Showing Posts For DesolateDunes.9526:
Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DesolateDunes.9526
A new character slot bought via the gems store isn’t a big deal. ATM it’ about 105 gold here in EU. That even isn’t alot of gold and I don’t see where the problem is.
Go “out” and play the game for a couple of days and you’ll have enough money to buy the slot.
On the other hand- Indeed, it would be nice to have a free slot when we buy the expansion but, IMHO that’s unnecessary handholding just for the fact that you bought it with RL money.
Cheers all
Stop running DirectX 9 in the expansion?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DesolateDunes.9526
I know my answer won’t be constructive but..
When I started WvW I also encountered a large fps drop when I played a melee profession. Luckily for me, later, I figured that I’m not a melee guy and since then I enjoy ranged professions and builds and don’t have any lag whatsoever since I’m away from the core battle.
If you have lag…I don’t know, uhmm, lower your graphics a notch. That could be an temporary fix.
Greetings again fellow GW2 community!
I won’t make any special introduction into this, but seriously, going through this forum, some people behave like this lady regarding the upcoming GW2 expansion.
It has been discussed before,
Unfortunately they can’t implement it now, many sets of weapons rely on colour difference to distinguish them as you mentioned.
The Mystic/inquest set , The ascended weapons , The SAB weapons, The dark shield of the moon/shield of the moon, All the basic crafted weapons.
Yes indeed, you’re right. The issues you mentioned here are enough of a reason why this hasn’t happened to this day.
Greetings GW2 community! o/
I don’t know if this has been spoken of before, but what do you think of the idea of dyeable weapons?
I’ve had a lengthy discussion with a few guild members about this and apart from “ruining” the base dye that the devs and art team envisioned I don’t see any other major problems.
Well…on the other hand, that would make different ascended weapon colors obsolete and Grenth knows what would happen to that part of the game. :/
I didn’t go into too much detail. Nevertheles, what do you think of this general idea?
Thieves with rifles? Yes please.
I’ve made some idea’s for the skills. Range could be from 1000 to 1200.
Just to let you know, this is only a visual concept. The boons and contitions mentioned below are just for the sake of description. Well, more or less.
“Sniper assassin”
Upon entering this specialization, your “Steal” ability is replaced with “Camouflage” granting you permanent stealth but slowly consuming initiative whilst you move. Running out of initiative or shooting while in this mode makes you visible again.
1. Burst shot
Fire 3 bullets in quick succession with every third (or sixth) bullet that connects conditions your adversary with one stack of vulnerability.
Shooting from stealth could work as warriors killshot, but weaker.
2. Deceiving shot
Fire a bullet that, if it connects, teleports you behind your target, crippling him/her and granting you 3 seconds of swiftness.
3. Force field
Press a button (doh), reinforcing your rifle which projects a forward 180 degree force field to block several attacks for couple of seconds . If successful, you are granted stealth for a short time and conditioning your targets with blindness in a aoe circle when the effect ends. (That’s of course if you trigger the block)
(courtesy of asura technology. IDK)
4. Acrobatic shot
Fire a bullet and roll/evade in the direction you were running, granting you vigor (small percentage) and crippling your target for 2 seconds if landing several consecutive shots.
5. Steady shot
Line up a precise shot that scales in damage the longer you hold the button whilst draining your initiative.
Utility skills
Scout drones
Unleash 4 hovering scout drones that move away from you, scaning the area revealing your enemies in the minimap. Each of them (the drones) goes in one corner of the map and can be destroyed at any time. Let’s say one of them is destroyed at 800 units. In that case, that drone will give away enemy position at that range and no further.
Different ammo’s
Incendiary, poison etc.
I can’t think of more fleshed out utility or elite skills at this moment unfortunately.
What do you think?
It’s 11:04AM CST at this very moment (more or less) and 6:04PM(18:04) CET.
The event will start in 5:30PM (17:30) CET this saturday.
Enough time to watch it on Twitch and then hit the bars with either a smile or a frown.
I deleted my first ever character (elementalist). Had about 600 hours on him but that didn’t stop me from deleting I’ve could of saved for a extra character slot but I didn’t have the nerve/time to gather the gold for it back then.
Since I wanted to make a legendary for quite some time I was fed up with the precursor, T6 mat prices and RNG so I just used my credit card to buy those kitten things and be done with it. I understand that not many people can do that but, for those who can, seriously I advise you to NOT, I repeat, not do as I did. I robbed myself completely from playing the game and now I just roam the WvW plains and world bosses with, listen to this, chars that can’t even equip that legendary (Predator- It looks cool. Don’t judge me! just to not feel bad about myself and my poor decision and impulse buy complex.
If I could, I would return in time to give myself a good slap to the face so that all my teeth fall off and get that same legendary via standard play and aspects of the game I enjoy.
It doesn’t even have to be the most profitable way- You’d get that money sooner or later but thats far too subjective.
The game is playable as it is. For me at least.
Any expansion, or big new feature is a plus but as of right now I have no expectations from Anet.Having expectations only gets you disappointed.
Indeed. When I think about it- I still have much to do.
-getting every skin for every armor type
-crafting all ascended amor that I’m currently missing
-crafting the last 3 legendary weapons (harpoon gun, pistol, torch). From. Scratch.
-get the 4 missing PvP Champion “insert class here” titles
- PvP – Champion brawler
-Lots of cool WvW titles that on the first hand seem like a drag to get but I think they’re not if you sorround yourself with nice and enjoyable individuals.
(you just forget that you play for them and instead enjoy the game with those people)
- crafting and collecting the backpiece’s
and much more…
For the love of Grenth…it’s…alot to do if you clearly think about it for a couple of minutes.
It seeem to me that some part of the community is a just a group of individuals that gets burned out faster that some other group of people that also play this game. There’s no shame in leaving the game for a few days, weeks, months and return when you get the rush to play again. If you fear that you’ll miss out on the LS while you’re away- Don’t panic- Log on the patch day, start the story and it will be saved in your hero pannel to be activated whenever it pleases you to give it a shot. Tyria welcomes you with open arms folks.
Marry Christmas everyone
TL;DR – Everybody relax….
When people mention those 300 or so Anet employees I automatically asume we’re also, in that number, talking about the people who work in their cantina, security guards, people who vacuum the building and clean the windows and what not.
You can’t honestly believe things like:" Oh, hi. We’re Arena Net. We have 300 employees and all of them are either programers or some-fancy-computer-engineering-title-person, bla". I somehow think that 300 people who work there equate everyone who’s in that building- not just programers or similar.
And I know sigh..I know some people here want gaming as a hoby and play GW2 as their main freetime focus but seriously….This game, this game…is not like WoW model of expansion sets. You believe a expansion from ANet can “save” the game? (Even tho I like it the way it is…uhmmm maybe I’m easely satisfied IDK)- This is not Blizzard with their multi million dollar comercial hype train- it’s ANet.
And for god’s sakes don’t eat up content like there’s no tomorrow. Go out with your family, GF or BF. Have a beer or a juice with you best buddy. Have a laugh and then…when everything of that is over…go on, power on your computer, launch GW2, play a little (1-2 hours) and go to sleep. But nooooooooooooooooooooooooo……………………… want more. more, more….Go play EvE Online if you want “real hardcore-second-job-I feel-important-spread sheet-my desk and monitor-are-full-with-various-coordinates-and-jump-codes-that-make-me-feel-super-smart-carebear-free” game. Somehow I think most of you want something like….
A game that is not too easy and not too hard. Where you can know who is a noob and who is a veteran. Veterans on one hand get rewarded for staying true to the game and the newcomers are constantly reminded that they can also be one of the veteran dudes who look down on them. (Carrot and a stick thesis) A game where there’s content- LOT’S of content. Because some people have 12 hours a day free time to pursue that inner hero of ours in the game and feel special…
As you see…I’m all over the place here. I hope you catch my drift.
it was never stated that we are going to see something preposterous such as this about Greatsword Thieves and Staff Engineers.
A new weapon per class would sound acceptable.
Torch thief, Hammer engineer, axe guardian, something like that.
I could see thieves get rifles, longbows or greatswords (one of these) I’m sure ANet could implement this into the profession. I don’t see that as lore or gamebreaking.
Hammer engineer, axe guard – agree on that too. Could look nice indeed.
You’re right indeed. I seem to have a slight skill delay when using that T3 chest piece in some maps. Must be a cold or something :o
Greetings GW2 community!
If it was your character, which of these two options would you choose?- The left or the right one? The color scheme is the same.
I know its unconventional to post silly dilemma’s like this on the forums since there are more pressing matters lurking about in the game but yeah…
The time has come to reveal my main.
It took me several months of incantations and sacrifices but I have finally done it- I’ve became the right hand of Grenth. *evil laughter leading to asphyxiation! JK
“Ladies and gentlemen! Behold a asura in her natural habitat!”
After spending hours in the wardrobe with this pesky little devil I found out that this is currently the best bet. (Even tho it isn’t much of an mix’n’match.)