Showing Posts For Daniel.2743:
Fix the invisible players bug which has been present in the game for me since the patch.
WvW is unplayable as far as I’m concerned while this is still in the game.
Are there plans for various types of new gear to be implemented, it seems quite limited to specific play-style at the moment with Vitality Power and Toughness being the main stats.
What about players who like using precision crit damage% etc etc.. are we expected to acquire our gear via PVE or what?
No, and the reason I say that is not to be controversial, I genuinely don’t believe it’s worth the money. I have played for 272 hours. Which is good compared to single-player games or standalone retail RPG’s. But for an MMORPG I started out thinking I would play this game for years to come, only to be disappointed I expected a whole lot more.
“Worth the money you spent on it” is a different question from “met your expectations”. With the amount of pre-release hype and the expectations of some of the GW1 fans, I imagine there are lots of folks that ended up at least a little disappointed.
If ~300 hours of play for a flat ~60 dollars is a good value for one type of game, why would it not be a good value for a different type of game?
Well this isn’t a single-player game with co-operative, at least that’s not what was advertised, it’s an MMORPG. If the game only has a certain amount of longevity for players, then I don’t think it’s worth it.
I probably spent 400 days played time on WOW since the start of the game, probably spent a load of money on that game alone. But I wasn’t buying other games during that time, so essentially I was saving money. Something that captivates someone for so many years is worth the money spent.
Something that captivates a certain group of people for less than a month isn’t worth the money.
So I guess it’s a case of expectations weigh out the value of the game, but people don’t forget, if a game is a massive disappointment for some they will never trust the creators of that game again.
No, and the reason I say that is not to be controversial, I genuinely don’t believe it’s worth the money. I have played for 272 hours. Which is good compared to single-player games or standalone retail RPG’s. But for an MMORPG I started out thinking I would play this game for years to come, only to be disappointed I expected a whole lot more.
No innovation at all.
I have to admit since playing GW2, I questioned myself on what I actually want from an MMO and what I previously enjoyed in MMO’s. It’s not so much the grind and the progression that I enjoy compared to GW2’s style.
It’s the enjoyment I have playing with like-minded players, I could care less if I get better armor/weapons or titles. That’s just a novelty in a way.
I’m not saying that I couldn’t just do something similar in GW2, but there is no incentive to bring people together, it’s also severely lacking in any social aspect to bring people together. Not once did I feel it necessary to group with someone or even talk with someone in this game from 1-80. It’s amazing really, for a game with such features like Dynamic events and large scale PVP, it feels really apathetic and not at all like a multiplayer experience.
I disagree, I enjoy playing the genre. It’s just the companies that make games these days add no innovation to their product. I enjoyed playing WOW 7 years ago.. It’s just the players have moved on, but the game designers haven’t. One of the main reasons why it really gets on my nerves when people constantly defend this game, they are not pushing boundaries of games, they’re settling for mediocrity and hindering it from pushing forward.
BS they are not pushing the boundaries. They obviously are, just not the way you think they need to be pushed and not in ways that appeal to you. Your statement is objectively false.
Don’t bother playing anymore MMOs, just build your own. Show us far your game can “push the boundaries” and still remain economically viable.
So how are they obviously pushing the boundaries in this game, what innovation does this game bring?
From what I see, it brings nothing new. it’s already been done in other MMO’s. Their biggest selling point is removing the trinity, I would hardly even warrant that as innovative, more like tampering with things that shouldn’t be tampered with. And look how it turned out, it’s terrible. you remove the trinity and it’s chaos both PVE and PVP wise.
And why would I create my own game, it’s like telling a music critic to write some better music than the artist he criticizes, or a film critic to make a better film than.. just because I criticize the game, doesn’t mean I want to suddenly become a games designer.
I’m just saying this game is completely lacking and yet again it’s an example of how clever and underhanded game companies are these days, trying to lure in crowds from other MMO’s of all types – the next best MMO – a revolutionary MMO. It’s all dribble.
I disagree, I enjoy playing the genre. It’s just the companies that make games these days add no innovation to their product. I enjoyed playing WOW 7 years ago.. It’s just the players have moved on, but the game designers haven’t. One of the main reasons why it really gets on my nerves when people constantly defend this game, they are not pushing boundaries of games, they’re settling for mediocrity and hindering it from pushing forward.
There is very little end game, go look at the numerous posts on the inital two pages of this forum. IF your looking for serious pve content youd best look elsewhere.
The game is mind numbingly easy and the most single player anti social MMO i have played.
The no trinity system is a clusterkitten.
Evrything has inflated costs or intends to annoy you so much that you reach for the crdit card and buy gold via the Black lion trading company.
All just my opinion of course.
Woah woah, single-player and anti-social? Really? This is a VERY social game, at least on Blackgate it is. People are always just randomly chatting with each other, making new friends, finding people to play with. It’s pretty rare to be doing a dynamic event, for example, without a bunch of other people there, helping each other.
In fact, this is probably the most friendly MMO community out there, it blows my freakin’ mind! I’ve played a lot of MMOs and most are full of kitten bags and idiots, people not wanting anything to do with the people they’re playing with (which is kind of redundant in itself), crap like that. In this game, people help each other just to help each other, no need to ask, no need to offer, it just happens.
I don’t believe that, during dynamic events majority are there for the xp/Karma and prospect of reward. They never say a word from my personal experiences from 1-80. It’s just a completely unsocial and chaotic aspect of the game.
SPVP, Dungeons and WvW are more or less the same, you will probably get people talking a lot more in WvW I would hardly say it’s social though. It’s more or less someone making fun of someone for suggesting to zerg an area. or just generally someone trying to order people around.
This game is a major disappointment, and I can’t see myself playing it in future, maybe if the changes they implement improve it vastly, I’ll consider looking at the game more but right now, the search goes on for the next MMORPG.
I really wanted GW2 to be the next best MMO, but it’s too mediocre for me, the game doesn’t immerse me enough, the game doesn’t push the boundaries of realism enough. It’s simply not addictive. It’s dulled down so everyone and their granddad can play it. It’s too easily accessible to play classes with a poor skillcap.
I would hardly warrant 2-3 weeks of gameplay as having my moneys worth out of an MMO in fact I have played other MMO’s longer than that before realizing they had poor endgame. I have played single player games that I have spent longer times playing than this.
And this nonsense about it being 3 weeks since release and how people should be patient, it’s crap.. the game has been in development for how long?
…all this “LET’S PLAY FOR FUN” crap is nonsense…
I agree! Has anything ever been so absurd as the concept of playing games for something as stupid and pointless as FUN?
It’s easy to take a word out of context, my point was if it’s so much fun then why are people not even doing that content?
if people play these games too much, too fast. I wonder if people would slow down, they would not burn out so quickly and see all these long term engagements as not worth it or punishing.
Because in the end, isn’t GW2 just about coming together with other people online and killing stuff? I think it brings us together like few online games have done over the last ten years. The game really makes us play together. To me the context matters little. As long as we’re playing with people whom we enjoy spending time with, we need little excuses for recreational purposes to just go out and kill monsters.
I believe this is the essence of the dynamic events. They didn’t want to get rid of your need to kill stuff majority of the time. They just wanted to make it more optimal. Easier to kill things with friends. More fun ways to kill them. More different ways to kill them, but ultimately still hacking and slashing online.
The thing is though, to spend so much time making this game and have so very little for people to do at 80 is ridiculous, they most definitely played other MMORPG’s before, they know that there is a playerbase who love to devote endless hours into games, to say the whole game from level 1 is the endgame is a cop out.
The game does make you play together, the only issue is, it’s just mindless zerging, DE’s are a complete zergfest and while they were an interesting change in how to level, there is no depth to the combat, people don’t need to work together to kill the boss or get the event done, it’s just completely self explanatory even the big boss zone events, they’re completely lacking.
The same with dungeons, it’s a complete zerg and again the bosses lacking any interesting mechanics, it’s all very self explanatory. Another issue with dungeons is people don’t even do certain types, so all this “LET’S PLAY FOR FUN” crap is nonsense, since people are qued outside COF wanting to do speed runs and do the same Explorer mode route every time. some of the dungeons are not even being used. If people were truly playing for fun then they would at least attempt to do the other routes an explorer dungeon has to offer and they wouldn’t be grinding the same dungeon constantly.
I really don’t see the point of zerging something like a mindless idiot, with very little to no thought required, with very little interaction with the other players. It completely discourages any social aspect to the game, and sadly SPVP and WvWvW is not much better.
Makes no sense why ranger can’t use guns and engineer can.
Also why is there no sniper rifle weapon, when there is stationary sniper rifles in the game?
Cross bow should be in the game also.
It’s easy enough as you get higher levels, I got the first month when game was released done, just about. I also got this month done quite easily… around lvl 60-70 you start getting some high numbers of xp.
The rewards suck though, so do daily achievement rewards, first off they’re account specific so I can’t do it on my alts, secondly, the rewards in silver vary depending on level. you get 5s if you’re lvl 25 for a daily, and around 25s for being 80 and completing the daily.
And last of all the rewards are terrible just like every reward in this game.
It’s obviously the OP is a troll, but be realistic here, why do you think people come from WOW to play another MMO time and time again, for me it’s to play the next generation of MMORPG, the game that will be as good and fun to play as WOW was in the early years, and this is not it.
This is not a revolutionary MMORPG, it feels like a dumbed down alternative for people who are not hard-core and want to devote time to playing a game.
To say removing the trinity and adding dodge is revolutionary and innovative is absurd, this game doesn’t push the boundaries nowhere near that extent. There lies no depth to this game, no innovation, just a dumbed down action RPG, which is fun for what it is and for a single playthrough. But Revolutionary? No.
Yes, I’m not motivated to do any of the “content” before me, it just seems pointless.
Yeah, seems completely pointless, very little strategy involved and no incentive for me to play it and enjoy it. Which is a shame because I was really looking forward to the idea of WvW PVP and even SPVP. seems bland and boring though. I could probably play WvW for an hour before getting completely bored with the idea of it and the Same goes for SPVP.
I’m by no means a brilliant PVP player, but I do love PVP in majority of other games I have played, it’s the first thing that I find which engages me in a multiplayer game, the thrill of fighting other players and getting the better of them. But it just doesn’t do it for me in this game. I’m really trying to enjoy it.. I don’t know what it is.
Maybe a lack of depth to the characters, it’s seamlessly too easy for people to kill one another and even survive. Even when you get the better of someone I don’t feel any enjoyment in it.
(edited by Daniel.2743)
I have to admit, I hit 80 and was completely at a loss.. what to do with myself. I just find a lot of the things really pointless and have no significant purpose to them. It’s all good when people say play for fun and casually, but this game is too much of it. I personally need a purpose for what I’m doing with my character.
I will still be playing, because despite the lack of incentive when it comes to a lot of things even PVP, which before buying the game I thought I would love, small scale PVP and large scale WvWPVP the best of both worlds, but neither have kept my interest for some reason…
It’s a brilliant game, there are things it does far better than other MMO’s, but looking at it realistically I don’t know how seriously I can take this game.