Showing Posts For Dalaen.1954:
2. If someone is targeted before entering stealth, that target comes back after they leave stealth
Ok and if I target a mesmer, when he makes clones and whatever, the target shall remain on the genuine mesmer.
Think a little bit before…
With or without burst, it happens way too much that we find ourselves stuck on the ground (not knock-down, not pushed, NO immobilisation), and just cannot move.
Same for skills, they activate and….. nothing? + cooldown used. And no control again, just bugs like there are millions of others.
Same for gravity: I saw my mate flying 10-15 meters in the sky upward before dying.
They were with 20 ppl, and me and someone else were ‘Trying’ to defend our tower. But every arrow cart got destroyed from the outside by another arrowcart that we could not hit! lol
I thought AC was made for defence, but the attacking arrow cart wins..
Please fix
You are also to blame. It seems like you had no siege defenses already built in Klovan. It seems you were also alone (or with a fellow “noob”) in Klovan and got no assistance.
By the way, did you want to destroy an AC “around 8 meters behind the door” by building one on the ground level of Klovan? I may be unexperienced in WvW, but I thought AC built on ground level would only target what’s sticking the door, not farther. (and I’m not looking for the exact pixel to target through the doorhole, not my thing)
Same on Elona, same for very blue team, for around 4 days now.
Same for Umberglade, bugged since last patch, also last Tuesday.
Or when you get stuck building a siege and it’s build 0.5 after you kneel down to build it.
Stuck for 5 seconds.
I won’t ask for the moon and for a “true queue system” (everyone knows it’s actually just a pool system, not a queue).
I won’t ask for the impossible and for a Estimated Waiting Time
I am just asking for a sound notification upon the readiness of the queue.
Right now, we have to check every 30 seconds the game if the queue is ready. When it takes 1 or 2 hours to go in, it is very annoying.
You can’t do anything productive aside, unless you ALT+TAB every 30 seconds.
You must keep an eye focus on the computer if you are doing anything aside (like reading) meanwhile, because the only notification is visual.
So please, just a bell or the character saying “I feel READY” when the queue pops up.
Right now, it’s just so bad engineered. I wonder how it could be worse… Oh yes, I remember: when you deactivated the queue and we had to spam the entrance! Well nearly worst engineered then.
You can’t deny this fact.
Best regards,
I would like to suggest that any item or trait that improve the amount of damage dealt to a specific target (or overall, but never seen that so far) would affect the Condition Damage also.
I am specialized in conditions, as it allows me to survive easier. I play in WvW, and like to turn camps.
This is why I spec’d fully in “Guard Killer”, which gives me now +13% more damages to guard.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t apply to my conditions which stay the same. Moreover, my build is based around Vita/Toughness/Heal/Condition Dmg. Not any power.
I make my damage through Conditions, and I’m not alone. Why x% more damage shouldn’t apply to my main source of damage, which are Conditions?
I will have a look tonight. Thanks again
Arg, tuesday… It’s tomorrow!
Thanks for your help
I am a big fan of achievements unlocking.
I love to see my progress through a game, even though I’m not rushing to the end of it.
These last months, there’s been a lot of Living Story stuff, with its achievements coming along. Though I missed some of this stuff.
So I’m now wondering if I missed some achievements/titles, which are now impossible to get anymore?
Will they stay like burdens into my list of game achievements?
Can we get some clarification on the EU reset times, as mentioned above – the german announcement does mention different times than the english one.
EDT = UTC-4This announcement: 9pm GMT = 9pm UTC
German announcement: 10pm CEST = 10pm UTC+2 = 10pm UTC.Who is right? You might consider this handy converter when you announce times.
I am thinking precisely the same here. French announcement said the reset will happens 20:00 Paris hour (they quote 19:00 BST), which corresponds to 18:00 UTC.
Here you say it’s 21:00 Paris hour (19:00 UTC)
Who’s right?
The worst is lvl 80 weapons, selling at 63k karma each. Sure it’s annoying, and it would be nice to know if it’s intended from ANet.
(if it’s really intended… LOL)
Cultural gears…
My “Lifetime Survivor” achievement, in the subcategory “Hero” is blocked at 0 / 200,000 XP without dying.
I made today my whole level 78 and 79 crafting, which is around 400,000 XP.
I also made the monthly achievement with 100,000 XP (this one isn’t blocked and working).
And of course, I didn’t die doing that.
Please fix this absurd bug, and let me go further in the Survivor Title. The best would be a fix that consider how far I got without dying (so I don’t have to do it all again) of course.
Best regards,