Showing Posts For Daniel.5428:
Do you expect too much balance in Guild Wars 2. Anet is just not good and balancing and it had to be said. The ballance is just like “Now this class is good, next week the other class will be good” and so on.
Well, it’s been a while since I posted, or played for that matter, I hope things have been going well for all of you , that populations are tip top, pugs for dungeons and meta events are plentiful, and that WvW and sPvP are brimming with players. I know most people would dream that a game would collapse behind them when they left, but, I had no such dream, in fact, I hoped things would go well enough to justify a whole new expansion, and it seems it has. So. ta da.. I’m back to check it out .
Now, I left because I was unhappy with the HoT expansion and as opposed to playing a game past its’ point of fun, I simply took my own advice and moved on to other games.
HoT made it clear that Anet was moving away from it’s casual base to cater to other gamer demographics, which is fine, it’s their game, and they have every right to do whatever they want with it, my only option is play or not play , so I opted out, but, I am piqued about PoF, however before I download the game, I am wondering if PoF is more like the Core game, or is it more like HoT.
The new expansion is more about exploring maps and doing story. This is the main points of it. 5 new maps(not 4 like HoT), big maps, with a lot of separate events (not 1 big meta like Dragon Stand), big cities, pve content like bounty hunter contracts, mounts to make the exploration better and, I hope, a very cool story. I can admit that PoF is more like core game than HoT
This isn’t a bug, which is perhaps why you started a nearly-identical thread about it in another forum:
I put it here to makesure that someone from Anet will at least observe it. I don’t know how much they read General Discussion. Is not a bug, but it affects the game by denying small pieces of content to others.
Today I wanted to go farm some Luminous Dust for Aurora so I went to Iron Marches to kill ascalonian ghosts. The current price of this dust is 8 silver a piece and ghosts have a decent drop rate so is better to farm them. When you got there, I saw around 4 groups of stacked necros, afk camping the spawn points with their minions. The ghosts are low level so an 80 lvl player with ascende dwill kill them pretty fast. I had no chance of hitting any ghost. I tried swapping map but this was the same on every new map. When engies were turret farming, ANET fixed them pretty quick. I am curious to see how long will it take to fix the groups of necroes that force us to buy mats from TP because they make the things unable to be gathered.
I know this topic is popular for some time. I never felt annoyed by the necroes stacking and going afk farm around Bitterfrost Frontier but today I experienced something really anoying and I think ANET must fix the way minion works. I am currently working on Aurora and I needed some dust for Gift of Energy so I went to farm Luminous Dust in Iron Marches. There is a spot south-east full of ascalonian ghost and they drop it. When I get there, I found 3-4 groups of stacked necroes, camping at all span locations. These ghost are low level so is very easy to kill them at lvl 80 full ascended. It was a pain in the ass to try and hit some of them, the minions and aoes were just killing them too fast. I tried to talk to them but the only one who had responded was an engi who was farming too, with some turrets. I swapped maps and on every instance there were afk necros……..I know is worth farming them because the price for 1 dust is curently 8 silvers and in 10 minutes you ca easly get 35-40 pieces, those ghosts have a really big drop chance, but making a class an afk farmer is just too much. I was not gonna stay with turrets there, I just wanted to run around, gather them and nuke them with Bomb Kits but I was lucky in fishing solo ones with my pistols.
What gold amount is considered rich in this game?
I’ve noticed certain items in the trading post in the thousands of gold, to me that seems like a vast amount of gold.
So when are you wealthy?
100 gold? 1000? 10000?
Is not about gold. You are rich when you mastered most content and got the most out of them. For example I have 240 gold at the moment but 4 legendary weapons, 1 legendary back, full set of legendary armor and the legendary trinket….I know people who have 5k gold just because they farmed but they can’t take anything else than the old classic legendary weapons because the other things like the set of armor are locked behind content like raid or achivments or w3/pvp etc.
So this new expansion is about new maps, mounts and elite specialization.
What about:
These things are not important Arena? I’ m sorry but after the HOT expansion, you continue going down to the hill.
They announced new pvp maps
I have around 3k hours and I got 2 precursors as drop. I got the bard from a champ bag and the chosen as direct drop from centaurs while doing leather farm…..those are just numbers kid….
Rly…do you rly compain about doing the same events? I mean I nearly finished all the collections. The only think I would complain about is going trough chalice of tears again.
I don’t know how many of your observed it, but on Achivments->Collections, there is a special subcategory for Legendary Trinkets. All we know at the moment is that this first legendary trinket is called Aurora. I’ve started the first collection and for it you need to finish additional 6 collections on each of the Season 3 maps. The collections are like kill this boss or mine this thing or finish this achivment from story season 3 (which i am sure most people already did)… looks really doable without having to grind a lot (I am close to completing both Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay atm). What do you guys think about these legendary accesories. Do you think they will add visual effects when wearing them or additional use like ,,swaping between infusions after you registered them inside the item" etc?
Anet stated on Twitter that they are aware of a problem and are working on it.
Ty for info. I don’t use Twitter.
Does anyone have any idea about this problem with crashes? It began so random, after 2 hours of gameplay to crash every 2-3 minutes. I tried restard the game, all the same. Am I the only one with this problem?
Ah, ok. So I’ll just wait a year then until that changes. Like original legendary not being tradeable, or able to be wardrobe skins. Or when you actually had to run dungeons to get the items, etc.
It’s amazing how far from the original vision this game has gotten.
I’m all for raiding being one element in the recipie, but the entire thing is laughable.
No, is not. Legendaries are not ,,a bit of everything". First weapon set is just pve and farm. Second is just HoT maps farm. Backs are just pvp or just fractals. Armor will be just raids. If you want a fully legendary geared character, you will have to play all contents. The raiding problem is nearly solved, there are a lot of training groups. My guild never did raids and they are around 75-80 Li each now.
I’ve found another post on reedit some minutes ago. The testing of the raid has begun one week ago……So they are pretty close. I’m sure we’ll get it in November, maybe earlier.
Can you give me a Link? Cause finding Things on Reddit can be sometimes a bit difficult and annoying.
People did not believe him in the beginning.
I’ve found another post on reedit some minutes ago. The testing of the raid has begun one week ago……So they are pretty close. I’m sure we’ll get it in November, maybe earlier.
I think most of you have already seen this post on reedit :
So, when do you think the new raid is coming? There is only one portal so it may be a one winged raid.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Daniel.5428
I did not follow all the responses that were put into this thread
If you did, you’d know it was never about spirit shards specifically. It’s about your experience not getting to total waste. And about locking things that should be (and at some time was) accessible to pretty much everyone behind some side content designed for a small minority of player population.
Small minority? The maps are full with ppl who have max mastery lvl. All you need is to do one raid boss. You can do W3 escort event( easiest) where people usually don;t care about LI and experience in raids. Or, if not, you can buy Vale Guardian for 40-50 gold…..Ppl throw more than 50gold in mf weekly then they come here and cry about not being able to unlock their raid mastery. Raids are ok as they are and they are not gonna change just because some ppl wants to get carried.
I think ppl expect to join raid for the first time and finish entire wings…I don’t understand why people say they can’t find groups….maybe this is true only if you try to raid in the morning…..2 or 3 times we took a newbie from LFG and cleared W1 and W2 and half W3….we practically carried him through raid just because we didn;t want to go 9-man… don’t tell me there are not ppl raiding. Go and look on LFG…… can find around 50 ppl queued every day, at every moment. Raids should stay as they are. They were not meant for everyone til the beginning, they said it. They said that you will need to be more than a casual used to follow a commander around map.
But you got what you want. There is a weak version of VG on the new map. Don’t tell me that introducing story for other mmos work cuz they offer more accesibility…Look at WoW…..easiest is 10-man normal Raid, same as GW2…..what do you want easier than a 10-man normal raid?
Seems like you never ever played WoW raids. 10 man normal raids in WoW was faceroll easy (except Karazhan on start) due to trinity, and only problem in them was undergear. GW2 ones are harder, because there is no real trinity still.
Just think how many weeks you needed to get the gear…..gw2 was all about tactics cuz most of the ppl already had ascended gear and dulfy published guides right after 2-3 days since release… don;t tell me wow raids were easier. If you consider this joke of a raid hard, then you can’t play anything except the trinity……In the end, you need no trinity in gw2, just to know how to rotate your spells…..this is the thing ppl can;t do, they just go press 1-2-3-4-5, activate everything then stay on auto-attack for 50 seconds cuz of cooldowns.(because,ofc, switching weapons is not good)
I do not agree about making it legendary….I did not spent months raiding and collecting resources just to add another armor to some fractals which are far easier than raids….each game mode got his legendary part. Pvp and fractal already got a backpiece…..If you want to add new legendary armor, add it for w3 and make sure it will take months to complete the collections….or maybe add some legendary trinkets to w3 and this would be perfect… not ok to get fully equiped with legendary only by playing 1-2 game modes out of 5.
So how exactly another set of another legendary armor for another activity will diminish your achievements in raids? Or you did them only to feel yourself a special snowflake with purple items?
Cuz it would be far more easier to get it from fractals….just compare the backpiece from pvp with the one from fractals…..fractal is far more easier to get. Anyway, they’ve said it’s not gonna happen. Fractals already got it’s share" a legendary backpiece". If they will introduce a fractal armor, it’s not gonna be legendary.
So far we know that both Primordius and Jormag are active and we know that Primordius acts like a giant mole too……Do you think we’ll see a D vs D battle in the next expansion? I mean, we know that when a dragon dies, others can absorb his powers….What if Primordius will try to kill Jormag to become stronger….Or the deep sea dragon will kill Primordius (water > fire) for the same purpose? We never faced more dragons at once so we don’t know…
Oh I intend to, just wanted to gauge the response to see if there was more of a meta cadre on here or actual players!
Meta exists for a reason…..They exist because some players spend days switching between builds and trying each of them….They are not there overnight….Thea reason why people want menta in raid is because it was already confirmed that this build is the easiest for a class for that wing…..It’s about how easy is it….Nobody wants to lose 3 hours on a boss when they can kill it in 15 minutes.
Since when did MMO endgame content rely on players following the exact guide from sites like metabattle etc? It seems nobody want’s to do raids unless someone has handed them the exact guide on a plate.
It’s getting lame but I’m not changing a working build just to be “allowed” to participate in raids.
Stop crying….MMOs like WoW used to make raids the real end-game-content….they had the end of the story from the whole expansions, best pve gear + other things and they were far harder….If you think that killing 9 bosses in 3 hours is a hard job, then I invite you to go try other mmos on internet.
I do not agree about making it legendary….I did not spent months raiding and collecting resources just to add another armor to some fractals which are far easier than raids….each game mode got his legendary part. Pvp and fractal already got a backpiece…..If you want to add new legendary armor, add it for w3 and make sure it will take months to complete the collections….or maybe add some legendary trinkets to w3 and this would be perfect… not ok to get fully equiped with legendary only by playing 1-2 game modes out of 5.
But you got what you want. There is a weak version of VG on the new map. Don’t tell me that introducing story for other mmos work cuz they offer more accesibility…Look at WoW…..easiest is 10-man normal Raid, same as GW2…..what do you want easier than a 10-man normal raid? The content is made to be challenging, if you don’t want to challenge it, then you can’t have what others do…..The only spoiler in Raid is at the end of W3 when you find the opened coffin of a Murasaar…is like a spoiler for Lazarus’ return. Is a small percent of story compared to mmos like WoW who end entire expansions of story in a raid (Black Temple, ICC) with even more bosses than all 3 wings here…..GW2 is the mmo with easiest raids I’ve ever seen…..If you can;t do them, then you don’t rly deserve to be a raider. They don’t have to change anything about raids, they are perfect as they are.
Each game mod got it’s own rewards. Raids got Legendary Armor and this is how it should stay…. 25Li for a piece is not much at all.
(edited by Daniel.5428)
I don’t know about you, but I raid with PUGS and I finish all 3 wings on monday….. 3 hours is all I need.
I’ been looking around Ring of Fire’s map and there is a strange place called Onyx Gate. An old fortress of Mursaats. It’s map is as big as last wing and we already have the confirmation that the next wing may be one winged only. So, what do you think, is it possible to see a new raid in Ring of Fire?
Yes the return to the Ring of Fire Islands being involved with Primordus is no surprise to me. I knew that since GW2 came out in fact.
I don’t think Primordius is there for some simple reasons:
1) He was put to rest somewhere in continent.
2) Island is more like a bunch of craters surrounded by the ocean…..How would a fire dragon lives under the ocean?
3) We have a bunch of Destroyer presence in Tyria too….they couldn’t traver underwolrd from the islands to Tyria
I think Primordius is somewhere on the continent and I think he lies somewhere under a big city
First raid was more than a prologue for LS3. It gave us a lot of infos, biggest of them at the end of Wing 3, when you find that empty coffin(or something like this) with the shape of Lazarus. That was the confirmation that he is back. For me, episode one was better for a player that raided than for someone who did not raid.
This is how I see things. If they want to introduce a new raid, they need a good story for it. We already have LS3 so I think they will introduce second raid after LS3 and it will be a prelude for future story(maybe second xpac), or they will introduce it in the middle of LS3 (in case they take a break like they did with LS2) and use it as a prolog for second part of LS3. They are done with the precursor already. They’ve said they nearly completed the legendary armor itself(I think they still have to add some special effects) and the recipes are already done, so we’re getting close. I don’t think it will take more than 4-5 months.
They’ve announced that the last 6 items are tied to raids too, so here is my question. When should we expect new raid…..Next expansion pack will probably be out in 1-2 years….do we have to wait that long or are we gonna see new raid coming,idk, maybe at the end of LS3?
,,The story was pretty good in the first half, but the second half was a bit thin. The worst part for me was the very end when freaking Lazarus the Dire shows up out of NOWHERE and acts like a stereotypical ego-maniacal cartoon supervillain. Seriously he pops out of nowhere yelling “I AM YOUR GOD!! MWAHAHA” which was very stupid and infantile in my honest opinion. "
The part with ,,out of nowhere was answered in the raid. At the end of W3 you find something like an opened coffin with the shape of Lazarus(and that time you did not know who he was). And there is a dialog like ,,Looks like they were trying to ressurect something or someone". That’s the part that announce the return of Lazarus. I know, it was put into raid, but everyone can see it in an opened instance.
(edited by Daniel.5428)
Ok, this just went too far. I just want to clarify some things about raids (from my experience):
- There are more ppl than 5% of players that do raids. Around 15-20% easly raid today.
- The raid wings are already easy because people already caught up with mechanics.
- Comparing to other mmos, raids in GW2 are pretty easy.
- There is no need for an easy mode. Raids are the ,,ONLY" chalenging PVE content since the beggining, screwing them will not solve the problem.
- About Lore: You can easly see the lore in a cleared instance. Just join an cleared instance and go talk with NPCs, read dialogues and see all the cinematics. Boss fights does not add anything to Lore, those are just fights….
- In case ANET will ever consider adding an easy mode, plese don’t add Legendary Armor related things to it(Collection, LI’s etc). That armor should be a reward from a hard content.
- People cry about not being able to raid but they don’t even try it. I clear all my 3 wings weekly and it takes around 2:30 – 3 hours with people from LFG. I bet that the ones complaining about time spend more than 3 hours farming HoT maps or doing w3 and pvp weekly.
- You have builds and videos on dulfy and the LFG is full of parties looking for people for raids. All you have to do is raid for 2-3 weeks with LFG until you find a good guild.
- Some advices: Best time to raid with LFG is monday. If you are a beginner and you know you’ve learn everything, you can lie about LI’s etc. If you do not find a group, then make one. There are a lot of people interested in joining training groups. I know the feeling, I was mad about raidig being for pro’s for 3 months since the release. Then I tried to learn and now I nearly got all mats for legendary armor.
- Unlike other pve contents, this is individual. You just don’t wait to get taxied into a good map. The individual work is finding a group or making one.
- Go out there and try to raid if you want that armor. If you just want to get it without work, then you’ll have to cry for the next 2 years until the will introduce another set. If you want to transform a good game into a FARMFEST, then add easy modes to everything. I hope raids will stay as they are because they are very easy. I had more problems clearing scale 100 fractal for my backpiece than finishining all wings on that week.
- I’ve started as an Engi. I’ve raided until i got enough ascended to equip an druid, then a PS and now I can equip another class cuz i have tons of chests. Don’t do the mistake to craft a second set. Just get it from raid.(last advice)