Showing Posts For Derian.4703:
Why only ppl who gets 1 or 2 pre-cursors seing that event was good ?
Agree reward shloul be smilar 1 precursor 1 normal and all will be happy, iven if u drop precursor tridenty and some one dusk but it nearly eqal . but if i get 5g loot and otehr ppl 2 precursor worth 500 g its bit too much :/ they should rollback this and do this more fair
Not only u My frend loot 2x precursor around 400g i loot 2 exotiks for like 4 g but i ceap plaing meaby on next big event i will be the lucky one and get 400g in one chest
Same story… drop 2 exo for 5 g but my frend in pt drop 2 pre like 400g. why chest dont drop aways 1 pre 1 normal exo …. all will by happy but i am bit disapointed. and still is meany ppl that got DC and this free trials account hehehe good job arena u know how to pist off players :P