Showing Posts For DaiGuren.3016:
We… Improvise! Fingers crossed for some buffs tho.
But delete? Never.
I would highly value some turret bug fixes/upgrades, over any kind of new weapon right now.
How about for our #2:
Emergency Relocation
Teleports all enemy’s within (x) yards to a random location ad least (x) yards away and makes them face a random direction, or teleports the engineer to a random location within (x) yards.
If the numbers for this are okay it wouldn’t be all to OP. Guardian has mass knock-back so we could have mass mayhem/randomness! This should also allow us to use #3 more often since it will buy us more time to actually get to that massive timer.
Oh about the Turret healing you indeed HAVE to hit you’re turrets with it. But generally you can position them in a way where you can do just that and hit the enemy ad the same time.
The healing is not that great but you can heal all you’re turrets ad the same time while hitting a enemy (so yeah wack them turrets! :P). So you keep you’re turrets healthy while dealing damage to the enemy. Of side is that it’s melee.
The use of the healing might not always be the best but the Tool Kit makes it abit more fun causse you will have more options skill and utility wise.
So you want to be a PvE focussed tanky engineer that uses turrets.
Have you tried / liked the Tool Kit?