Showing Posts For Dark.6250:

Best way to lvl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dark.6250


Power lvling is easy do all the starter zones, log into wvw when the zergs are running and your personal story.

Thats pretty much the standard power lvling routine.

Mesmers get too much

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dark.6250


No mesmers aint op its the mw bug which is causing the problem with double dmg with the shatter cat build so its up to the devs to ix bugs not nerf stuff especially when they buffed shatters in the last patch… hehe

My mesmer is lvl57 i play mainly wvwvw as a glamour mesmer and luv it.

Why did you choose Thief first?

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


I luv yak slapping :P

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


Sword Tactical Strike – where is my 51/2 seconds of blindness/daze it only works sometimes which aint that often plz fix

Sry my bad didnt realise that you activated Tactical Strike from stealth working as intended :P

(edited by Dark.6250)

Thief Patch Notes - 14th December 2012

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


Sword Tactical Strike – where is my 51/2 seconds of blindness/daze is it still bugged?

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


I luv my thief but i think all the nerfs lately have been unnecessary because the bugs traits etc for all classes need to fixed first so balancing can be effective across all professions.

Hopefully the patch on the 14th Dec will address some these issues.

I would also like to see a sword/sword option instead of just sword for main hand.

I luv how the stealth mechanic works in gw2 dont change it thats why i play a thief

Any Focus Users Out There?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


I mainly use scepter dagger and just swap out to the focus when needed.
Yeah i mainly use the focus in dungeons and dagger for spvp/wvw for rtl speed is king

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: Dark.6250


Yes it is :P

The only time i get one shot on my ele or thief is when i stuff up or out numbered and thief comes in for the easy kill cause i am under focus fire except when i am on my guardian

I hope anet’s meta game with the balance patch on the 14th Dec covers all classes and make the less played weapon sets for all classes viable.


in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


I will post some tournies with sd ele bunkers up against 2 x guardian bunkers later just gotta find the links :P

Here ya go some tourny play sd ele bunker up against 2 x guardians enjoy :P

(edited by Dark.6250)

What the Scepter use to be with footage.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


If scepter did the same damage it did in the beta right now, it would be OP as kitten. This guy in the video had no idea how to do good Ele damage combos that are common knowledge today, so it doesn’t really show how strong it would be.

Thats the point yes it was awesome in bw3 but got nerfed to uselessness after release.

Secret of playing offensive staff ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Yeah man i feel your pain but after scepter staff nerf pre release yeah its pretty lack luster.

Staff used to do min 1k on auto so yeah staff is hard to play now since you can be attacked and not put pressure on your oponent to get them to plan their combo attack.

Remember offense can be a good defense but not with ele since the cannon out of glass cannon dont exists for us

question about a skill

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


I have another question. I have equipped scepter and dagger and I am attuned to air.
When I use skill number 5 (Updraft) it rolls me quite a few meters back.. in my opinion that’s not very helpful because I am activating it to run faster forwards, not to be pushed back (looks like a dodge backwards) and then run to where I stand before and after that I am able to use it as I wanted it.
Instead of 10,5 seconds I am able to run faster for around 8s due to its countdown by activating.
Is that working as intended? If yes there is a lack in description and it should be added that it pushes you back before you are able to run faster.

You can use this skill in 2 ways.

1. Ride the lightning wait one sec (so you know your updraft is gonna hit) then updraft to knock back lay down your combo field the lay the smack down with some finishers.

The reason you go backwards is so you got time to get your combo field out and start with some finishers.

2. Updraft can be used defensively to mitigate dmg, stomp interupt or give you some distance to run.

need help building ele please

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Stock standard bunker ele build and you will be able to kill amist all the confusion and survive.

Even if you wanna up your dmg a bit and loose some of your defensive traits you will get slaughtered and not really worth it.

However this build will give you some good ideas in the right direction.;TgAKvM1Iqx2lzLZXDRmQA


in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Yup the only build i play now is ele tank in pvp cause if i cant dish out the damage before being ganked i have to tank it up for the war of atrition since my auto dmg is kitten and combo finshers meh.

They need to really look at some balance between weapon sets traits etc otherwise you will only see one type of ele in the game

What the Scepter use to be with footage.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Showing some nice dmg with scepter so everyone can see what it use to be.

Looks like it got nerfed pretty bad. Nice Nice dmg around 4:07

Anet fix Scepter plz



Help me to Decide!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Thx Intigo now i can tank while doing dmg very nice have been running the other build but takes too long to kill someone.

The generic build u linked i like alot

I put the 10 into earth as i dont use auras i use scepter/focus.

(edited by Dark.6250)

Scepter Discussion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Scepter focus and staff got the nerf bat back in early beta. I found some footage on youtube before the nerf and yes its was a diferent beast back then i will try find and link it.

Scepter around 6k+ on no2. skill in air
Staff min 1k dmg on auto no1. skill in fire

My favourite weapon set is the scepter/focus so hopefully it will get some luv and make a revival

Update: Found the link on youtube with scepter doing its magic. So everyone now can see the scepter wasnt crap like it is now. anet what did you do to the scepter we want it fixed plz.

Take particular note of the dmg from the no.2 skill in lightning around 4:07.


(edited by Dark.6250)

Weapon Swapping for Eles

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


I like how the ele uses the elements as weapon swaps if i wanted to play ranged i would equip a staff or scepter.

I do think the range on frost bow should be 1200 not 900 so u can at least use something to attack defenses in wvw. I play dd anyway so i just lay down fields and protect ranged from ground forces

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Yeah the OP is right how anet nerfed the kitten out of scepter/focus which was my favourite weapon set. Now i run dd auramancer, staff is quite good too but it got nerfed batted as well as the OP stated.

I play mainly as a roamer so at least i have dd to see me through i use scepter focus swap in wvw for treb def which is all i use the sceper/focus setup for now so sad

I do use scepter/dagger bunker build is spvp occasionally just so i can laugh at everyone trying to kill me

(edited by Dark.6250)

Newbcakes to the class

in Guardian

Posted by: Dark.6250


If you want to be tanky with greatsword + sword/shield combo warrior does better job

I play juggernaut guardian with hammer/staff combo traits 0/5/30/30/5

I play mainly wvw in the front line push I support warriors with aegis/protection warriors buff me with might/fury

I suggest to try both and see which play style suits u better but if you wanna use sword+shield then warrior is the best option

(edited by Dark.6250)

Newbie wants to be a tank!

in Guardian

Posted by: Dark.6250


To the OP if it hasnt been mentioned before check Brutaly’s build thread and you will be tanky and have decent dps to boot

And Thx Brutaly for that guide i have learnt so much from your build post you explain your ideas well.

I followed your suggestions in that guide and now i am a beast of the battlefield absolutely luv it link below

Hit 80 on my Guardian. WTF do I do now?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dark.6250


Lots of good ideas here for the OP

However if you want a good understanding of your role in groups for pve wvwvw or spvp

This is the best thread you will ever read


What do mesmer's play as alts?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dark.6250


I play thief to mix it up mesmer as support ranged glamour build and thief up close and personal bs build

Is a confusion build effective in PvE dungeons?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dark.6250


Yup i play a glamour mesmer with mass confusion and its great

I use it for pve/wvw/spvp i just luv the play style


Backstab, time to nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


The thief class going down hill with the nerfs just like wow

PvE -rogue in wow pure dps

PvP – When battle grounds came out they eventually nerfed high crit builds eg rogue,mage by introducing resilience

why because peeps cry a river

Shame to see it happen here

Time to roll mesmer and melt faces

Upcoming nerf called for?

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


I have a back up plan if they nerf bs. I will just go back to venomous aura build and let my
whole team stack poison on them :P

Best pistol skins?

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


I luv the pirate skins you can get from the karma vendor at the end of the jumping puzzle
at Weyandt’s Revenge Lion’s Arch.

Backstab, time to nerf.

in Thief

Posted by: Dark.6250


Poor thief gets to many nerfs My main is a thief i played all the builds there are I am above lvl20 in spvp and my main build which i luv is bs build

I luv it when i come up against good players as its a challenge victory can go either way.
When i get stomped do i cry…. no I assess what stupid things i did wrong etc.

Ele\war\mesmer – glass cannon build – can I shot me if I dont apply blind before they hit there cd’s and get my cd’s off first

eng\ranger – average

guardian – bunker build – when played correctly can only achieve getting half their hp so I dont even bother till my team shows up . Plus a properly spec’d bunker guardian cant kill anything

They can nerf the thief till the cows come home I will still play the thief and just watch from the shadows and pop the occasional cluster bomb.