Missing Map Completion Legend @ Top Left Map
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Datastar.5329
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Datastar.5329
Seems this feature is unlocked at level 15. The new starting experience while I like some of the changes others just feel completely out of place.
Issue: Resolved
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Datastar.5329
While trying to help a family member recover her account due to an old email that is no longer in existence tied to the account I realized reading through the posts on the 7 Days or Older post that the majority of the issues seem to be Email Authentication related. There has to be a better way to without having to wait for “Divine Intervention” to solve this dilemma, I suggest a format like this to help people reconnect to their accounts:
[Account Name (Datastar.5329)]
[Insert Serial Code Here]
[Human Verification Here]
Then you get to log in and change your credentials limit the process to once per IP per 24 Hours and this eliminates bots and saves you guys from the flood of incoming tickets that y’all are obviously overwhelmingly understaffed to handle.
Just my 2-Cents,
To Gaile Gray,
submitted 1/31/15
Autumn.1502 (my Mother who cant access her account)
Please get a status update on the ticket?
-_- this is why phone support or live chat is needed I understand that there is a high volume of tickets but at the same time…tears
Hey guys when gw2 launched me and my mother(i know shes epic right) picked up copies of GW2. I still have access to my account but due to spam/harrassment reasons my mom was forced to shutdown her registered email address so she cant autheticate her account and switch the email addy over. We have put in a support ticket but we arent even sure the response is going to a accessible email address we need help.
At this point we have come to the conclusion she just lost her account permanently.
Please GM’s/Devs/To whom it may concern contact me in reguards to this I have the serial key and everything we should need to fix this snaffu.
The way the skills and classes/dual classing worked and trinity
Your wearing a charr plush backpack is a pretty good sign.
I think a lot of this can be fixed by adding spawnable bosses with class elite skills that have random places in the world at level 80 that they can be triggered at. This would give more players a reason to travel to the older zones. Use a system similar to gw1 in the capturing process. Adding like 20 elite skills to each class in this manner as well as giving some of the elites the ability to turn someone via perma buff into a tank or healer(your weapon skill also heal nearby targets or cause threat and add some dmg mitigation buffs) just using its normal weapon skills would add serious depth without requiring a complete redesign. Basically just have to add a slot for this skill on the hotbar and tweak agro tables on mobs. Be nice to see a lot more weapons too.
Don’t get me wrong I enjoy the action combat aspect of it but I would just like to see the return of elite skills and more specialization call it holy trinity or what ever but you can never have meaningful pve without it. And not the elite skills we have now, most of them are lackluster I miss finding the mob that has the skill I want and capturing it and having it be awesome. I feel this game did a complete 180 to its predecessor , we went from not enough levels and gear and amazing class customization to a lot of levels and gear and lame character customization with better graphics.
(edited by Datastar.5329)
I really want to love this game and many do love it, but what causes me to not log in is the Combat and lack of depth in my honest opinion. GW1 had really great combinations of skills and a great feeling of freedom of choice and theory-crafting involved with a character. If we were to see GW2 go in that direction with the skills/abilities and have more meaningful specializations IE can actually spec to heal or tank I think this would be my premier choice in games. As it stands Dungeons feel like a zerg fest with more time spent rezzing one another and dodging. These are just things that I feel would improve the games depth for me. This game is beautifully crafted and I feel sad that I don’t want to log in.
This post was not meant to troll or start a flame war its just my opinions as a long time mmo fan.
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