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Non stop crashing since the update [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


The newest patch seems to have swept up the last of the remaining stable-ish systems. :C
Myself, and many others (check the two giant ‘crashing constantly’ and ‘working Mac Client’ threads in the tech section) have been unable to play since HoT update a whole month ago! No local solution works for the memory leak affecting the client.

What’s worse, there has been no acknowledgement from the devs (save for ’we’re aware’ mumble on a buried reddit thread).
I am really hoping that the new flood of unhappy players will indicate to Anet that this problem is too far-reaching to ignore.
I mean, can they really afford to lose hundreds of customers?

OOM crashes in non HoT maps32 bit client

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


Same, OP.
Almost no crashes on my 32-bit system before HoT. Now, it’s OOM crash galore. I cannot stay in game longer than 3-5 minutes at a time. Just about manage to get my daily login but that’s it…
Like you, 64-bit isn’t an option for me at the moment. Besides, people continue to crash and have problems with the new beta client, so it’s not the golden solution the odd smug poster makes it out to be.

Suggestion for ArenaNet

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


Except it ran fine on 32-bit just before HOT hit, the morning after errors started pouring in. Even the old zones that used to be fine are now crash galore. So, it’s still a gw2 problem.

Seconded. Again, for me, GW2 ran reasonably well before HoT/Halloween (save for world boss crashes, that I mostly did away with by lowering character quality).
Ever since October, the game crashes persistently and consistenly after about 5-10 minutes and remains unplayable (even old, lower level zones).

Given that people still OOM crash on 64-bit systems, an upgrade isn’t a guaranteed solution. The task of fixing this remains with Anet, who seem to be surprisingly nonchalant about the whole thing.

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


32-bit player here. Still waiting for a fix or atleast an ArenaNet reply.
Am I really the only one left that’s having issues?…

No, you’re not alone. Thanks for keeping the thread alive.
I too am sat, waiting for a fix. Absolutely no change in my situation; the game remains broken and will crash after 3-4 minutes.
As the third week begins ticking over without any apology, eta or updates on the client’s OOM issues (not to mention the neglected mac players), I am beginning to doubt any fixes for any of us. :C

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


To cross-quote the 64-bit client beta launch…

This wont fix the crushses from people who don’t have a based x64 Computer, my computer is 32bit based, i can’t run x64 SO on my machine… and i have been constant crashes all day since Hot….

We haven’t forgotten about you! The release of the 64-bit client was planned unrelated to the memory-related crashes. It will take a while longer for us to get them resolved properly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Still, that’s technically only a single sentence in all of these forums from the devs regarding the 32-bit systems that were broken post HoT-release.
While, I’m genuinely glad that some 64-bit users have improved stability, that still leaves many of us unable to play at all. (Like a few others, I won’t be able to upgrade until the new year.)
I’ve submitted a crash report each time, and still hoping that helps their analysis for a permanent fix.

  • Crash <—*
    OOM: Heap, bytes=4194416,
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 14104
    BaseAddr: 00BE0000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54950
    When: 2015-11-05T10:20:07Z
    Uptime: 0 days 0:03:25
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (32 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 1137MB/ 3567MB 31%
    Paged: 3538MB/ 7132MB 49%
    Virtual: 159MB/ 2047MB 7%
    Load: 68%
    CommitTotal: 3593MB
    CommitLimit: 7132MB
    CommitPeak: 5168MB
    SystemCache: 1211MB
    HandleCount: 36697
    ProcessCount: 87
    ThreadCount: 1232
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 1291MB
    WorkingSet: 1115MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 1129MB
    PageFaults: 1677668
  • Error Logs <—*
    Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
    Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
    Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
    Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
    Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×10de
    DeviceId = 0×1200
    Version = 10.18.0013.5850
    Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
    Compat = 0×00100800
    VidMem = 1024 MB

Thank you.

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


Still not a single relevant dev response. :C
I check back every single day, both here as well as the ‘bugs’ section with its own dozen or so threads complaining of crashes, hoping for a red post assuring us that the team is working on a patch to fix the oom breaks. (I’ve forwarded numerous crash reports, more than plenty for their database to guide the mem. leak repair)
So far, zilch.
Is Anet not aware that this is a frustrating game-breaking issue that is costing them revenue in real-time?
As a long-time MMO addict, I always hold off before buying into an expansion, at least until after the initial traffic and the worst of the bugs are ironed out. But almost two weeks on, none of my characters can run three paces before crashing to desktop (oom, lowest graphics). Literally, GW2 has become the daily log-in tick box, nothing more.

Before the HoT/Halloween (heartbroken to now miss completely!) update on 23.10, I was a happily paying customer; shelling out for story chapters (some of which I can’t enjoy now!), character slots and making googly eyes at the stunning armour skins at the gem store. Not to mention, enthusiastically recommending GW2 as the best to all my gamer friends.
Two weeks on, with TPTB remaining silent on the problems with no moves towards acknowledgement or reassurance, what kind of customer does that make me now?
Again, I’ve done everything possible to try to fix on my end, but clearly, given the hundreds of other reports, the problem can only be amended by Anet.

All I (and all the other put-out players) request is an indication of whether a fix is being worked on (if at all) and an eta.

Thank you.

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


How many of us are there suffering unplayable games and persistent crashes?
I’ve contributed my own reports a few times (OOM 10 seconds – 2 mins, lowest possible settings, updated Nvidia & 32-bit W7), but for each ever-lengthening thread, not so much as a peep out of Anet.

Look, Guild Wars 2 is still my top favourite MMO (I miss playing like burning and it especially hurts that I’m missing out on Halloween!), however dev responses have left a lot to be desired. The situation has been summed up numerous times by other players (32-bit & 64-bit both affected, Nvidia and other cards) and it’s clear that the surge of problems started last Friday at the Halloween/HoT update.

It has been a full week and we’ve waited patiently, please someone respond and tell us what the issue is and whether it is even being looked into.

Thank you.

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


Still suffering crashes since the Friday (23.10.2015) update.

  • Crash <—*
    OOM: Heap, bytes=252692,
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 7804
    BaseAddr: 003E0000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54566
    When: 2015-10-26T10:14:01Z
    Uptime: 0 days 0:04:05
    Flags: 0

(4GB ram, GeForce GTX 560 Ti with the latest driver)
I do see folks recommending an upgrade to 64 bit Windows, however my 32-bit W7 was never an issue previously (save for occasional world boss crash). Now, the game crashes within a minute in low populated areas, and won’t even load in capital cities. I’ve reduced graphics to lowest possible, still not a bit of difference.

What’s disappointing is that there was no warning of minimum system requirements changing and that some systems would experience catastrophic breaks, as a result.
Like many with this problem, I won’t be able to upgrade for months as I rely on my pc for work as well as gaming.

Very saddened to be missing Halloween and I’d been looking forward to it for months.

Is there any word at all on patching these OOM errors? :/

Thank you.

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


Second day, and I still can’t play.
My main is locked inside Lion’s Arch that won’t get past the loading screen before crashing to desktop. Alts won’t play longer than a minute at a time before crashing. I’ve submitted a crash report every single time, updated graphics drivers, performed a repair and tried launching with firewall disabled. Still no fix.

I’ve had occasional world and boss crashes before, which was partly solved by lowering character quality and display settings (though Karka queen keept crashing so often despite it, that I’d stopped even trying), but nothing of the kind of game-breaking issue GW2 has had since the launch of HoT/Halloween.
Guild Wars is my top favourite to play and I was willing to let the abysmal failure of the Mordremoth Invasion slide, because there is so much more to enjoy. But now, I can’t even enjoy Halloween’s skin and achievement chases!

This is very, very poor, Anet. Admit that there is an issue for a significant portion of your player base, and make moves towards a solution on your end.

Thank you.

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Diefzix.5468


Same problem here, unfortunately.
Have given up on logging into any big cities as the client crashes almost immediately.
Switched to low level areas to try for one of the themed dailies only to crash out five seconds later. I’ve been really looking forward to the Halloween content, but the game is unplayable at the moment.