(edited by Drivelikebrazil.3279)
Showing Posts For Drivelikebrazil.3279:
What I’ve found with the dummies is that they take that long to drop combat if you hit one and left it alive. Once all of the ones you “entered combat” with are dead, it drops away just like with normal monsters.
“I get killed in 3 seconds by just one skill but for me to kill that warrior even if he has that skill on CD requires a lot more effort then just pressing 2 buttons i can assure you that it requires a lot more effort for me on my ele which is supposed to be a burst dmg class to kill that so called ‘glass canon’.”
Meh, stupid quote button is gone…
I think your problem here lies in your class. I don’t play one, but from what I’ve read on the forums, Elementalists take much more effort to give out the same beating that others do. That needs to be fixed so as to make the output worth the effort.
And again, I’m in agreement that it’s OP. It’s definitely too much burst, especially for a high base armor/hit points class, and it needs to be toned down. It’s just not so bad that the game is unplayable or even near unplayable, even considering the other OP stuff.
(Side Note: Putting asterisks around your text makes it bold lol)
Until a couple years ago, my primary mode of playing games online were FPS games like TF2. Rage quitting in those games was common, but no where near as often or rampant as in MMORPGs. Chalk part of it up to getting to pick my server, but ultimately, people didn’t seem to need some secondary feeling to make the game feel worthwhile in those games. You won, you lost, but it was all fun (unless it was a premade roflstomp). In MMORPGs, a ton of the population is driven solely by the rewards they get from doing stuff rather than simply the enjoyment of the gameplay itself. Hence the willingness to grind and do chores to keep up just for something that makes them feel proud/awesome. Since so many seem to be driven solely by the reward rather than the gameplay, it makes sense to me that so many rage quit, since their only means of deriving pleasure is winning (the reward) instead of the game itself.
Hot join wouldn’t be hot join if people couldn’t leave and join on the fly. It’s meant to be super casual. Not everyone leaves on a rage quit. Some people have to get up to get the door, respond to their kids, yell at the dog for messing the carpet, all sorts of stuff. Would you rather the player go afk during the time and await the kick, or have them leave and then receive another player to fill in? Hot join is a place to go to just relax and play, no strings attached.
I say a much better solution would be to introduce a 3rd PvP lobby that sits in between tournaments and hot join on the srsbsns scale. Make it 5v5 and introduce the dishonorable penalty there so it can be used to play pick-up games that are more competitive and even allow premades in so people can practice for tournies and what not as well.
My first lines were in regards to
“Learn to dodge.
No, I will not stop saying to use one of the fundamental combat mechanics. DODGE THEM. You can completely destroy a Hundred Blades warrior, incredibly easily, if you dodge. Dodge the Bull’s Rush. Dodge the Eviscerate. Dodge the Bolas. Punish them for using Quickness.”^Assuming your just standing there and you see the warrior comming at you from 5 miles away each and every single time.
comments like this just show how out of touch people are with the reality of the situation.
Yes dodge is important , if you dont use it or dont use it enough then your doing it wrong. But, ^that description would be fine if you run into a 1v1 with warrior constantly but aaahh thats not very realistic is it? Most of the time i get speed buffing 100B warrior in my back using charge is when im in a group fight and whataya know….i used my dodges already,*gasp *surprise.
Yes yes dodge all of their op skills its easy people !11 (sarcasm, more to follow) It works great even when your knocked down (free kill for 100b speed charging warr)
Fantastic theoretical advice ,amazing! lol
And, after the 100b warr charges in and blows you up, he gets his glass cannon face ripped off by your allies because the one trick pony’s trick is now on CD? If you’ve already used up your dodges and defensives, then it wasn’t just the 100b warr that killed you; it was everyone that caused you to use up your defenses as well.
GW2 lets you get too far to the extremes of the damage/defense tradeoffs, leading to things that are frustrating on the individual level (getting insta-gibbed by quickness burst is pretty frustrating), so I feel your pain there, but it’s a bit ridiculous to tell just the one side of the group fight story where you die, but conveniently leave out the part where the glass cannon trades his life for yours or downplay the part where it was because of the whole opposing team that you went down and not the singular warrior.
Burst is definitely on the high side for my taste, so yes, please tone it down, but it’s hardly “unplayable” or unbearable.
Welcome to Guild Wars, not Gear Wars, where everyone is at equal footing.
Except for the people who have farmed a ton of PvE content for badges and Karma, they have a huge advantage in PvP.
I was just curious if there was some form of reward that is useful for other aspects of the game, for my time spent doing sPvP. It seems I am the minority here, but I would much rather have a WvW full of people who earned their gear doing PvP than people who earned it through PvE grinds.
I totally agree with the idea of sPvP being an alternate method of getting your WvW gear. It is definitely an inequitable situation where primary PvPers have to play a portion of the game that they don’t entirely care about just to be on equal footing in the game’s other form of PvP.
However, I think that ANet may have handled this as gracefully as they could. As it stands, people grinding in PvE for WvW gear don’t step on each others’ toes or reduce the fun of other PvE players because of the fact that grouping is encouraged and there’s no fighting over resources. This would not be the case if sPvP granted you some kind of points for WvW gear, as then we’d be joining games where people just farm. In sPvP, farming hurts everyone else who just wants to get on and play a fun game. sPvP is intentionally left without a gear grind so that we can play it just to have fun or we can have truly competitive games based on skill. People are already working to farm glory, and it’s not worth anything mechanically. Could you imagine what it would be like when people have something worth farming?
Ultimately, I agree that it sucks for PvP enthusiasts like myself, but I’d much rather sPvP be less full of farmers and more full of people playing for the fun of the game. Maybe they can work a better delivery system for the WvW specific currency so that it’s possible to gear up from that currency alone while contributing meaningfully to the battle.
Tournaments are not the solution, its a copout answer from a fanboi that thinks ANet can do no wrong. I understand maybe fixing teams if people leave under 100 points, but when im 30 points from the win don’t take that from me. I just started sPvP so 30 glory is fantastic. When im like 50 or so it wouldn’t be a big deal. But just starting out with my friends, we don’t have a team all the time. Most of my friends are in school and working so I have to do regular games most of the time.
So agreeing with ANet’s design means that you’re a blind fanatic? That just as dumb as saying that people voicing complaints or dislikes on the forums are anti-ANet Blizzard aficionados…. So trying to refute statements with that argument just shows your level of illogical, subjective rage.
It looks like to me that ANet simply wants their casual PvP to play similarly to an online FPS (TF2 for example), as evidenced even by the server browser feature. In those games, autobalance is a core mechanic that keeps things fun for the entire server. Instead of rage-quitting leading to an inevitable roflstomp where not even the victors get a satisfying win, autobalance gives the game a chance to remain even. I’ve been a long time player of TF2 and have had many years to feel the pain and frustration of getting autobalanced, so I understand what it feels like. But it’s nowhere near as frustrating as losing b/c your team is outnumbered or as boring as crushing a team who has no chance.
Plus, since there is no gear treadmill, who cares if you lose 30 glory? 6 kills, 3 skirmisher kills (or is it 2?), 10 treb hits? So easy to earn. I’d rather have less roflstomping and more fun for everyone in the casual pvp mode than let those who can’t suffer the ego shot of missing out on a minute amount of points that don’t really mean anything in the grand scheme of things get to feel warm and fuzzy. I’d much rather people like you just learn to think CASUAL in the CASUAL game mode.
I’m not sure what the big beef is with stealth stomping… what makes it hands down so much better than stability which several professions have access to? The only chance you have against stability is to kill them. Additionally, utilizing combo fields can give you the same stealth benefit thief has, so it’s not a unique trait.
Thieves either need to run OH dagger, use heal, use steal, or have stealth-related utilities to get their stealth. OH dagger is obviously the easiest to use and the most complain-worthy, but at least it’s not available to every weapon loadout. Using your heal just to stealth can be devastating to you in a team fight. Utility choice is the final option, but many aren’t always worth it given that there are many more advantageous/useful utils not to mention that the CD timers are comparable to many of the stability granting skills.
I’ll grant that the targeting is somewhat of a pain when it switches randomly. Some of the de-targeting is completely valid. Entering stealth and swapping places with a clone are pretty logical reasons to drop target(or leave the target on the clone that has now taken the mesmer’s place). Other than that, definitely, fix that.
Too many of the complaints on these forums beg for homogenizing classes and making classes not have unique advantages just because their favorite class has a weakness or one class is just best at doing something. TF2 has(had?) a huge competitive scene and every class was unique and some just couldn’t take on the others alone. Why is it such a big deal if GW2 behaves similarly?
The downed state itself is a pretty enjoyable part of the game for me that definitely adds depth. The idea of being able to stall or briefly avoid death in the hopes of a teammate coming to your rescue is a very cool idea and means that you can still serve as a distraction to keep enemies busy. I do think it could use some of the modifications mentioned above though, namely:
- Reduce the damage you deal. (The only threat a downed player should pose is that of being revived or hindering foes, but not killing)
- Remove rallying from kills (Downed should only revive you if your allies spend the time reviving or the enemy forgets about you)
Other than that, I think it’s fine. Once the outgoing damage is lowered, the downed health pools aren’t as concerning, so no need to ramp up the amount of incoming damage, and I think it’s great that there are distinct differences between the abilities as that keeps the game from being a homogenized bore fest of “same effect, different fluff” as long as the power level of the abilities is appropriate.
When I play sPvP, I like to think of it like I’m playing a multiplayer online FPS. I had a blast playing games such as Half-Life, Medal of Honor, early Call of Duty, and Team Fortress 2; and those were primarily the same classes/weapons, same maps, same thing over and over but it was just a heck of a lot of fun to play and there were no upgrades or anything that you earned to show off or signify that you had been playing for a while (until TF2 introduced hats, etc, but those things ruined the game for so many and were balanced to work alongside the other items, not ahead of). In those games, your skill was enough of a badge of honor and people didn’t just stop playing unless they ceased having fun.
If the gameplay in sPvP itself isn’t fun enough to keep you coming back and you need some kind of “incentive” to play other than to have fun and get better, then maybe you just don’t like the game :/