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Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkAnvil.2513


Just adding in some of the things I observed.
First off, credits to ANet for adding so much new content (Fractals, new PVE & PVP maps, jumping puzzles, etc.) in such a short period of time since release. One can easily see the amount of effort and heart that was put into creating these new content. So, Thank You! and I think most players will agree when I say “We appreciate it (even though it might not seem so from just reading the forums) and keep up the good work”

However, the design and handling of some events are another story. There have been 2 major events released so far: Mad King and Lost Shores. The following is a comparison, IMHO.
Mad King events were inclusive:
- Scavenger hunts could be done in any act and by any level (if you’re not afraid to run around naked, sneak around mobs, and risk dying multiple times or you can simply run with a level 80 ‘protector’ friend).
- Events were repeated enough that most everyone got to participate no matter the timezone. Players that were affected by the Sandy storm even got a consolation item after the event. Definitely +1 for that gesture alone.

Mad King events were well handled:
- Use of instances significantly reduced lag-fest incidents.
- Open-world events were simple enough not to overload the server or the player’s cpu or connection, even with the massive zerg of players following the Mad King train.

Lost Shores events were mostly exclusive:
- Scavenger hunts only lasted one day. I don’t see a good reason to stop players from participating after phase 1. It might make for good story sense but never at the cost of being inclusive in an MMO.
- The one-time events of each phase. I don’t think I need to say more about why this is not a good idea for an MMO with an international playerbase.

Lost Shores events were poorly handled:
- Massive open-world events are an exciting and ambitious concept. But while the servers might have no problem handling the load, the average player’s cpu and connection can barely keep up resulting in lag-fest and invisible mobs. An unplayable event is no event, no matter how exciting and ambitious.

I can understand the reasoning to make Lost Shores a massive open-world event and more so with free trials. What better way to showcase an instant mind-blowing experience to the trial players. It’s all good. Just need to remember to take into consideration all the players who were and are still with GW2 since the beginning, not just potential new players.

Anyway, this is not a “gimme what i want or i quit” kind of thing. Just my observation and humble opinion, and hopefully some constructive criticism. I love GW2 and only wish to see it become better with every day.

An opinion: The Economy Is Terrible

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarkAnvil.2513


honastly the games fine, all i’m hearing is:
“i’m a lazy person who wants to tele everywhere and buy all my mats on the TP for free. aNet, fix this problem of me being to lazy and spoon feed me all i need and want”

LOL I’m hearing the same thing.

@ShawnBuzu: Maybe try asking for money-making/saving tips instead of making a whine post about how you want an armor set but can’t get it right here, right now so the economy must be terrible.
The economy is not terrible. It just hasn’t matured yet.

Asking to increase gold drop from mobs is effectively inflating the economy for no good reason. And no, just because you can’t afford your armor set when you want it, is not a good reason.

Like it or not, life is not fair and if you refuse to “play the market” or “craft and sell” then the best advice is to avoid the many gold-sinks built into this game like increasingly expensive waypoints (plan your travels and use your swiftness skills to run around), repairs (dodge and stop dying so much), salvage kits (at the current materials prices, it’s better to vendor or sell on TP most drops).

And if you absolutely must have the armor sets, then level up and amass wealth on your first character so that your second character can enjoy the armor sets at the appropriate levels. Problem solved.