Showing Posts For DefMatrixUltra.8590:

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


Clearly you were hacked since gold and items are never lost.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590



Unfortunately, it sounds like you have come across this bug

The problem with delayed gem transaction is likely a separate issue, but those who bought gems with gold during this time period also probably will not get their gems or their gold back.

The only way to guard against this bug for cancelling buy orders is to always cancel a single buy order of low value and confirm that the funds reach your pickup box. Unfortunately, none of the people hit by this bug have ever had their gold or items returned. If you’ve ever paid real money for gems, there is a chance they might reimburse you with some gems. Otherwise, there isn’t much hope.

ANet staff have only made two comments about the issue: either the victims of this bug were hacked, or a simple denial that any problem exists (“gold and items are never lost”). Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to get anyone to even acknowledge the bug exists, much less gotten assurances that it would be fixed. The thread I linked was once a catalogue of support tickets and explanations from bug victims but it has been purged by moderators.

Trading Post Broken

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


Unfortunately, no one from ANet has even acknowledged the existence of this bug. We’ve been told two things so far: either our accounts were hacked or simply “gold and items are never lost™”. A lot of good, constructive posts have been made about this issue but it’s uncertain if bug has ever been looked at.

Sending a ticket in to support is fruitless as they will not reimburse any losses. The only exception is if you have spent real money on gems – in which case they might reimburse you with some gems. Unfortunately gold and items are lost forever.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


To all those who are saying “I can see so much more, this is great”, I’m happy for you. I’m happy that you can get a better enjoyment from the game. However, I’d like to provide some constructive (i.e. negative) feedback.

As someone who gets headaches from playing and physical disorientation from stopping, I will say that on a 16:9 monitor the FoV situation went from utterly terrible to bad. This is a huge improvement over the comically low 16:9 FoV before the change, but it still is not fully workable – and why should it be without a range of some kind? FoV is a variable with many dependencies; it is not a solvable problem in that you pick the “correct” number and are done with it.

Like I said, I am truly glad that this fix happened. I am glad that others can enjoy the game better as a result of this effort. I realize this is a bugfix and not a feature implementation. But I feel the need to counter all the positive feedback in the thread by saying that, for many who are actually affected by the FoV situation physically, a wide range of values is needed.

On the topic of the bugfix in particular: it seems as if widescreen monitors STILL do not reach the vertical FoV of 4:3 monitors. Since this is the presumably the entire point of this fix, I think another look over the projection math is needed.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


Gems are equal to real money though

The fact that buying gems with gold encourages others to buy gems with real money is apparently lost on them. If you haven’t forked up your credit card (that 60 bucks you spent already doesn’t count) a second time, you are a second class customer and will receive second class support.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


I tried this with support and they said that I’m not eligible for compensation because I haven’t spent any real money on gems. Which ironically reinforces to me that I should not spend real money on gems.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


After 20 emails, mainly back and forth from ANet and me getting switched to several departments. I finally got refunded my gold for the lost transaction. It took nearly a month, but I am content.

I’m also very interested in how you did this, who you emailed, the response chain etc.