Showing Posts For Daemonicon.3107:

Laberynth should had been an activity

in Living World

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


One possibility would be to have Team 1 be the people running around, while the second team is chasing/killing the first team.

Team 1 could gain points by gathering the chests, and team 2 by chasing and killing team 1. One idea anyway.

Birthday gifts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


I agree with your general opinion. It may be worth holding onto them if you have the spare room, in the hope that they can be used to upgrade to Lvl40 scrolls, or higher even.

Map Copletion Glitch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


If you reach 100% world exploration, and new Hearts, Vistas, POI or WPs are added, you will see that you still need to get them, but you won’t lose your ‘100% World Explorer’ status.

Right Click - Wiki

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


What do you all think of adding an option to open a wiki page when right clicking an item?

We already can type /wiki item to get this, but I think adding a right click menu option would further reinforce using this resource. It seems a lot of people don’t know about the /wiki command, but everyone will right click at one point or another on an item, and seeing it there could help educate players, as well as offering a nice community resource.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


Also, the ‘gear grind’ is not due to ANET adding one new set of armor.

It comes from the elitist in the game, who will say “You can’t join because you don’t have the latest and greatest”

You know what you can do, if you don’t have the latest and greatest? Find someone who isn’t an elitist kitten.

The COMMUNITY is what makes or breaks a game. Act like a self-entitled, elitist community, and you will reap what you sow.

Let’s remember why we started playing, we like PLAYING GAMES.

Necro Fear

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


Good Day,

Quick question for anyone who might know.

On a staff necro, the 5th skill is a fear mark.

Does anyone know why, when my fear mark is triggered by an enemy, it only lasts for 1 second, whereas, when I get feared it sometimes up to 20 seconds?

Seems to be fairly imbalanced when I can only fear for 1 second and get feared for up to 20. Most of the time, I’m only feared for maybe 5 seconds, but there is still that imbalance.

Picture you are running around, and grab aggro of 5 mobs. You fear them all, and they soon run back. One of them fears you, and not only are you feared longer than they are, you have mokittengets attacking you. It’s almost as if these time should be reversed.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


You guys don’t even know what you’re talking about yet.

Why not just wait to see what is in store before getting your collective knickers in a twist.

A test of competence

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daemonicon.3107


Why not just wait until, you know, the patch goes live.

Why do we need to know 100% of everything before it’s live? Does nobody like surprises anymore?