus is the right answer tbh. :/

I think its a first step in the right direction, its a bit better than the death trap following me around walking in mine and killing me… I had a uptime of 2sec a few time on Duncan Dunwell because of my drake until i changed to my Lashtail.

Ranger Pet Solution

in Ranger

Posted by: DaGhostDS.9738


I just want my GW1 ranger back (though even that had serious flaws and limitations), but at this point that seems unlikely to happen.

Um… compared to the GW2 Ranger my GW Ranger was a god… pun intended.

But there is a point to be had. I’m all for pets, I always ran a pet in GW. But it was my choice. I choose to run that pet because I liked him. But when I really had to I could put him away and be serious. There was no choice in this game. We are forced Beastmasters 100% of the time and as many threads have pointed out; There is content that is just not suited for such an AI.

Honestly though, I’m mostly upset about the fact that they took the fun out of pets by forcing them on you.

I think there should be a trait (or skill, elite or not) that remove the pets and increase the ranger damage by X% amount, would fix a lot of headache from the dev and the playerbase.