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Mesmer stuck after blinking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Daniel.5463


I think there are several different ways to get bugged like this and that it isn’t just one bug! I know 2 ways to get bugged like this:
1. When you build siege and while building someone else finishes it, you get stucked and you’ll need to swap weps to get out of it.
2. If you get stunned and you use a teleport skill which is NO stunbreaker, like Lightning Flash. I’m not sure if it happens with all cc’s or only certain ones like knockdown, never tested it.
I hope this information helps you adressing the issue(s).

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Daniel.5463


1.) How important is it to see your squad members as a different color and always visible on your map like party?

2) I’ve always felt the best commander organization tool would be the ability to create events. Like drop a siege and the commander can set this is a build event then everyone gets Ui like build this flame ram 0/50 supply needed. Or Destroy this gate <show gate health bar>. Lets assume for this discussion there are no rewards to the events just a communication tool. Thoughts on commander created events?

3) A guild gating system would be clean but require all commanders to be in a fairly active guild is this a fair gating system?

4) What did I miss on this list

1. It would be nice to be able to tell where all ppl in the squad are, this would make it possible for others to see where a scout is and not only for the commander to know where he is.
Although the commander would be able to tell just how many of the ppl of his squad are afk or doing sth else. could make it easier for him to guess how many ppl are near him.

2. This sounds like a nice idea, but I’m having trouble to think how you could implement it, to not make the commander click all kinds of different things and such. Maybe make it possible for a commander to activate “event mode” and then if he throws a siege weapon it will automatically be an event, and if he marks a target it will also be an event. But you need to make sure that there aren’t to many up. for example if he throws several rams, it should be one event (build the siege weapons: Ram 25/40 AC 10/30 Cata 40/50) and a second event for him, being the attack event after he marked sth (Destroy the Gate/Attack the Target/) and add a timer for those events. for example 5min for the siege weapons, that there aren’t too many events up at once.

3. I’ll answer here the complete gating system.
I’m against a guild gating system, due to it being unfair for those who’re not in a big guild (I’m in a big guild). If you’re on a small server and you just want to do some smallscale or walk around with some friends (up to 15 or sth like that), having a commander would be great. But with a guild gating system sth like this would be very hard to accomplish.

There were some suggestions about adding the squads to the lfg tool and i had a nice idea. How about removing the gating system as it is now and making it possible for everyone to be a commander. But he would’ve to create a squad and unless 10 (or more, jsut an example) ppl join his squad he won’t be marked as a commander on the map. Like this you can limit the number of commander on a map, while at the same time not limiting the players to be commander.
edit1: Forgot to mention to set a timer for each squad after creation, if it doesn’t reach the threshold to be marked as a commander it will automatically terminated. And create a limit of how often someone can create a squad which is terminated (for example 10min after creation it will be removed, and he can create a squad a maximum nr of 3 times in an hour) edit1end.

4. I didn’t follow the whole discussion, but i think you forgot to mention being able to open/close a squad, making it possible for a commander to decide whether he wants to make a public raid or an intern raid, with a group of friends, his guild or an alliance between several guilds.
Next is adding a command to make it possible to tell which classes are in the squad (for example /sqclasses and it will tell you the nr of each class, then sqclassname to tell you the number of each class [add elementalist, short ele, for classname for example])

edit1: Please add a command to kick all players from the squad who’re not on the map. (and don’t make it work automatically, cause it would make switching maps with a squad impossible)
And at last sth else what wasn’t mentioned before (as far as i read the posts), making it possible for the commander to pass lead to someone else! If the commander system will be more frequently used, it will be such a drag to have to create a new squad, each time the commander leaves.

(edited by Daniel.5463)

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Daniel.5463


Summary of Day 1 of discussion:

With that out of the way, I have some more questions.
1) What is an acceptable amount of chat suppression for a commander? It’s important to realize that if the system remains as it currently does, with 100g for a tag, no chat suppression would mean that people can spend 100g to spam you with whatever they feel like. That’s not an acceptable solution. I think there are other things we could do, like provide a commander only channel that has no suppression but that people have to opt in to.

2) How would it feel to have a system that gradually unlocked more commander abilities and icons, but that required dedication to WvW? Let’s say we added a commander line to the ability panel and you unlocked it with WvW ability points. What is the right starting price for that? 100 points? more? If that happens, does it make sense for the system to remain character based? Would requiring commanders to spend their WXP in this way limit them to the point that they didn’t want to do it? What if you still acquired the current tag by spending 100g, but you upgraded to new shapes via the WXP system?

1. make chat suppression for a commander dependent on the number of ppl in his squad who’re on the map. for example if he has 50 ppl in his squad on the map he should have no suppression at all, seeing as 50ppl are willing to follow him. this would make it impossible for spambots to use it, while making commanders “immune” to chat suppression.

2. New Skins via wxp are ok, but not new funcitonallity! It would hinder the commander to progress in other wvw traits, while making it bad for those who’re just starting to do commander. For example someone who plays a bit wvw each weekend and every 2 or 3 weeks maybe takes commando will be at a bad standing.

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Daniel.5463


Added Numbers to make it more easy to read the answers to each question:

A lot of awesome ideas here.

Here are some questions I’ve been wondering about.

1. How often do people actually join squads and use the features that are there? (4 different way point markers, /supplyinfo). What would make you join squads more?

2. How much is spies a problem with commander system?

3. Should the commander icon be shown above the commanders head to the commander?

4. Should we allow a WvW upgrade to see enemy commanders (not on the map just on screen) ?

1. My experience of the squad system was, that after release it was nearly never used, then after some months, we tried to let all ppl join, then it was forgotten again.. it’s currently mostly used if there are several commanders or a troll commander on the map. The main problem here is, that ppl who leave the map, but don’t leave the squad still remain in it and the limit for ppl who can join a squad is too low. Although, I’m one of our scouts in guildraids, this means I’m unable to join a Squad, or i won’t be able to see other commanders on the map.
Next is, during guild raids, we rarely use commander, even if the one who’s commanding us at the moment has it available. This has 2 reasons, one is that it’s impossible to stop other players to see it and we would steal players from the map who should follow the other commander. The second reason is that the other servers are able to see the commander buff, making them able to easily find the commander in our raid.

2. Spies.. At first I’ll have to say that I’m in gold league of EU -> I don’t know how it is in US. I rarely have any problems with spies, there might be some every few days or weeks, but nothing serious. There are some on our server who see spies everywhere, but I think spies mainly try to get into TS, which is currently nearly impossible on our server and I didn’t hear anything about spies in weeks.

3. You can add the option for the commander to see it himself. I would prefer not to see it, cause i know where i stand and it would just be a useless icon on my screen.

4. No. If this is added in any way, I would not be using commander. For the enemy being able to tell exactly where the commander walks and where he stands would greatly improve his possibility to wipe him. I saw many fights where i put a target on the head of our enemy commander, (with our commander in my group) and afterwards he was unable to rally his groups, because we were following him everywhere he moved.
Adding a possibility to see a commander for the enemy would make the commander a tool only for big groups of “not that well coordinated people” (meaning no guild or alliance raids).

Thanks for all the responses : )

One of my fav quotes on simplistic design
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.” -Albert Einstein

I think the same, that adding ranks to the commander system would not fill the roll of it. It should add the possibility for everyone to command as good as someone who did it since months ago.

1. To stop all those PvE Commanders who just want to be noticed, you could make it that the abilities, a commander has to be dependend on the people in his squad. (for example you need atleast 10players to be seen on the screen and 20 to be seen on the map) This wouldn’t hinder Commanding in PvE, while preventing a whole map full of commander symbols.

2. Adding commander to the guild system.. This might make many ppl happy, because most who write in this post are probably ppl in big guilds. But i think it should also support those who’re not in big guilds, maybe because they play only occasionally or they don’t want to be in big guilds. It should be possible to command even for someone who is in any guild who has those upgrades, while still having all possibilities.

3. Adding it to WvW abilities.. this would make it nearly impossible for PvE players to use commander. As mentioned, I mainly play WvW, but I think PvE players shouldn’t be inconvinienced with having to play WvW, just to be able to lead a raid in PvE.

And to the qoute from Albert Einstein, yes it should be simplistic, but it should still be complex enough to do everything what the players want it to do. I for myself found the idea of adding a UI for the Squad really nice, but it shouldn’t be too complicated. Something small.

Maybe a Window with 2 tabs, one for Member management, which groups are in the squad, who’s squad officer (someone who takes some of the work from the commander) and one for Squad management (is it visible on the map or on the screen for members not in the squad, squad cloes or open, who’s able to invite ppl into the squad com/offi or all, color on the minimap, ..)

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Daniel.5463


Okay, so before we get too far into this discussion, here is something else to think about:
Would you rather see us make some number of small improvements in the short term and larger changes long term or just tear the whole thing down and start from scratch?

To be a bit more specific, we could probably do something like multicolor markers without too much work, although it is not a given, but that would likely be the extent of things for a long period of time.

In my opinion starting it from scratch would make the commander better in the long term, some small changes will make ppl happy, but not for long. If you’re able to put a whole lot of new features (which will be discussed here) into the commander, it will let ppl get exactly what they expected from it, a tool for leading a raid and not only a symbol over the char and on the map (for what it’s mainly used now).

Collaborative Development: Commander System

in CDI

Posted by: Daniel.5463


Hello Anet and fellow gw2 players.

First of all i have to clarify that I’m mainly running with a commander and only occasionally do the leading part myself, though I’m playing the game since release and have the knowhow. Due to this I want to add some suggestions.

1. Invisible Commander
Make it possible for the Commander symbol invisible to all players not in the squad. This would create the possibility for a guild grp to activate their commander without stealing the players from the main commander of the map. (other commanders can see him though you can also disable that or add an option to disable it)

2. Close Squad
Grant the Commander the option to close his squad, making it impossible for ppl to enter who he or someone from the squad doesnt invite

3. Squad kick
Make it possible to kick players from his squad. And add the ability to kick all Squadmembers who’re not on the map.

4. Squad Officer
Add the possibility to promote someone in the Squad to an officer, granting him the possibility to kick members from the squad and put symbols and paint on minimap. would make it easier for scouts to mark a position. (could also be added the possibility to add an extra symbol for all officers of the squad on the minimap, but this could make some trouble)

With those 4 points it would be a lot nicer for guild grps to use commander on wvw maps without being inconvenient to the main commander on that map.

5. Commander Buff Bar
This is the main downside of Commander currently, please make it work like the outnumbered buff in wvw! An enemy shouldn’t be able to tell who’s the commander just by looking at his buffbar. This can make differences in many fights, due to each commander being unable to immediatly tell who’s the commander.

6. Commander visibility
I’m not sure if this here is the correct place to post it, but i think it should be fine. If the Commander is a small character (like asura) and stand inside of a big one (like norn or charr) often commander symbol disapears behind the bigger model. Although many names ontop the commander symbol let it disapear too. this destroys the functionality of it, cause noone is able to tell where he is.

7. Commander on the sides
Sry for the naming, I just didn’t knew how to name it. in short it should display a commander arrow on the edge of your screen if the commander in whom’s squad you’re isnt on your screen. this would improve the ability for squadmembers to follow their commander. (for example commander is on the left side then on the left side in the direction where your commander is the mark is placed)

8. Follow commander reward
There should be a reward for players added who correctly follow their commander. for example, for each squadmember who completes the same achievement the reward should increase slightly. (if the squad has 50 members and 30 of those complete an event, those 30 should get a small reward for completing an event with 30ppl of the squad) this would encourage joining a squad from an commander. although it might help stopping ppl from having bad beaviour against a commander, cause if they’re blocked they can’t join his squad.

9. Squad limit
Increase the Squad limit that it’s impossible that not all ppl from a map can join it. For example increase it to 100.

Thank you for reading my post, I hope it will help you making an even better game.

Suggestions to make WvW more appealing/fun

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daniel.5463


1. Rewards:
The reward you get in WvW is in my opinion not very well balanced. you’ll get the same reward for conquering an undefended, not upgraded keep like you would get for a keep which has all upgrades and 50 active players defending it.
How about increasing the reward earned for conquering sth depending on how much it is upgraded and since when it was last taken by an enemy. This would increase the money ppl earn in wvw while taking difficult objects, without making it farmable.

2. WvW Rank Acc bound:
The reason wvw rank wasnt made acc wide was due to flexibility in wvw builds, but this isnt the case. after rank 5 (or sth like that) you always need 5000wvw xp for 1 rank, resulting into being able to skill more if it would be acc bound then if it would be char bound. i for example always start getting build master 2, repair master 2 and supply mastery 4 and then i try to get guard defense and attack for guard stacks. now i got 2 chars with both stacks and 2 which still need ranks for the first stack. There is no flexibility, i need with every char about wvw rank 250 to have the most important things, and afterwards i’ll get traits for the siege weapons and such.
If it’s account bound it would greatly improve our flexibility with choosing what class to use in wvw, then i won’t have to say “i’ll play ele, because he’s my main and i need those ranks” i can jsut say “oh we need guards, no problem i’ll log to my guard.” he will have then stacks and all the other nice traits my main had and i can farm wvw ranks for my whole account on all chars. this would also make it possible to create fair leaderboards for wvw rank, due to it being acc wide.
It would then also be reasonable to increase the needed wvw rank points for each trait, to make it more difficult to have every single trait.

3. Class Mastery:
How about adding a “class mastery” into the wvw traits. it will be depended on what your class is, what boni you’ll get from it. you could even add class specific skills and such into it. for example an engineer could deal extra dmg with siege weapons, and get a skill which refills his supplies to 10. A guardian will protect the siege weapon he’s using, redusing the damage it takes and could summon an bubble, which absorbs only siege projectiles. A Mesmer could be able to summon an fake zerg to confuse the enemy or a warrior can use a battle cry to grant a random boon or a class specific boon to 20 friendly units nearby.
There would be a lot of possibilities, only problem is balancing and performance. imagine 20 mesmer summoning a fake zerg xD (balance with adding a global cd to some skills for a side, for example the fake zerg is 5sec aktiv, and after 30sec the next mesmer can cast it. the skill itself has 300sec cd)

4. Castle/Tower/Camp Lord Ressurrection sickness:
I often see in fights in keeps that the lord gets ressurrected like 30 times or sometimes even more often, resulting in a fight for a very long time. Making it nearly impossible to capture a keep if the enemy just runs into, throws a banner and does it again and again and again and.. even if you’re completly annihilating their forces. if you add Ress seickness to the lord, that after the 3. ress he wont be able to get up again for a certain amount of time unless he’s ressed normally (means walking to his body) or that he just wont be able to be ressed for like 5min. (For example, after each ress the lord gets a debuff whihc lasts 5min and for each debuff he gets healed 33% less while dead) This would make it more challenging to defend a keep, you will need to think about when to ress the lord and wont just say “oh the lord is down, lets throw a banner”!

5. New Upgrade Castle Lord
In most largescale fights in a Castle, the Lord himself is just used to reset the capture point, not used in active battles, with point 4 added, it could be awesome to add some upgrades for the lord himself. That if you fight against a fully upgraded lord you need to watch out and that you’ll need to avoid fighting against both the lord and the enemy blob. And also to avoid haivng the lord die in like 10sec, letting him life longer and put up a small challenge for the attackers.

Achievement Skin Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daniel.5463


There are currently a lot of Skins only available through completing certain achievements.
But there is one big problem: after completing this certain achievement you’ll get the item and now what to do with it? it will be lying around in your bank vault, you dont want to delete it, beacause after deleting it it will be impossible to get a second time, you’re thinking about using it in pvp, but you’re mainly playing pve and might need the skin there, ..

Then how about adding a possibility to get those skins as often as you want to after gaining the achievement, like the zenith weapon skins. it could be added like the zenith weapon skins in this bar, but it will probably end to be full way too fast. it could be added into the achievements themselves, that you can click on them and say “hey i want that item again”. or you might add another menu for all achievement related items. or add an vendor for those items into the personal instance, ..

With this it would be possible for us to recreate items from achievements as many times as we want, lost items will never be sth sad for us (no “oops i just deleted my char with a nice skin and cant get it back” anymore).

I hope you like my idea and thanks for reading.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daniel.5463


Instead of deleting it completly out of the game, how about you think of sth like adding a revamp for every t3 armor in the gemshop, for an appropriate price (sth like 2000gems). i would pay it, because it would be worth it for me! and if there is a revamp for each t3 available, for an higher price then the t3 would cost, then i think it would be nice for everyone. the casual players can buy the cheaper normal version of their race, the hardcore players can buy the expensive version from the gemshop from whichever race they like and you would make even some money out of it.
Meaning, you would continue with what you said, about creating a new model/skin for the armor,.. and afterwards you can think about adding revamps for all cultural armorsets.

Why are you advocating more gem store stuff? Why can’t we EARN the “new and improved” t3 skin in game? …

it was just an example, i would prefer it being earned with sth ingame, maybe something in pvp or some difficult achievement which grants you the vendor for that set in your home instance or sth like that, didn’t think about it very much, because the most important part for me is that the armor will be available.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daniel.5463


Hey, everyone. We’ve been reading all your feedback about the Flamekissed Armor Skin that was released into the Gem Store yesterday.

Although the Flamekissed Armor uses the same mesh as the Tier 3 Human Cultural Armor, it was not our intention to create an armor skin that so closely matched the existing Tier 3 Human Cultural armor set. The intention was to use the mesh as a basis for creating an armor set that stands apart and is distinct in appearance. However, after reading your feedback, we agree that the Flamekissed armor is not visually distinct enough from Human Cultural Tier 3 armor.

We will do a few things to address this issue.

  • We will temporarily remove Flamekissed Armor Skin from the Gem Store.
  • Players who have purchased Flamekissed Armor Skin will keep the skin.
  • We will make new art for the Flamekissed Armor Skin that achieves our goal of making a visually distinct and attractive armor set and does not closely resemble the Human Tier 3 Cultural armor.
  • Once this new artwork is completed, we will then update the Flamekissed Armor Skin so that all existing sets that players have purchased get the new art. We will also offer the Flamekissed Armor Skin for sale again at that time.
  • When we update the Flamekissed Armor Skins with the new artwork, any player that has already purchased the set and who does not like the new, updated look, can get a full refund by contacting Customer Support.

Note that there is no ETA on when this change will happen. We need to work with the Character Art Team to determine when we can have a new armor skin ready, and this could take some time.

Thank you everyone for providing your feedback. We appreciate that you took the time to let us know how you feel about the new armor set.

At first i would say that i really appreciate it, that you reacted fast about the replies against this armor set being available for all races.
But despite this i have to say that there is atleast an community as big as that who were against the armor, like there is of ppl who saw this armor and just thought “wow this looks awesome, i rly like it and i want to walk around with this!”
In my opinion, this is the best light armor i’ve ever seen being released by you, even if it’s “just” an revamp for the human t3 armor.
when i started playing this game i rly loved sylvari, but i wasnt able to find an light armor for sylvari where i thought “wow this is awesome, i wanna walk around with it”, which was also the reason that i currently only got 1 sylvari char, which is a thief. but then you released this new armor set and i was really happy after seeing this armor. i was even thinking about buying a new char slot, lvling a new ele to 80 and give him this armor, and im an wvw player, meaning i would’ve to get a high wvw rank (about 250) to be effective, for both guard stacks and some supply buffs, meaning it would be the third char i would’ve to farm that high.

Instead of deleting it completly out of the game, how about you think of sth like adding a revamp for every t3 armor in the gemshop, for an appropriate price (sth like 2000gems). i would pay it, because it would be worth it for me! and if there is a revamp for each t3 available, for an higher price then the t3 would cost, then i think it would be nice for everyone. the casual players can buy the cheaper normal version of their race, the hardcore players can buy the expensive version from the gemshop from whichever race they like and you would make even some money out of it.
Meaning, you would continue with what you said, about creating a new model/skin for the armor,.. and afterwards you can think about adding revamps for all cultural armorsets.

I hope you’re able to find a compromise which will make both sides happy, those who’re against cultural armor being available for both sides (for the reasons of being exclusive (can’t do anything about that) and more expensive (increase the price for t3 armor and this point is gone)) and those who fell in love with this new armor set (for looking awesome).
Here’s a screenshot of my first thoughts of how i could implement this on a sylvari.

Thank you for your time reading my post
