Showing Posts For DakimDragco.4519:
cant seem to make bronze ingots or an other crafting stuff for that matter
Posted by: DakimDragco.4519
things only show up in discovery tab if that crafting proffession can use it in a yet undicovered recipe. But as the poster above said, Bronze ingots are a standard recipe that you start with and should be under the refinement tab. Further advanced Ingots should also apear in your refinement tab when you near the skill level requirement for them to be made.
Just to make note, this is PVP i see, cant say i know what is going on, its like it registers every rune double ??? Im pretty sure its a bug thought, hope someone else can help you.
Spamming is the valid option for reporting thsi, aldo it would in my opinion perhaps be easier for Anet if reports regarding gold sellers come in under a separate header. Still for now just follow the guidlines as stated in the above linked posts i guess.
Best to not mention the names of these dungeons unless a admin or Anet privately asks for it, you only spread the word around about a possible exploit that people will then start to use. If you feel its a exploit (this is not a bug) then get Anet support on it.
The xp gained by completing all hearts and clearing the map is not enought to get to that area’s end level. Say a level 1- 15 areawould leave you at barely level 10 in the end (if you never did a event). The way its made is to force you to explore and participate, which i find actualy good since it draws you into the game more. Still there are time where i wish i would not need to grind or search for events just to level up for my next Story mission.
Also, the heart quest are ranked acording to a specific prefered/recommanded level to do them at, yet a story mission in conjunction with your current level heart quest can sometimes still leave you just short of the next missions level.
A slight increase in XP gain from some heartmission or events could balance this out a bit more. You often end up as little as 200 xp short, so even only 10 XP more per quest could even it out. Its never good to be forced to grind killing creatures to get to your next goal.
Now before i get hammered about this is not a single player mmo, like the op, sofar ive had relatively little need to grind, and i love doing events so i usualy get to my target level within short time, so im happy either way.
(edited by DakimDragco.4519)
there should be a dropdown menu somewhere i think on your hero panel, right above the list on the left (inventory, skills, achievements, etc). If they show up i dont know, but that should allow you to choose titles.
Another often seen bug, you get to 66%, log off, log in again and it seems to be 100% ful and not greyed out, yet unresponsive. For those with the same bug, just go kill a few low level critters and wait for the “…….. skill unlocked” message to pop up.
Nowere near 80 or end PS, but i do hope they fix it for you all soon, getting low level not even rare junk at 80 is not realy they way it should be. One bump from me!
Ive noticed the same thing as Raven.7051, npc’s saying the wrong thing compared to the subtitles, but that is a separate issue ive seen since before the 14th. It apears the VA is simply not the same as the subtitles, but wether this is regional or translation related (dont know if there are german or other language version subtitles) i dont know.
this is not limited to story mode, some npc in the game, especialy scouts seem to be missing their sound too. There was a post about this here:
+1, been looking for ages (figurly speaking) on this issue, noticed it since the 14th patch. Dialog during cutscenes are effected for me too, but also scouts. One in particular ive found it the first NPC scout after entering gendarran fields, the one right next to travelers vale waypoint. i see text yet no sound on dialog.
I realy hated the voice acting of the norn characters, not just female players, but npc also. I feel they are way too over the top. Lately, after spending some time on my norn character i got used to it a bit, now i still dislike some but not all of it. The most anoyed i still get is with the discovery of new areas where she would go "New land. NEW LAND. " im like yeah ….., you found new land, now shut it.
Also i find several intro areas to be somewhat cringy to me too, the priestess of dwayna telling me to help out like im a 5 year old, the foolishly bad voice acted norn scout right after the starting area, all are just to cheesy to my liking.
I also agree with the sylvari voice actress, i know her from both ME, and from i think SWTOR. She definitly knows how to bring the voice of that character in sync with what they are. Also like the asura voices, they have that smart and arogant, yet slightly childishly naive feel too it.
Sound sofar, especialy dialog is good, but i too get cringy when an npc, sometimes 2 or 3 time right after not even finishing the sentence the first time say the exact same line again, much like that taking leave of my senses nord woman who i could litterly shoot by now.
Its like watching die hard and hearing bruce willis saying yipie kayee ….. the whole movie long. Fun at first but at the third time it gets anoying.
Some things to stop this are indeed decreasing the frequincy with which these dialogs are used, and stopping npc from saying stuff when ever a random player talks to them, instead making them speak only if you talk to them. Not easy im sure, but for the better of the game it is nessesary too get people less anoyed while they are in town.
To be honest i avoid staying in any town or market area long due to these repetitive conversations.