Showing Posts For Dulle Griet.8436:
Uh… No… Staff is not better (in an organised team) than D/D. There’s a reason D/D has been meta for so long and staff is run by like… 2 people competitively. Honey and… Someone else, probably.
Staff is actually nicer in solo play because it’s easier to support your team, whereas it’s harder on D/D because the heals etc are much shorter range, so you need to be a bit more co-ordinated (i.e. “Stay near me for heal.”).
However, that’s like asking whether a bunker or DPS guard is better. They essentially fulfil different roles. Staff elementalist is for a more supporting role and point pressure, whereas D/D is roamer role, pushing points and 1v1s, whilst also providing some support and CC.
Better for the one who play it, for sure. Did you read the question?! ‘Solo Queuing: D/D or Cele Staff’. I think you don’t.
Btw, you told Staff is easier to play in solo Q cause the heals have bigger AoE and I don’t understand: what does that have to do with anything?! With ele D/D you have a lot more sustain (nearly perma-protection) more mobility to disengage, and the rotation it’s pretty the same all the times. Staff offers something different (more support, CC, pressure on node… I wrote it before) but it’s much exposed. But… wait: with staff you have 2 ground-target AoE that heals: so easy to play!
Wait, I thought this was a singing competition?
Might need to change to title and word “Duet”..
I really thought this was a sing tournament like NA has lol..
You need to have more imagination… or you just need to read the ‘2on2’ shortly after… Not so difficult, all things considered.
Hi, nearlight. I beg you pardon for my english. I hope to be understandable.
I have 3055 games as elementalist, many of them played with celestial D/D. And is one of those build that you can’t play continually once you master it, whitout playing it worst and worst and worst, cause the repetitivness of rotations and the habit that don’t help you to play it better but like an automatism. So, I suggest in any case to try something different.
Recently (since a couple of months) I’m playing staff, and at start I found it really different from D/D: it don’t have a precise rotation, you must play it based on circumstances, and the timing when you cast a skill is very important. If you want to play staff and master it, stuck on it for a while: you won’t be good in one day.
Pro D/D cele
- great 1v1 potential
- great mobility
- hight might stacking
- perma protection (via elemental shielding)
- chance to chase enemy (you don’t have it with staff)
definitively better in solo Q
Pro cele staff
- great support and heals
- great damage pressure on the node (with D/D is drastically reduced)
- great condition remove (for yourself and for the team)
- AoE, AoE, AoE!!!
- great CC
definitively better in organized team Q
Sigils and Runes for cele Staff
- you are forced to take energy sigil (to provide for Renewing Stamina, that you can’t take cause you need Blasting Staff)
- Runes of the Pirate give you a better 1v1 chances (the parrot hit hard) that you don’t have (all AoE) and spread might for your team, but you can try some alternative.
Healing skill
I suggest Ether Renewal instead of signet. When you will be used to cast it, it will change your ele life!
Hope to been helpful.
Bolt to the heart: increase damage by 20% and apply vuln to foes beneath the 33% health threshhold
I really like this one. It fit the theme perfectly.
- Control
- Vulnerability
- Glyphs
- Aeromancer’s Training : (suggestion IMO every attunement should have their training traits as minor) +10% damage wile attuned to air, reduces recharge on all air skills by 20%
- Electric Discharge : (suggestion) daze (but don’t damage) your target for x seconds with a lightning when attuning to air
- Weak Spot
- Furious Winds : (control suggestion) gain fury for x seconds when you disable an enemy
- _ Piercing Flash_ : (vulnerability suggestion taken by water current trait) while attuned to air, your spells deal 20% more damage to vulnerable foes, vulnerability lasts 33% longer
- Inscription : (glyphs)
- Tempest Defense : (control)
- Bolt to the Heart : (vulnerability)
- Saviour Glyph : (glyphs suggestion) use Glyph of Storm automatically when your healt drop below the threesold (x%), reduce recharge on glyphs by 20%
Grand Master
- Lightning Rod : (control)
- Fresh Air : (vulnerability suggestion) recharge air attunement when you inflict vulnerability
- Everlasting Elemental : (glyphs suggestion) summoned elemental don’t have a duration time
Glyphs Suggestions
- Glyph of Storm : the AoE should be larger than now, and when you’re attuned to water the storm should heal.
(edited by Dulle Griet.8436)
- Boons
- Sustain
- Arcane Utilities
- Arcane Fury
- Elemental Attunement
- Arcane Intelligence : (suggestion to take back what we will loose for trait-stats: Attunement recharge rate +30%, Boons duration +30%)
- Elemental Contingency : (boons)
- Renewing Stamina : (sustain)
- Arcane Mastery+Arcane Lightning : (utilities)
- Bountiful Power : (boons)
- Final Shielding : (sustain)
- Elemental Surge : (utilities)
Grand Master
- Elemental Theft : (boons suggestion) stole x boons every time you swap attunement
- Evasive Arcana : (sustain)
- Arcane Brutality : (utilities suggestion) recharge all Arcane utilities and gain Glyph of Arcane Power when your health drop below the threesold (50%)
(edited by Dulle Griet.8436)
Begging you pardon for my english, I think that each core specialization should be very thematic and coherent with one type of playstyle and with the weapon-skills on attunement:
- Fire: damage/burning
- Air: control/damage
- Earth: defense/bleeding
- Water: support/chill
- Arcana: boons
I am pretty tired (you too?!) to see traits messed up like Bountiful Power in Water specialization instead in Arcana specialization, or Power Overwhelming in Fire, or damage buffs like Piercing Shards in Water that have no sense when all our skills in water attunement don’t accomplish enough DPS etc.etc (the list is huge) so… let’s try to give some inspiration:
Example with Air specialization/skills:
Master: Tempest Defence ; GM: Lightning Rod
This is pretty good, but… in Minor/Adept we don’t have nothing really core with interrupt. A suggestion could be: Adept Ferocious Winds changed in: “gain fury for x seconds when you disable an enemy” or Minor Weak Spot changed in: “x% to cause x seconds stun on critical hits” etc.etc.
Those traits could match with those skills on air attunement:
Staff: Gust (that MUST be fixed), Static Field
Scepter: none (suggestion to change Blinding Flash in Stunning Flash)
Dagger: Shocking Aura, Updraft
Focus: Gale
This change could be made for every specialization core and attunement-weapon skill, to make them fit each other.
What do you think?!
(edited by Dulle Griet.8436)
“GW2 DUET – 2on2 Italian Monthly Cup” is a 2-on-2 tournament organized by the Risen Phoenix Guild [RiP] for the Italian and International community to captivate other players into the Guild Wars 2 PvP scene, giving the opportunity to improve their skills and learning from their rivals, joining in a friendly, fun and yet competitive event.
- Registration is free
- Each couple must be composed by at least one Italian player
- It will be possible to register as a “Free Agent” (the Risen Phoenix Guild will match the Free Agents, in a second time)
- To apply for registration, contact Tora.7238 or Dulle Griet.8436 by in-game messaging, deadline for registration is June – 21, 4:00pm (CEST)
June the 21st, 09:00pm (CEST)
- 2-on-2 death match
- Map: Courtyard
- Best of three
- No Double-Bunker Teams allowed
- If two characters of the same class are in the same team, they must equip different builds
- No Celestial Amulet allowed
- English-speaking streamer
- Italian-speaking caster
- Sponsor and donations for the final rewards
(edited by Dulle Griet.8436)
Elemental Attunement was a Minor trait. Then a Master one. And now will be a GM (without gaining improvements).
Bolt to the Heart is an Adept trait and now will be a GM (without gaining improvements).
Bountiful Power is a Minor trait and now will be a GM (without gaining improvements).
On the other hand Panik Strike (Thief GM) will be a Master, Illusionary Persona (Mesmer GM) will be baseline, Bark Skin (Ranger GM) will be a Minor, etc. etc.
Maybe there is something wrong with this?!
(excuse the sarcasm)
I would love if ele’s f5 will be something like ‘Storm Form’, similar to Death Shroud of necro.
This won’t mess with swapping between five different elements.
Before to understand if auras you apply to your allies proc with those traits we need to make a clarification:
- to dispense an aura to allies you need to gain it from a weapon skill;
- D/D ele build in your link can’t gain Fire Aura from his weapon, so you won’t apply it to allies;
Fire Aura applied to allies can’t proc with Blinding Ashes just because you won’t apply it at all.
- italian language
- age 18+
- TS
- rank 60+
- champion title on main class
Message/mail me on game.
Hi, I’m looking for a team to play with.
Ele is my main character (800+ hours, 1600+ matches)
I came back to play from a couple of weeks.
Currently ~ top 500.
I have ts3 and I speak italian and english.
If you are interested to try me, send me a mail or a pm.
how will be noticed to a team if it’s inside the tournament?!