Showing Posts For Danny Tsui.7840:

Vet Player for Dungeon-centric Oceanic Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

Looking for a sizable Oceanic guild that try to run most dungeon paths and have a
running voice chat server.

About me:

  • I am located in Sydney, Australia. Like to join a guild that is very active after
    6:00pm GMT+10 on weekdays. My server is Sanctum of Rall, I don’t mind guild from
    another server. I probably will play for 2-4 hours each day.
  • Started playing after the game was launched for a month and now returning after 3
    months break.
  • May or may not join guild missions, a bit bored of it. I hosted 3 months of guild
    missions assisting new players through rush, challenge, puzzle, still pretty weary
    of that even after a long break.
  • Now try to accomplish other achievements that cost lots of gold, thats why I want
    to run dungeon paths to get a little more gold. Not quite interested in advancing
    FoTM levels unless it can be done quickly like in an hour.
  • I have earned the title Dungeon Master, but may have to learn some newly patched
    mechanics if any. I love to run some of those not so popular paths. Was meleeing
    Lupi before my break.
  • Wanted to learn how to trait again since all traits have reseted.
  • I have ALL professions at level 80, FoTM at level 30, WvW at level 111 [Champion], PvP level ZERO [Rabbit]
  • Master crafter: lvl 500 all types of weapon, now working towards higher 400+
    cloth, leather, armorsmith.
  • Not much a WvWer or PvPer, but can take part if the guild wanted to play together.
Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Danny Tsui.7840)

Missing player-sent mail after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

I have lost those mails that contain infinite Logging axe and harvesting sickle from the gem store. I had been waiting an answer for this because I want to know if they could get back the items I have purchased. Do I need to buy them again now that they reintroduced them on the gem store ?

So far I have sent my message to all directions without any response from anyone in Anet regarding this issue.

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

Missing items from BLT in my email

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

Anyone got your items returned ?

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

Missing items from BLT in my email

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

I also have tried clearing my mail box, my infinite harvesting sickle and chopping axe both disappeared. Only Rox bow skin remained.

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

Evon's candidate trial for advanced support

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840


Me and friends try to achieve advanced support for Evon after we had our direct support completed. We began by doing tier III and then tier IV, after we successfully finished both we didn’t get advanced support achievement (stuck at 1/2). Anybody have the same problem ?

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

How many characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

Hi all altaholics !

Nice to know there are many of you out there that are just as if not more dedicated than myself !

I have 12 level 80s and 13 characters in total. Looking to max it to 16 total.

Planning to have male and female of each race and profession.

If anyone looking to run dungeon repeatedly with your many alts, you should look me up ! I am expereniced with all dungeons from AC to Arah (Dungeon Master).

I am also one of the guild leader that run all the guild missions (bounty to puzzle) on the weekend (Oceanic/SEA prime time), if interested send me a mail or whisper me !

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

NA(SoR) - The X Faction [XES] SEA/OCEANIC/EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

Tonight 5hours from this post, we will begin guild missions as usual on every Sunday. I would like to thank everyone for their recruitment efforts especially Runner, also we have forge an alliance with an European guild which would definitely improve our efficiency at guild missions. We have expanded our guild to 150+ now and when we get help from our allies, we might swell to 300+

Keep up the good work XES !

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

NA(SoR) - The X Faction [XES] SEA/OCEANIC/EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

We are running guild missions tonight 9 hours from now ! Order will be Rush ->Bounty -> Challenge -> Puzzle, then possibly repeat. Hope to see you all there !

I am regularly running Arah explorable dungeons as well.

Join Jerry as he saves WvW world from our evil enemies !

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Danny Tsui.7840)

[Sanctum of Rall] Oceanic guild for merger

in Guilds

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

We are a tiny guild of 5 looking to join a large guild for running guild missions. We mainly play in late night hours where not many are on WvW and may help with defending keeps, but we would like to gear ourselves better through running those guild missions. We have our own small chat server using mumble with limited bandwidth that could be used to assist your over crowded chat server.

Would like to join with large guild which is influential enough to already started upgrading towards multiple categories of guild missions. Our guild members are relatively good and active players with 2000+ achievement points. I in particular have all 8 classes and can assist with anything like dungeons and crafting, with which I am both a Dungeon Master and Master Crafter.

Contact: Danny Tsui.7840, ChironTheGreat.8061

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall