Showing Posts For Deunan Sanis.4731:

How can crafting be made profitable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

It’s impossible to make Crafting profitable because it’s so easy to craft that any Arbitrage cannot exist. Therefore the only equilibrium possible is avhieved when PriceOfCraft = PriceNeededForMaterials ie no profit

Ecto salvage stats / spreadsheet

in Crafting

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

To point out someones err; Master is 25% for rarers.

That being said; some data for you.
Lv 80 crafted rare item.
3364 salvages – 3028 ectoplasma (0,90) with mystic salvage kit (“25%”)
306 salvages – 386 ectoplasma (1,26) with BLTC salvage kit (“50%”)

For profit side; 1-3 silver per ectoplasma depending on price shifts.

Oh yeah, BLTC is good, if you get it for free, otherwise go for master, unless you want bulk and create few mystic salvage kits.

Can you please share the raw data, I’d like to plot the distribution function

Accidental Exploit Found, Please Don't Ban Me!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

First : you didn’t exploit anything

Secondly : it’s obvisously a bug : report it with /bugs and eventually send a screenshot

So which is faster in fixing a banned account....?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

If I was going to commit fraud over a video game, I certainly wouldn’t publicise it.

It definitely depend in what country he lives.

Guild armor bugged

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

I had ( and still have ) this bug. The only way is to go in WvWvW and buy it there. The normal Guild Armorer is a huge snob and doesn’t want to talk to you

Why am I banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

Could you at least post the Wording and error message you get when logging?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

Stop clicking “Buy” . There is a lot of backorder / lag and I was, unpleasantly; surprised to find 1h after clicking buy that all my order had gone through ( which led to another problem : these orders disapearing and your objects never being sent )

WvW Queue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

Yeah… While it is not a bug, it would be good to be able to queue up to all WvW maps, or see the queues/wait time on each. I also just want to play WvW, I really do not care which map.

I’m quite sure you can queue for all map even if it’s not advertised.

[WvW] Negligible rewards for support and healing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

While I agree that it is a problem it is unfortunately not a bug

Thanks A-Net for Holding People Accountable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

Check the Reddit topic about that

Someone was banned for saying:

" Where the kitten are the centaurs? I am a kitten I lose a tool everytime I chop one log? "

You can get banned for insulting yourself , quality moderation here

(edited by Deunan Sanis.4731)

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

Exact same thing here. Lost everything