Showing Posts For DravenAU.5789:

Wintersday Skritt Hit daily text incorrect

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


The text reads “Hit 10 skritt with snowballs anywhere in Tyria.”

I went and specifically did the “Help Tekki fight off creatures swarming through the asura gate” event so that I could purchase snowballs.

I then went to Queensdale and threw snowballs at the skritt in the Windloss Delves. No hits registered.
I tried throwing snowballs at Chhk the Windmill King [Hero Challenge] and no hits registered.

I was in Tyria. I was unable to score any hits with snowballs (other than at the Pavilion in Divinity’s Reach during the escort Dolyak event).
Either the snowballs/skritt are bugged, or the event text appears wrong.

Some bank items only visible to Beta Chars

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


Ahh… right…. thanks…
I thought this WAS the place as it’s the Support/Bugs section. =)
Ok… support ticket raised.
Thanks for that. Appreciated.

Some bank items only visible to Beta Chars

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


I’m sorry… I’m confused. Did you just explain why stuff that I had in my Bank has suddenly turned invisible to my normal characters? I can’t tell if you’re trolling or if I wasn’t clear about the problem.

Dragonite Ore. 6 Stacks. Collected over a couple of years. Been sitting in the bank up until they released Princess.
Two Beta weekends ago I created a character and played for about 15 minutes.
Dragonite Ore disappeared.
Last Beta weekend I noticed that the Dragonite Ore is still there, just that it’s only visible to my Beta characters.

Some bank items only visible to Beta Chars

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


All my excess Dragonite Ore that is sitting in the bank waiting for me to consume had disappeared. After the second to last Beta event I thought I must have finally consumed it all and though I was confused I didn’t think much of it.
Then during the last Beta event I made a new Beta character again. That’s when I noticed all the Dragonite Ore still sitting there. I had a facepalm moment and then went to log in my main to start consuming more… but it wasn’t visible to my main, only my Beta character.
I tried moving things around with both characters to see if I could get it to react, but no.
My Beta characters can see the 6 stacks of Dragonite Ore in my bank and my normal characters cannot.
I honestly have no idea what else may be missing for my normal characters. The Dragonite Ore just stood out because it was right where I left it after I had noticed it gone.

Stop asking to remind me for SMS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


Please stop asking. It’s not going to happen. Never given my real name and/or address and/or phone number over the internet.
I work in IT, so it’s a thing.

If you have a Facebook, or are using Google, this is actually pointless.

I have two or three Facebook accounts (I think I’ve lost track of one). None of them have any real information. The only thing real is that on one account the photos are real.
Just because someone asks for your address and phone number, doesn’t mean you have to give it. I’d give my phone number and address if a business requires it to deliver physical goods. My bank has my details and as such I also gave them my phone number for internet banking verification.
If I’ve paid for a service and I’m not doing anything wrong, then my personal information is just that…. personal.

Queen Jennah is a tyrant?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


And… as Elbegast was saying, I was also thinking that perhaps the queen was replaced by a Watchknight as they demonstrated that they can take any form.

I’m not sure that the opponents being robots eases my mind. It’s still a grinder that they are dropping people into. Just that the grinder isn’t being hurt. =)

I suspect that the queen is either a manipulating witch or that someone has replaced her. Right now… I’m leaning toward the first thought.
Mesmer. Has a champion under her control. Manipulating the people to have them think she’s fighting for them. Any noble that opposes her gets the Seraph and Logan (and us) kicking their butts.

Queen Jennah is a tyrant?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


That’s what I was wondering. ;-)

Queen Jennah is a tyrant?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


I have yet to complete the entire “Personal Story” for the first time yet, so I don’t know how it pans out.
But, I was under the impression that Queen Jennah was supposed to be for the people.
Maybe it’s just my cynicism coming into Elections in Australia, but she really seems to be exploiting people to gain the favour of the masses.
I don’t like it. Don’t think I’ll support her anymore.
Unfortunately Caudecus is too much of a…. err… slimebag for me to get behind him.

For now…. on with the Hunger Games. Sacrifice the adventurers to keep the rest in line.

Queen Jennah is a tyrant?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


Gladiatorial combat?
I’m starting to suspect that perhaps she is using her Mesmer powers to make us believe she is fair and just, but actions speak louder than words.

Now… fight for my amusement…. and distract the people from problems of the Empire.

Doing Canach Lair Exp Speed Runs!

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


I’m planning on attempting the solo dungeon this weekend. I don’t know if it’s required before I can join a group.
Either way, I’d love to join a pain-free dungeon experience for the achievements.
My time zone may disallow it, but if we happen to be on at the same time, I would definitely appreciate a speed run.

(It’s just after 11am here now, so I’m at work)

(edited by DravenAU.5789)

Server offline message please

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DravenAU.5789


I was wondering if it would be possible to have a message on the login screen that shows whether the servers are up or down.

What follows is not a rant or a cry, just a suggestion.

Currently the only way I know there is a server update is after I try to log in and get told that there is an issue with my firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network.

The first time I got that message I spent about 10-20 minutes checking my settings and testing my network until I eventually found a note somewhere that there were going to be updates happening.

At very least could the support page (from the link in the error message) mention whether the servers are currently online?

Being told the servers are currently down is preferable to “you have a connection error, close the client and try again in a moment”.