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BWE1: Masteries Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Defhan.2389


To start, I’ll say that I’m in love with this new system. It truly is a much more engaging and fun way of progression than a higher level cap and I’m hoping this system will catch on and Arenanet will put new mastery lines along the road.

That being said, I believe the initial release bunch is a bit small. I know Arenanet keeps saying that they’ll keep on adding more mastery lines, just like they are going to add more legendary weapons and elite specs and so on, but honestly it’s been 8 months since the announcement of the expansion with a full trailer and still no release date, I’m growing a bit distrustful to their promises for the future.

Other than that, I think the amount of time it takes to train a mastery line can be improved. It took me around two hours maybe to train gliding and at first it felt appropriate. But then I realized that these are account-wide. I’ll only train gliding once and that’ll be it. I won’t do it ever again for another char. Thus I believe they could be a bit harder to train. Around 3-4 hours for the first one and a slow increase for each would suffice in my opinion.

About the lines themselves and what they bring to the game: amazing. Gliding is literally the best thing I’ve ever experienced in Beta, except for player character talking. If fun new mechanics like these are at the end of the line, I don’t see why people would argue against a bit of time consuming training.

"Rebound." Tempest elite skill

in Elementalist

Posted by: Defhan.2389


I agree. Tempest is great in my opinion, I had an amazing time with the new mechanic and shouts and even the warhorn which people hate for some reason. But the elite is downright bad. It would be a bad choice even for a mesmer but for an elementalist? It just doesn’t fit.

People have been asking for more “Storm Calling” type of skills for the tempest and I believe an elite along the lines of maelstrom can achieve that.

Weapon Swap for Rev in 1 word:

in Revenant

Posted by: Defhan.2389


Well i am always up for removing wep swap, most of the time i been play with 1 weapon set at a time as swapping to hammer on a point is asking for a trouble in many cases. Theres no way i will ever swap to hammer for certain classes which goes against the idea of wep swap to begin with.

I don’t see ws being so useful in pvp (I think you’re talking about that) except maybe some utility with staff, even ooc. For pve and WvW weaponswap is a game changer. I can’t think of revenant without it being as effective and enjoyable.

I understand your point of view since you’re mainly a pvp player, but there is not only pvp.

If one class came out that didn’t have endurence but something else entirely and then the community QQd because it was too different than what they were used to and they couldn’t possibly learn to use something new, I’d say the same.

Are you implying that ws was added (only) because we asked for it? Because that’s a lie. It was developed before the previous beta, feedback just helped them.
Many suggestion were submitted for revenant and NONE of them has been taken into account except weaponswap ant the lack of damage, so they don’t take orders from the community, they use us to help decide what they are already discussing.

I think Arenanet listens to the community and acts accordingly. We’ve seen many examples of this one being the HOT pricing for the veteran players. And I believe this ws is only a test during the BWE, one that hopefully won’t make it to the actual release. They heard us saying it so they put it into the game. I think the only reason there’s still no underwater combat for rev is the undecided ws.

Weapon Swap for Rev in 1 word:

in Revenant

Posted by: Defhan.2389


the class is still original and legend swap is still the class mechanic.
or are you saying that reaper and guardian are the same because they both have weaponswap and dodge? lol

they gave dodge to revenant, so unoriginal.

The class mechanic is that you don’t change your weapon, but your utilities. Everybody has a different mechanic. That’s the game. Necro has deathshroud, Guard has virtues. Pretty different. If one class came out that didn’t have endurence but something else entirely and then the community QQd because it was too different than what they were used to and they couldn’t possibly learn to use something new, I’d say the same. Its originality is tied here and you guys are mutilating it because you don’t want to try something new. Seriously stop misquoting me.

Weapon Swap for Rev in 1 word:

in Revenant

Posted by: Defhan.2389


I’m just saying that it makes the Revenant like any other class. It should be unique. If you want to weapon swap, go play Warrior or any other class really. Not all of them should be the same is what I’m saying.

And I’m damaged by it of course. I’m a lot less pushed to change legends which is THE PRIMARY MECHANIC of the class. Imagine an Ele without attunements. It takes away that special feeling to it. Makes it all dull and basic and like every other thing we have. Nothing new to see.

(edited by Defhan.2389)

Weapon Swap for Rev in 1 word:

in Revenant

Posted by: Defhan.2389


I played the Revenant with weapon swap first. And it was fun of course, since it’s an amazing class in a great new map. But the thing is: while I was swapping weapons, I didn’t feel the need to swap legends so often. Since I can change the way my character plays with weapon swap, I don’t need a new set of utilities.

Then I stopped weapon swap, I made myself use only staff with Shiro/Ventari. And it was a thousand times better. The challenge that comes with it is so much more fun than your usual weapon swapping. You have to change yourself according to your utilities, it makes you play with them a lot more and engage a lot more in game. I managed to put out some good DPS with staff Shiro because it’s about the right side of the skill bar. I found every weapon synergies with every legend if you put some thought in it. This is not a hack n slash game, try some strategies and it’ll reward you greatly.

In conclusion: I believe weapon swap makes legends unnecessary thus should be removed, it’s against the whole idea of the class and only makes it basic and dull.

BWE feedback - day/night cycle

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Defhan.2389


I believe the difference between day and night is clear right now, but it could be way better. The face of events change drastically between day and night right now and that’s quite amazing. During day we help Itzel feed and during night we just try to survive against the hordes of mordrem. The fact that mordrem mostly attack during night, changes everything making it almost a new map in my opinion with new enemies and events.

I think the problem lies with the scale of the beta. Since it’s just a slice of the entire map, we only manage to get to Security Level One during daytime and that makes things a bit easy for us during night. The second problem is the scaling of events. When I’m trying to save a rally point with 3 people, it proves quite difficult. But when we are over 10 people, it’s so easy that I hardly get to touch any mobs before they melt down into nothingness. Considering that will be the case most of the time, I think Arenanet should focus on scaling them better against bigger zerkes.

And the mobs, they are amazing. They all have unique abilities to them that makes them stand out. Usually in PVE, I hardly notice the differences between mob types. But here they all have amazing differences. The problem here is they melt down too quickly against big groups. If I’m battling an Arrowhead alone, it’s a challenge. But when I’m with friends it’s nothing. Mechanics are there, numbers need help. This could also better the situation with nighttime in my opinion.

Favorable Winds [Wind] -- Ranger Guild

in Ranger

Posted by: Defhan.2389


PVE, some PVP

What is that Vine doing to the WP!

in Living World

Posted by: Defhan.2389


I don’t think mordy is searching for other dragons alive or dead. He obviously passed Zhaitan and Jormag if you look at the map.
I might be utterly wrong but I’m gonna say that he is searching for the Pale Tree. And I think she somehow managed to cloak herself from him so he passed her right away. He never went to Metrica or Caledon because, in my opinion, Pale Tree somehow tricked him to look elsewhere. I still think she is his former champion now good guy just like Glint.

Because if you think about it, the first thing Kralkatorrik did after waking up was going after Glint. It only makes sense that Mordy is going after his champion.

What is that Vine doing to the WP!

in Living World

Posted by: Defhan.2389


The Assassin

in Living World

Posted by: Defhan.2389


I know the game mechanics don’t always apply to NPCs but the assassin who killed those guys was really good at his/her work. One against so many and knife strikes so precise. I thought of Caithe because of the precision of the strikes and her obvious involvement with dragons, sylvari, mordy and glint. She used to collect blood crystals of Kralkatorrik after the defeat of DE. Now we know she has a secret which is known only to Scarlet, that must be about the sylvari and Mordy imo. Plus I don’t trust zephyrites, she might be doing a good thing killing them. I smell bad guys.

The Assassin

in Living World

Posted by: Defhan.2389


So somebody killed lots of Zephyrites with a knife but Aerin was an engineer, right? We all thought that it was all him but I think there are two people really. One assassin and Aerin. And here is the craziest theory I have: when someone pointed out that the killings all occurred with a knife and a stab straight to the heart, all I could think was Caithe. If you read the books, she is skilled that way, she finds the weakest points of creatures and sticks a knife in there to kill them. And we already know she is involved in all this, with her secret and all. What do you guys think?