Showing Posts For DirtyBooze.2581:

Compiled list of ways to improve Squad Commander

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyBooze.2581


So what exactly has changed regarding the commander functionality since BWE2? If this post is correct, absolutely nothing. Which is a far cry from what they were saying the Commander feature would allow.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DirtyBooze.2581


Any news on the outright missing guild where we have needed to recreate and start from scratch, after using tons of influence and research time?

We’ll look up your guild specifically and make sure that it still exists (even if you can’t get access to it at the moment).

Wonderful, could you please take a moment to check mine, Warhost [WOG] on the Tarnished Coast server, owner is DirtyBooze.2581 I’m in a similiar position that KitKat is it would seem and for about 13 days now.

I’m pretty sure the guild is still there as when I tried to make another guild with it’s exact name on the day it disappeared I was informed that it was already in use. But none of my members see it on their guild lists.

Update: at 12:15am CST My guild Warhost [WOG] just shown up after being gone for almost 2 weeks! Hope it stays that way, will keep you updated! Thank you so much!

Update: at 1:33am CST Guild members are having a problem with representing, they represent then they are automatically unrepresented for unknown reasons. They seem to be able to re-represent when they try to, and switching areas has been helping.

(edited by DirtyBooze.2581)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DirtyBooze.2581


Thank you again for all of your information. I’ll follow up with the people working on it and will give you an update today (today meaning today Seattle time).

I’m looking forward to it, my guild Warhost [WOG] has been missing since Aug. 30 (12+ Days). My original post about it is on the 5th page of this thread. My membership is eager awaiting a solution to this. Hopefully your update will give me some good news to pass on.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DirtyBooze.2581


Guild&Tag: Warhost [WOG]
World: Tarnished Coast
Owner: DirtyBooze.2581

We disappeared the morning of August 30th after the previous night’s maintenance. We had over 45 members (if I remember correctly), some guild size upgrades too (because I could) our influence upgrades were as follows:

Politics 1
- Guild Emblem Template
Art of War 1
Economy 1
Architecture 2
- Guild Workshop
- Guild Stash (which would have been done the next day)

I checked to see if it was somehow disbanded, but when I tried to recreate the old guild with the same name and tag, it, to my relief, informed me that the name was already taken. Which in my mind means it’s in fact just not showing and inaccessible as opposed to being deleted. I haven’t met anyone from that guild who has seen it on their list, since this happened.

Some of my members, including myself, even invested their Tomes of Influence shortly before the disappearance. I finally got a response to my 8 day old support ticket yesterday (which looked like it was copy/pasted, and just told me to to keep watching the daily status updates)

We really want our guild back, we made a temporary one with a different name but the same tag, (please inform me if that will be an issue)