Showing Posts For DarkDawg.2538:

can i get a hard copy without having to rebuy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


You’re a star! Thankyou very much, this is a better solution than my dvd suggestion! I have a Seperate hard drive for storage so i’ll keep a regular backup there.
Many thanks for the help!

can i get a hard copy without having to rebuy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


Hi guys, I was just wondering if there was a way to get a “hard copy” of the game as a backup to save having to redownload it all should i need to again at any point.
I’d prefer, obviously, to not have to buy the game again and would rather maybe pay like and extra bit to get a dvd copy of the original version to which i can download updates after.
Just as an fyi i ask this because my internet isn’t all that great and it takes like 3 to 4 nights to download the game as it is atm.

Many thanks for any help/advice.

e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


I’m so glad this was posted, i too got this email and had a lil panic. Thanks for putting my mind at ease!

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


The most annoying to me i think is near the bank the child asura and the guard charr.
“Your face looks funny all flat and squished.”
“No YOUR face looks funny, like a little raisen.”

*edit for typo >.>

This is the last straw

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


So i got my account hacked…

How did you get your account hacked? The only way i can think is if you went to buy gold from some site, in that case i support that they don’t restore anything. If it was through another method that you were hacked then as Gaile said, they don’t have a restore feature atm but in the future maybe.

Please change mob behaviour when being kited

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


I am tired of questing quite happily only to have some random player who has aggro’d every enemy and his mother who then runs towards me when i’m fighting a mob only for the mobs chasing him to then pound on me instead.

Can anything be done to them so they continue chasing the other player or just reset without aggroing on me?

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


Guild: Bringers of Apocolypse
Tag: DooM
Server: Fissure of Woe

Can’t access Guild bank which was finished over a day ago, still says I haven’t got one.