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Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


“25% life force and <25% health. How helpful is anything that doesn’t protect you in that situation?”

You clearly don’t know how this trait works. It revolves around your NORMAL health pool. As was stated above that most people don’t seem to understand is that DS IS NOT HEALTH. If you cant stack at 50-75% DS in a 1v1 before you die, then you are completely garbage. Anyway, back to explaining this trait to you. Lets just say you’re in a 1v1 and you get all the way down to below 25% of your normal health pool. As soon as hit that threshold siphoned power is activated. If you pop DS it is still activated and every time you get hit you gain might. It doesn’t matter if you have 95% DS or 10% DS, siphoned power will still give you might every time you are hit while your NORMAL health pool is below the 25% threshold. So you can be at 90% DS and get might every time you are hit as long as your NORMAL health pool is below 25%.

If you dont think this is useful, then let me give you a situation that isnt crazy and farfetched. As a normal 1v1 is playing out my opponent and myself have both used a majority of our cooldowns. My opponent then thinks he has the match in the bag, but what he doesn’t know is that i have been saving my DS (because I’m smart and i know how to use a necros skills in a power build). So he gets me down just low enough to activate siphoned power and doesnt have much burst left (because he used it trying to kill me) , i pop into my 50-75% DS. Since he doesnt have his bursts ready, he cant take me out of DS very fast, and every time he hits me i gain might, along with every time i use life blast i also gain might. Pair this with the trait “vital persistence” and his attacks will do even less damage to my life force. So now we are both on cooldowns my health pool is below 25% and he has no means of effectively taking me out of DS, each time he hits me he buffs my already powerful DS auto attack 1. lets say he hits me 5 times, thats 5 stacks of might. In that time i will also hit him 5 times with auto attack 1, thats another 5 stacks of might (10 stacks total in what like 10 seconds). Now my DS is almost gone, and he somehow doesnt die from my 5 auto attacks, I use my fear and life blast him to death. Game, set, match.

You also say that 5 seconds isnt long enough of a duration, or that only a necro in downed state can give you a good amount of might stacks from this trait, then you dont understand how most of the other classes work either. There are a good amount of classes out there that focus on hitting you multiple times in a very short period of time, which exactly what you want when trying to utilize this trait. So please learn ALL of the skills before you ask to nerf yourself into the ground.

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Getting healed in DS would be a terrible thing, especially for power necros. Most people don’t understand the grandmaster trait in the spite tree. It is designed for DS. “Siphoned Power – Gain might when stuck while your health is below the threshold. Health threshold 25%.” You’re in a fight building your life force and u activate this minor trait, (by almost dying) pop a full DS with it and its kitten near game over (1v1 situation). You can get to 25 stacks of might in no time especially if paired with “Reaper’s Might”. A power necro with 25 stacks of might with 50-75% DS (not 100% because getting hit in DS is what stacks your might) with an on demand fear to set up life blasts should never be taken lightly. If properly traited and set up, a necro can crit 4-8K Life blasts depending on the enemy (heavy-Medium-Light) along with 3-4k air sigil proc, 3-4k fire sigil proc, and a 3-4k traited spinal shivers proc. Its not likely to proc them all on the same hit, but it is possible. I know it is possible because i have done it and i have it recorded in my necro pvp video. And no it was not done on a practice dummy, it was in a live soloq game.
If necros got healed in DS, then the grandmaster minor trait in the spite tree (siphoned power) would be as useless as people currently think it is. It would essentially Nerf the already not so good power necro. Not so good in terms of survivability not damage. People need to learn how to play classes and use all of their skills before asking for ANET for game changes to help their classes.

What Class Do You Like the Least on Your Team

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Rangers #1, Most are terrible pew pew rangers with no skill. They don’t provide your team with anything, and they feed opposing teams points like no other.

Thieves #2 only because the skill cap is high, most thieves I get stuck with aren’t very good.

Mesmers/Necros #3 Skill cap is fairly high just to not need to be babysat, and in pug games babysitting isn’t really an option.

Why are experienced players in practice mode?

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Because players who need to be in unranked to practice go ranked and ruin ranked games for experienced soloqer. I stopped playing ranked games because there are way to many players with absolutely no basic skills or knowledge of how to play Spvp. I’m tired of losing ranked games because of new/inexperienced players. If i lose in unraked my account leaderboards wont be hurt in any way. So before you get mad for experienced players playing in the practice arena, get mad at all the inexperienced players that are ruining the ranked arena.

LF High Level Pvp Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913



I am looking for high level pvp Rangers to talk to. Are there currently any top 100 people that are Rangers that have Twitch or vids?

It doesn’t matter if they are Teamq or soloq.

~Cindy Lou Who

top 100 in what? Dat leaderboard? …u serious m8?

Yes, I’m serious – are you saying Power Rangers aren’t able to be top 100?

No i’m saying that this top 100 is full of ppl who wouldn’t have been even in first 1000 on old one…so it’s totally pointless…while most of top players like zapdos are in %

Queing up all day and losing half matches is totally different from being good…ppl up there with less than 60% win/loss ratio rofl, i really would like to ask the #1 guy to set up his team for a friendly best of 3 with us on stream

Gonna be fun…you know if it was old one then it would have been CM meaning a pretty sure loss…but now…i don’t even know dat guy

thanks for your input. I like the new system. I"m not sure it is fair to say that baddies can just show up and win 50% of their games. Or even average people. I see that you are EU, but in NA – I’ve played against/with some of the top 10 and they are legit. They are typing out orders telling people what to do and playing to win.

I am still new to taking this pvp seriously in GW2, mostly due to the reset. Before the reset I was trying to dig out of the losses from when I was learning…it was daunting and I was inching my way out of the “Percent” bracket.

I really like the restart and it is making a person like me – a mid-skilled player – really get into this and try to be better….because I have a shot at top 250 now.

Again, thanks for helping me understand this better and any advise you can give to newer players who are trying to break-in to the group would always be welcomed.

Winter it just goes to show that you are apart of the noobs everyone is talking about. The fact that u think those players are “legit” proves that you are not very skilled yourself. They may be “legit” to you, but to most players they are complete trash. I’ve faced many of them and they are nothing compared to the players who should be on top of the leaderboards. Those players that you think are “legit” are the players that myself and many others make montages of on youtube.

LF High Level Pvp Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Lixicety is former rank 1 ranger NA on the previous leaderboard. ( 33 right now)

Is this a joke?? that ranger is completely terrible. Ask her for advice if you want to learn how to suck

[NA] LF PVP guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Im looking for a competitive pvp guild to further my skills and knowledge about TPVP. I have over 2300 games played, I can play Necro Power/condi, Warrior Shoutbow/Hambow, and Guardian Valor/Virtue bunker

Couldnt be happier with matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Not only did I get amazing team comp and new players, but we got to play some of the best players NA!!!!!! Cant wait to do this again!


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaLup.2913



Matches lost due to leavers

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


I had this happen to me yesterday, mid match people with get a random que pop telling them that the match they qued for is ready even though they are already in a match. if players select “ready” they will leave your game and join the new game. If players select “cancel” they will stay in their current game. Back to what happened to me, 3 of us got match ready pop ups mid match, i canceled mine and the 2 others not knowing what would happen hit accept. they got kicked and we got stuck in a 3v5. we still ended up winning because the 5 we were up against were absolutely godawful.

Need to adjust Courtyard

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Not true, I was in a pug group that quickly went down 200-0. One of out players rage quit and we came back to win 400-500.

To many people cry, complain, and give up way to easily. The whole idea behind courtyard is to work as one cohesive unit, not run around solo with selfish kittenty builds that only help yourself. Courtyard forces you to communicate with your team or you most likely will be blown out when facing a decent team.


in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


got a 3v5 and still won. ROFL, GG

PVP is Ruined as of now

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


Ive seen a huge improvement in the matchup making really. Class diversity is generally way better.
Honestly its just the lack of the season right now, also the new system has to start somewhere, this is a system where its impossible for it to work perfectly from the go.

I dont understand why people are complaining like its the games fault for making them lose games, is the matchmaking supposed to make you win? because thats what I feel like everyone is crying about. Everything is always the teams fault right, and everyone is always better then the people they are losing with obviously.

The matchmaking cant do miracles.

No the matchmaking is not supposed to make any1 win, but it is supposed to group like playesr together to fight like players to make a fair and even match. I have no problem losing a well fought out match. What I have a problem with is playing with 4 other players who are completely garbage and have no interest in getting better or listening to simple instructions to get a win. With this new system I don’t even have a chance to even win a scrim during the match, let alone get a win. So no I absolutely do not like getting destroyed because the players I get stuck with have no clue how to play. That is match makings fault. The previous system did this much less often then this new system has in 2 days.

No one is asking for miracles, and no one is asking for wins, we are asking for close matches, not the blowouts that happen every single match. You’re reading what we write but your not understanding any of it.

PVP is Ruined as of now

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


The match making formula does seem obscure but I would not call it a total bust. I sort of wish they would stop tampering but it was a love hate with first patch. this one is the same. Now all matches seem heavily one sided either we dominate or they do. I have not had a somewhat even match in a few weeks, they seem to enjoy sticking a highly superior team against something bad. I do understand why they do it as it is now very populated and that is good from anet prospective. the hardcores may die but the community enjoys as a whole which is what is really important since new hardcores take over.

There are no new hardcores. All i ever hear from these “new hardcores” your talking about is “Nobody takes ranked seriously” when I try to help them better understand the basics. But Screw the old hardcores right, stick with the new losers who enjoy participation trophies and pizza down the street after they get destroyed in a match. If ANET’s plans are to anger the original pvpers by forcing trolls down our throats, then they are doing a fantastic job.

PVP is Ruined as of now

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


PVP is really the only thing that has kept me around gw2 and now I cant even do that. The new match making system is a HUGE bust. After 2 completely horrifying days of queing in ranked matches I’m ready to call the quits with GW2 altogether. 9 out of 10 matches I get grouped grouped with players who seem like they have never played gw2 in their lives. We then get placed against 4-5 rank 80s (getting stomped with dragons by just about their whole team) and we get stomped 20-500, 50-500, 35-500 and so on and so fourth. I have no clue what I did to deserve this brutal punishment but I cant take it much longer. I’ve been rank 80 since the 1st major pvp patch and never had issues as big as this. When the 1st big PVP patch came it was this same situation, but on a much smaller scale so it didn’t bother me that much. Now it seems like every time I que up anet sticks me with the first 4 rank 10s that que and throw us to the dragons, literally.

Matchmaking Changes: 12/3

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


5 matches in a row where i had 2+ players that were completely clueless as how to play tpvp. All matches resulted in losses that were not close. I don’t understand how i keep getting paired with players that have no experience whatsoever. I’ve been rank 80 since the 1st major patch so getting paired with these players doesn’t make any sense to me at all

Place for necro in PVE

in Necromancer

Posted by: DaLup.2913


There are places for every class in pve. If your going to play a necro in pve u better be able to hold your own. When I run dungeons I really don’t like running with rangers, necros, or engis because most pugs are terrible with them and don’t know how to make a proper party oriented build with those classes. There is nothing worse then someone running a selfish build that does not mesh well, or doesn’t help the party in any way. There is nothing wrong with running those classes in dungeons as long as you know what your doing and are doing something to help/buff the party.

Frustration with Trolls in Ranked Matches

in PvP

Posted by: DaLup.2913


I don’t understand why players who are new to or aren’t good playing in team environments join ranked matches. Before you all give me crap understand the player group that I’m talking about. I’m talking about the players who don’t know the basics and don’t care to learn the basics about tpvp. The players that when asked to do something instantly start troll mode and ruin the entire game. Players who proceed to let the opposing team farm them, run around with no particular destination, and or sit in the WP for the rest of the match all to “show me up” for me trying to help the team. I ask them why they joined structured TEAM PVP if they wont attempt to play with the team. I get a lot of he same answers from these types of players and they are ; I don’t care about tpvp and nobody takes is seriously. My question to these players is why are you in a ranked match if you don’t care? ANET just put in a brand new arena for the hundreds of players like you guys that “don’t care” and instead of using it you continue to join ranked matches and troll the entire team.

I think ANET should put a minimum pvp rank to join ranked matches so the players who care wont have to deal with nearly as much of the crap as they currently get, I’d say a minimum of rank 40 to join ranked matches would be nice.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaLup.2913


bring back the grenth hood plz!!