Showing Posts For Desza.3028:
Hi Mike, hi all,
I have to say I’m very disappointed as well—I was really hoping for another Legendary Dagger some time soon. The hardest part is being able to see both sides—as a gamer, I’m terribly let down by seeing things that had been promised, and now don’t seem to be ever coming in the foreseeable future. On the opposite side, it takes a lot of strength to be the person to make the hard decisions and break the bad news, because that means YOU’re the one that’s going to take the crap from all the upset gamers coming down the pipe.
If I could maybe make a suggestion? I know the Legendary team is now working on new story content, but….why not make use of all the amazing, talented gamers you have in this community? By that, I mean, why not have a contest? Make a contest for the next set of Legendaries—have people make up the pre and the Legendary design, and the steps to get it. There were always lots of contests for Guild Wars 1, and I bet you would get some AMAZING contributions for a contest like this. And, I’ll admit first off that I’m not a programmer, BUT—if the programmers were handed the designs for the pre and legendaries, and the steps to get them all, wouldn’t it be WAY easier to program something that’s already done, into the game? Just a thought.
With the topic of Ascended drops…why does it say in game that the Ascended Drops start at level 10? When on the Wiki it states they don’t start dropping until level 11? If a Dev is monitoring this, could you please explain the discrepancy? And which is the truth? If they don’t start dropping until level 11, please change the description in the game (see pic attached, where the reward level is 10-19). Thanks for help in clearing this for me.
It is terribly difficult to follow things when guild chat disappears COMPLETELY from the chat window tab EVERY SINGLE TIME I change area, or even waypoint from downed within the same area. As guild leader, I really NEED to see what’s in guild chat to keep track of what we are planning, to see who’s commenting and saying what, and to take care of things. PLEASE fix this as soon as you can, it’s becoming more than a simple annoyance, it’s interfering with taking care of and helping my guild, and my guildmates interacting with each other. Thank you, please fix!
I am having the same issue. Any help/fixes from ANet?
I am having the same problem. I tried deleting the gw2.dat file, but it didn’t help and I have the same problem. Any help/suggestions?
What in the bleeding HELL is this?? This new gem system is absolutely AWFUL. I do NOT WANT TO BUY 400 GEMS AT A TIME!!! What was wrong with the old way? I just like to take a little gold when I have some extra, and buy gems with it. This is so stupid, ANet. Change it back, it’s absolutely useless this way. There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with the old way of buying gems whatsoever. There was nothing confusing about it either. A player would buy the gems, and it would round up or down to the cost. Oh WOW SO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND. I guess we must all be idiots. Change it back—everyone HATES THE NEW UPDATE. Yes, I’m yelling.
I tried both fixes (the “run as admin” one and also the “nopatchui”) and neither of them worked. Still getting the Coherent UI appcrash. Frustrating. :o(
I get the exact same crash message—Coherent UI – A Modern User Interface Library for Games has stopped working.
Crash message:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: CoherentUI_Host.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 53bd60a3
Fault Module Name: CoherentUI_Host.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 53bd60a3
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00e8604c
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Read our privacy statement online:
If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
Any luck on a fix?
Is this really true—will there be no way to complete the Scarlet Living Story requirements in Edge of the Mists without going into a PvP area? If so, well, I just gotta say that absolutely sucks. I do NOT like PvP. I am a player who loves a good story—not a player who wants to get killed by rabid pvp’rs when I’m trying to complete a storyline. That’s like if you were reading a great book and a bunch of people all of a sudden beat you up because you wanted to turn the pages. If that’s truly the case, and I can’t complete this without it being PvE, this pretty much ends this storyline for me right here.
It seems like most of you are talking about this skill in PvP, is that correct? I don’t play PvP because I don’t particularly like it. I’m a 98% PvE player, and the change to Arcane Wave really ruins my fightability (is that a word?) when I am surrounded by enemies and trying to blast away. Please, please, ANet….get rid of the targeting on this skill and revert it to what it was. And I am not a noob, I played GW1 pretty much every day from launch to GW2 launch, and I was in the Beta weekends of GW2 launch, and I play this every day.
I completely agree and you’ve made a great case, Linnael. I was ready to chew nails when I went to cast Arcane Wave and it all of a sudden wanted me to target it, instead of getting the insta-cast by just pressing the number. If the Devs read this—please for the love of the Six change it back to the way it was. Consider—I am not the most coordinated person in the world, and when I am trying to move with WASD, click with my left and right mouse buttons and side mouse buttons plus also pressing number buttons AND trying to type to party members/guildmates/people in the area—I really don’t NEED one more bloody thing to try to do when I’m trying to blast things with a Double Dagger build. Magnet Grasp/Magnetic Leap were already nerfed to absolute uselessness, please don’t ruin one more skill.
From the original post:
No matter how “used to it” we get, holding and aiming is going to be slower than just tapping. The weakest build atm, D/D offensive burst, just lost the ability to BurningSpeed/LightningFlash/ArcaneWave. For those of you who don’t play this combo, it relies on casting Flash mid BS, Arriving at Target, and Waving for might and damage before BS hits. Its a core combo, and now its gone. You could wave afterwards, but you’d also lose the might for your true instant FreshAir/Hydromancy/RTL follow up. Unless you think you can aim faster than you can activate 0 Cast Time skills.
It feels very particular and specific, but a huge number of engages for burst eles depend on doing things like whats described. It slows down the kit very dramatically, and when you have 13k hp and 1200 toughness, thats a huge, huge problem. Big enough that I think it outweighs the needless buff for other kits, who could better utilize brilliance and are built for blast anyways.