Showing Posts For Daft Harlot.2713:

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Woo. Worth a whole 5 gold now. Thanks, Anet.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

My god. Buddy, you have some serious problems if you’re taking matters that far. Have you ever heard of ‘conspiracy theories’? Or maybe “crazy people”?

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Auto-Response 10/03/2012 09:39 PM


Thank you for contacting Guild Wars 2 Support! We have been receiving an overwhelming response to Guild Wars 2 and we are doing our very best to answer questions as quickly as possible. You are receiving this automated message based on information provided in your original submission that indicates that we may be able to answer your question with the following information regarding guilds.

Missing Guild
If your guild was not showing up, guild button was not working, were unable to invite people to a guild, or were unable to create or represent a guild, please keep an eye on the Guild Wars 2 Status Updates page ( We have been working to resolve these issues and hope to have them resolved soon.

Same Guild Tag
It is possible for many guilds to have the same Tag, however the Guild Name itself must be different. We understand that this can cause some confusion when you see some people with the same Guild Tag that are not in your guild.

Guild Armor and Weapons
These items replace the existing skin for your current item or weapon completely. We are unable to provide any assistance in reverting these items or refunding them.

Missing Guild Bank
These issues are tied closely to those with the missing guild issues and can some times be alleviated by trying to access the bank in a less crowded city or logging out and back in.

Disappearing Influence or Upgrades
This issue appears to be due to server transfers. Please note that influence and upgrades are server specific by design.

If none of the above information answered your particular question, please reply to this email and let us know.

What the hell? This is seriously getting aggravating.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Lol. They were really strict where I worked! :P

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

I’m really happy for the prompt responses! I named mine “Re-ticketing for Box of Berserker’s Draconic Armor Bug”, if anyone wants an example.

I wish all this communication had come a lot sooner, but I’m glad to know that you guys are definitely in the process. We should probably have had more faith in you to begin with, but if someone had just come in to respond some time ago this would have been so much smoother!

Also, having worked for ATT support at one time, I can tell you guys that copy and paste answers generally just mean that pre-scripted replies are required by management.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Mine was also given a ‘duplicate’ status and I was given the usual response. I posted back with Jason’s announcement and a link to the thread.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

I really don’t think this is about whether or not they can spawn items for us. It’s if they want to and I think when they refer to not having the ‘tools’ it’s a vague way of saying not enough manpower or time to dedicate.

It is ridiculous that they’re saying that we should have been more privvy to their bug. It’s almost like all these mods replying to our tickets are calling us idiots to our faces.

This particular situation should not be considered the fault of the user. It is, in fact, a bug. I find this to be particularly disgusting…I really just want to hit whoever is telling them to give us this absurd answer.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Glad someone finally said something to us! I definitely feel a little less irate.

Quick Question Regarding 'been there, done that'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

I actually posted in that thread but I thought it didn’t specify whether the title was involved. Sorry

Quick Question Regarding 'been there, done that'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Yeah I’m hoping that a mod can clarify what is needed for completion.

Quick Question Regarding 'been there, done that'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Yep, same situation.

Quick Question Regarding 'been there, done that'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Is the 100% hero completion separate from the 100% map completion? I know the most recent update fixed the map completion, however, I have no received the title. Specifically, do I have to finish storymode to be ‘fully complete’?

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Saying it isn’t an ingame bug is a big slap in the face. I guess I’ll just bump the thread everyday and maybe they’ll get annoyed enough.

Skill Point: South of Garden of Ilya

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Bump. For confirmation? I also can vouch that spawn is not at location. That or it’s somewhere underground.

100% world completion bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Currently my character says 93%, my medal says 92% and my ingame completion HUD says 94%! I’m hoping it doesn’t bug out, but I’ll find out soon.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

The point is, they should have at least prevented it from happening at the very least. Fine, they can’t get to it right away, but if they had disabled the item or renamed it or sooooomething, I would not have been affected and neither would many other people. We aren’t asking for some tangible thing, we’re asking for virtual gold or armor, that’s all. That’s what they DEAL in. It’s about how much time has been wasted because of something this miniscule that could have been stopped pretty quickly. Maybe this was something that couldn’t be fixed easily because it has something to do with crafting? I don’t know. Some people feel that the time they spent farming the silly virtual gold was very valuable. It may not take you very long to get 7g, but it took me literally, I would say, three days of playtime? And I have so much freetime that I play just constantly, so how many days would it take someone who has a fulltime job? That would make me pretty angry.

Anyway, we’re due a response. Just say “We’ll get to you. Of course, we’ll get to you. You don’t have to be so upset.” How about that, moderators?

Fort Trinity POI

in Personal Story

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Okay, thank you.

Fort Trinity POI

in Personal Story

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Is it true that the Point of Interest in Fort Trinity located in the Straits of Devastation is ONLY accessible via a level 70+ storymode mission?

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

That’s what I don’t understand. Why are they letting this continue to happen? They stop all sorts of things from happening with a snap of their fingers but they can’t just put this item on hold or rename thekittenthing? Really upsetting that they can’t do that much. There are a lot of incidents that could have been avoided. And they’re saying they can’t reimburse us. Then PREVENT it. lsdfkjs This is a scam. People know it’s a scam. They craft it because it’s a scam.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

If I am not somehow reimbursed for this I am seriously considering leaving the game altogether. I had been waiting for this game for so long, only to have something so ridiculously small become ‘unfixable’?

(edited by Daft Harlot.2713)

Style Gear Issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

Don’t worry. I agree entirely with you and I feel that mine was a huge ripoff, also.

Skin Purchase

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daft Harlot.2713

Daft Harlot.2713

I am very disappointed with my purchase of the Primeval Skin. Fine. It was a ripoff altogether simply because it’s only one use. Fine. I’m expected to transmute the stupid skin every single time I want to use it. FINE. It uses up FIVE slots of my bank, which causes me to apparently need to sink money into your store. Awesome. But what puts me over the edge is that you won’t even send a new copy of the skin to my new character. And when I went out of my way to play SLOT TETRIS with your stupid skin, I couldn’t even transmute them to my character because the previous item had runes on them!

Thanks. I really appreciate this. I know you have to make money somehow, but this is just a middle finger.

Sorry for being angry, but this is ridiculous. What happened to costume slots?
Frankly, I want reimbursed, but I guess it’s too late.