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Guardian Role. Is it "Support Only"?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dire.2674


The dual wielders are infact that ones that has discovered the true power of a guardian and that isnt relying on a single “doctrine” to play the game but actually can apply multiple tactics to win the battle.

Two hand swords play (SY) is rather simple compared to dual wielding (using the entire toolbox) that requires more techniques, movement and tactics.


I am not interested in support, never was and never will be. But I like how the Guardian plays so that’s my profession of choice.

I enjoyed GS pre-nerf and stopped enjoying it post-nerf, not so much because of lower DPS but because combat with it became less fluid and thus much less fun for me.

These days I run with Sword/Focus + Scepter/Torch (and carry the staff for rare situations when it’s pure win, like say clearing out blossoms in TA). I swap weapons constantly. I gear Berserker, so my damage output is pretty beastly – be it solo or in groups. I rarely facetank, meaning I take great care with my positioning and movement, which is what makes combat fun for me. I use shouts because they benefit me (they also benefit my group but that’s a pleasant side effect, as far as I am concerned), and I am often the last man standing (figuratively, as I am a girl and play a female toon:)).

When people say Guardians are nothing but support I laugh.

(edited by Dire.2674)

"Tribal Set"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dire.2674


You can get that skin from the heart vendors in Fireheart Rise (possibly some other 60+ zone(s) also). Obviously you’ll need to run all over the place to get each piece.

Fine Transmutation Stone Error

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dire.2674


What the poster above me said. The first time you use a costume skin you don’t need transmutation stones, just double-click on the skin and it will open a window similar to the transmutation one, into which you can drag the piece you want to get the stats from.

About 'Innapropiate' names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dire.2674


As a history major you should know Lenin wasn’t actually his real name, just something he made up to fit in with the rest of the underground crowd. Use the real one if this great guy who’s done so well for Mother Russia appeals to you that much.

Rangers and dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Dire.2674


Your options are:

1. Use ranged pets
2. Keep your pet by your side at all times, essentially only using the buffs it provides
3. Reroll

The last is my preferred solution, after getting a ranger to 80 and trying to deal with the plethora of ridiculous bugs, poorly designed skills and mediocre performance for a while. Honestly, I’ve a character in every profession except elementalist and engineer; most are 50+, and all of them are more fun/satisfying to play than ranger.

All Norn are Guardian ?

in Norn

Posted by: Dire.2674


All my Norn are female, and all my females are Norn (because, unlike the human ones, they are decently proportioned; besides Norn cultural t2 has some nice leather and plate pieces). I have a ranger, guardian, necro and mesmer. I’d never roll a male Norn, there’s something inherently wrong with their anatomy.

1 handed sword would be my favorite weapon if...

in Ranger

Posted by: Dire.2674


Not to mention that, once you’ve disabled auto-attack, your DPS goes down significantly (because there’s no way you can mesh your button nearly as efficiently as the AI) and the whole thing becomes just not worth it.

I actually leveled my ranger primarily because of 1h sword, that’s how much I like it (in combination with warhorn). I was one of those weird rangers who prefer to melee – it’s so much less boring – and only switch to a bow when I must.

Except, of course, that 1h sword is as close as it gets to suiside in both PvP and dungeons. Once I’ve figured that out, my ranger became my bank mule. I would go back to it in a heartbeat, though, if the sword’s auto-attack rooting problem was taken care of.

Leather Exotic armor looks... Meh...

in Crafting

Posted by: Dire.2674


One of the things that thoroughly bugs me about wearing leather is that we get screwed even with the karma-bought gear (I mean the blues and greens from the heart vendors). Past lvl 40 or so both light and heavy armor wearers at least get new skins – but not leather, oh no. We are stuck with the same (horrible) skins we’ve been wearing since level 9.

Why is that? Why you hate on leather, devs?

8 Black lion chests 0 keys

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dire.2674


The best item I’ve ever got from chests was, by far, a stack of 5 fine transmutation stones. I’ve got that twice. I’ve also received a stack of Black Lion salvage kits on three separate occasions. I have opened probably around 20 chests at this point.

I did not spend money on keys, nor do I intend to, and it’s clear to me that if I were inclined to use the cash shop I’d have been way better off just buying the above mentioned items than gambling with the keys. With a lvl 65 main and 4 alts ranging from 25 to 47 I have 87 chests sitting in my bank; it’s probably time to just dump them onto TP and free up the space they are taking.

And to answer the question a few posts above, yes, I’ve got keys for completing a zone quite a few times (probably because I would have much preferred the transmutations stones:)).

(edited by Dire.2674)

Crafted consumables in instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dire.2674


Food lasts through death. Crafted potions/oils/stones do not. Possibly that is by design but even if it is, why do said potions/oils/etc. also not last past the point of leaving an instance? As in, using one of those right as you start a personal story mission, for example, ends up with the buff disappearing as soon as you have gone back into the world, while the food buff remains. What’s the deal here?

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dire.2674


To add another bug to the list, after trying to do this last night (in a party with 2 random people) and getting multiple ‘Content not available’ messages throughout, at one point weapon swapping became unavailable to me. As in, the button was grayed out, the shorcut key would not work, and of course I couldn’t swap weapons manually either while in combat. Now granted, the Ranger’s sword and warhorn can get you through most everything but it was still supremely annoying – the choice of either standing in death to contribute to the fight, or doing nothing except buffing others when CDs allow is not exactly ideal. The other two people in my party did not have the weapon swapping issue.

Eventually the quest bugged out entirely where most seem to have trouble (the Asura researcher would not follow) and we ended up having to leave the instance and abandon the whole thing.