Showing Posts For Deathpope.6253:

guardian vs thief (ding ding)

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


yeah 1v1 is a joke, i tend to try and save my venom’s until im half health, then i pop them to get right back to 75%-80% health.

i think its the gear, we scale really well with gear that lets me take on more people, i also spend alot of time working with friends figuring out how to counter each other and the best time to use cooldowns.

i tend to not try and fight people people who are under-leveled, as its pretty boring, they get burned down in a single sneak attack.

As your always using CnD the Aoe blind is amazing, you should look into it.

guardian vs thief (ding ding)

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


Gear : Full exotic Rampager’s, exotic Rampager’s weps

Runes : Rune of the undead, give alot of condition damage and toughness, plus the 5% conversation rate means the more toughness you get, the more damage its converted into, amazing rune set.

Sigils : im using Agony and Earth

Build : 30 Deadly Arts (3/8/12), 20 Shadow Arts (4/6) 20 Acrobatics (2/8)

Skills : Hide in shadows, Spider Venom, Ice Drake Venom. Signet of Shadows, Dagger Storm (only used when im out numbered, and only when they try to get distance from me)

now with this build, im able to stealth alot with CnD, get bleeds up with sneak attack, and heal with venoms, my signet and passive gives me blinds, i have a lot of escapes with my passives, stealth, and skills.

my gear gives me alot of crit, condition damage, and power. Condition removal is useles against this build as all the damage comes from sneak attack, i only spend my initiative on CnD and Dancing Dagger, so i stealth and open with sneak attack, auto attack, get back in their face and CnD, sneak attack.. now they have 8-9 bleeds on them which tick for 90-111 depending on my targets gear, they blow condition removal, thats when i stack the venoms and bleeds, also making sure i keep using CnD.

with this set up you can easily take on 1v3 people as you are darting in and out of combat so much and healing alot from the venoms, and dont forget you get long stealth, so you can always CnD and reset the fight, or even Hide in Shadows.

hope that helps, also this is the build that i only use in WvW, tried it in PvP and it didnt work out so well.

Critical Damage vs. Condition Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


not sure where you guys are getting this information that condition damage is bad.. D/D stack conditions like crazy in pvp, and if they pop a condition removal.. guess what you you just stack them again, and stealth and watch the bleed out….

P/D builds love condition damage as all their damage is from sneak attack which stack bleeds fast, and venom’s, with my gear in wvw on a level 80 my bleeds tick for 111 and venoms in the area of 300, they pop condition removal, i C/D and stack the bleeds right back up as i dont have to use any initiative to get stacks up, and they have blown heal/condition removal.. and with 30 sec venoms, i can stack conditions like crazy.

dont listen to people who say that crit and crit damage is the only way to go.. there are tons of guides and videos of conditions builds destroying people, infact i hardly ever lose to a crit thief, and i can stealth more than they can and heal lalot more than they can.. and they have no toughness, while im sitting at 1800 toughness and 1400 condition damage.

Necos are the only problem i have.. but even they cant kill me as im popping in out of stealth with C/D and healing off venoms, and once i get them to burn the removal, they go down like any other class..

AC weapons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


just zoned into order of whisper’s broke the effect, and the elite skill didnt reactivate the effect.. sigh

AC weapons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


so im thinking the effect is a little buggy, i used my elite skill called reaper of
Grenth and it just activated the effect on the dagger.

ive tried to break the effect haven’t been able to break it so far.


AC weapons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


so i have been running AC like crazy so that i can get my dagger, i watched a youtube video a long time ago where it showed that AC weapons glowing at night.. so im thinking to myself this is going to be awesome.. Glowing weps are the best…

so i save up 300 tokens and go buy my dagger, low and behold.. it dosn’t glow

SS of the dagger and clearly showing im out in a zone at night. i even tried the dagger in combat at night, still no glow.

were these weapons intended to glow or is it broken?


guardian vs thief (ding ding)

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


P/D venom builds destroy guardians, even if they have alot of condition removal, your in and out of stealth so much its hard for them to hit you, infact i have yet to lose to a 80 in 1v1 with the P/D build.

i take on 1v3, 1v4 and always kill at least 2 people before i have to escape or get downed.

Thief Damage vs mass tough + screens

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


please enlighten us on how different your play-style is then


in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


okay well then give us perma stealth and can only stealth out of combat.. much like a wow rogue.. that would make it balanced right…

you know how hard it is to play a stealth based class with only a 3 sec stealth.. its our only defense.. i think the stealth is fine, plenty of ways to counter it

Thief Damage vs mass tough + screens

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


so you do insane damage every 45 secs with signet/backstab… then what spam HS .. and get destroyed because you have no toughness and they can dodge all your HS.. the reason for quickness is to destroy a target before they even know your there, without quickness they can easily dodge HS, and your screwed if your backstab dosn’t 1 shot them

This is probably why even my Backstab/stealth build isn’t so heavily reliant on Backstabs success If you think like a 1 trick pony, your playstyle will be 1 trick pony

the name of the build is backstab.. its your main source of damage, you have no condition damage or toughness, your only option is to kill the target before he and his team kills you.. which is done by backstab and HS spam into stealth.. no way your playing any different than this

Thief Damage vs mass tough + screens

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


so you do insane damage every 45 secs with signet/backstab… then what spam HS .. and get destroyed because you have no toughness and they can dodge all your HS.. the reason for quickness is to destroy a target before they even know your there, without quickness they can easily dodge HS, and your screwed if your backstab dosn’t 1 shot them

all in all.. backstab builds are pretty much useless in WvW.. as any level 80 player has enough health and toughness to survive the burst. I’ve been killed by a backstab thief once.. and i had no cool-downs or heal to counter the burst, ive been killed by alot more Quickness / HS thiefs as that damage is hard to get away from.

(edited by Deathpope.6253)

Which armor runes?

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


For WvW and dungeons, Undead all the way.. the condition damage and toughness are amazing plus the 5% conversion means.. more toughness, more damage.

i run P/D for WvW and D/D for dungeons

i find that crit/ crit damage builds are useless, you can kill one person every 45 secs as melee and cant take any hits.. if you get caught you get destroyed if your escapes are down, in whole the crit builds are for spvp.. not WvW or Dungeons

Thief Damage vs mass tough + screens

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


^ this post all the way… also cc breaks are really useful against bas venom

Thief Damage vs mass tough + screens

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


for the heart-seeker spam that comes after the backstab…..

Thief Damage vs mass tough + screens

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


lets not talk about mesmers.. im a P/D speced for stealth and sneak attack with venom life steal… my whole spec is around stealthing and unloading with sneak attack… and a mesmer can stealth more than i can… not to mention blinking around making them hard to catch… not to mention their illusions dealing tons of damage, and stupid confusion…

so yeah when a class can out stealth, out blink a thief.. deal with our back-stab damage, but really… it not hard to not die to a back-stab thief, dodge the steal and make them waste quickness and then proceed to destroy them as all they can do is auto-attack you, they cant even dodge…

on a side note.. 1.5k toughness is really low, i have 1800 and all i have is undead runes and speced into shadow arts.. just because you spec into your toughness tree dosn’t give you mass toughness

oh and i agree, quickness is the problem.. not the thief class itself

(edited by Deathpope.6253)

Cluster Bomb hittign for 7-8k AOE for 2 Energy, give me a break?

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


the very most i have ever seen mine crit for is 4.5k, and im full exotic

Sexiest/best looking armour for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Deathpope.6253


Tier 2 human, with level 1 hood… is amazing