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Scholar's pack achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Des Troy.1238

Des Troy.1238

And you are all correct, the order choosen in the beginning doesn’t matter and that is where i went wrong. I got it all figured out now and found the character that choose the right path for this Scholar achievement and those that follow on this one.

Thank you both for your help, it was very usefull and let me continue on with my achievement hunting. Thx.

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Scholar's pack achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Des Troy.1238

Des Troy.1238

First, sorry about my terrible English, it’s not my native language.

I have this issue with a achievement called Scholar’s Pack wich is part of the Basic collections. Although i finished the whole story with my main character, wich is a Ranger of the Durmand Priory order, i didn’t receive some of the necessary rewards for that achievement. I’m talking about the Golden Priory Buckle, Waterproof Padding en the Dragonvine Priory Strap. All rewards from the storyline of Heart of Thorns act 4 wich i have completed.

For another similar achievement, called Agent’s Pack, i could use another character, a Guardian from the order of Wisphers. No problems there.

With a third similar achievement i had no problems neither, called Crusader’s pack, completed with a character from the Vigil Order.

Now the problem is that i don’t have any character left from the priory order and it would be stupid if i had to delete one, rebuild it and join the priory order and go through the whole story again just for that achievement and the following achievements, like the Magister’s pack (need Scholar’s pack achievement) and i think there’s another one of wich i can’t remember right now. After some research i found another achievement can’t be completed, called Pact Reformer, because the absence of the completion of the Scholar’s Pack achievement. The Pact Reformer reward is a nice one, the Gift of Ascension.

So, i was wandering if someone had the same issue or has a solution for my problem.

Thx for listening and i hope we can solve this,
Carina Of Troy (ingame character)

(edited by Des Troy.1238)

[AoA] is recruiting more WvW players FSP [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Des Troy.1238

Des Troy.1238

Joined this wvw minded guild for a few weeks now and i never regret it, much fun and good results in battles, if i wonna go to war it’s with these guys.

FSP vs ROS vs AG (Again! :D)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Des Troy.1238

Des Troy.1238

As wvw player, and i don’t see myself a hardcore player, the fun is disappearing out of playing. Everytime we come out in the matchup with stronger opponents who kicks our behind, humiliate us by taking everything when they want too. The most humiliating i find is when they take our keep, camp there and kill everything that comes out of the spawn.

I blame the matchupsystem for this. Before the change we played against servers who were almost equal to us.

Now i see guilds leave, players quit playing wvw because there isn’t much to do (we get our behind kicked over and over). Every guild that leaves makes our server weaker and weaker in wvw. So at the end you’ll end up with strong wvw servers and weak wvw servers.

Second is the population of course, if you got a wvw minded server you never walk alone. FSP is more a pve server so most of the time you walk alone in wvw.

Servers who play against us also start to complain because they seek resistance.

Never the less, this week i had some nice fights (lost them all) with Aurora Glade players in wvw 1 on 1, but they were very respectfull towards me. When i was down, they didn’t finish me off, but waited untill i fully rezzed and when i was ready to fight them again. When i did fight them again i lost ofcourse, but i found this enjoyable. So thank you Aurora Glade players for this. It opened my eyes not to humiliate less ranked serverplayers if you are way stronger.

Now i’m gonna put my energy in attracting players towards wvw, don’t know if i’m gonna succeed. We’ll see.

Cant complete Hints achiv

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Des Troy.1238

Des Troy.1238

And it’s still an issue, as a titlehunter i would like to see it finished and rewarded. This must be a small bug, so rather can be fixed quickly.