Showing Posts For Dyspare.8645:

Save points on long story missions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


Any chance in the future you guys will be implementing some kind of save point feature in your story missions? Today was the 4th time in as many days that I’ve had to re-do a long story mission because near the end, I get disconnected.

Not only does it really take you out of the immersion, it really kills any desire to re-do it all of it, and I wind up just logging off and doing something else.

Intermittent 500 Internal Server Error

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


Now now people…the 500 error is part of the new Living Story coming.

Intermittent Server Crashes thanks to Scarlett!

Utterly unplayable skill lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dyspare.8645



As usual, zerg blobs come hitting, and skill lag drops to where you can only use your #1 skill. Seriously, why even bother? Either add more maps, adjust caps, or increase server capacity. As it stands, the main reason I play this game, is becoming more annoying then enjoyable.

add a "class" filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


I’d just like a “Light/Medium/Heavy” filter on armor….

1,700 hours on my Engi....

in Living World

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


Sadly, I’m starting to drift down this path myself.

Internet went out most of today, and I wasn’t even kitten ed I couldn’t play GW2. Not a good sign.

An elite signet

in Guardian

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


25% speed out of combat, block every 5th attack in combat – passive
6 sec swiftness/aegis active

That would make me oh so happy for map complete and schlepping around and not be overpowered during actual combat.

Doric's Shrine POI

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


Doric’s Shrine POI is in-accessible. It is impossible to complete the map without this particular POI. Are there plans to fix this?

Fear breaking Daggerstorm's Stability

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


I’ve been finding that necro fear has been breaking dagger storm, despite the stability boon. This happens at least 3-4 times a day in wvw.

6/28 Maguuma/Tarnished Coast/Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


[FaV] gave us a great fight last night!

We of [Cult] salute you and drink a fosters in your name!!!

Accident with Armor!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


All depends on the admin reading the ticket.

Made the mistake of getting the perma-pick on the wrong toon and was told, ‘Too bad.’.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


A crystal or gem that would make a soulbound gem-store bought item, account bound once.

IE: I bought the mining pick on the wrong toon and accidentally equipped it. Didn’t even think about it, (I’m senile sometimes). Wound up realizing the mistake, deleted the toon but kept the pick.

New Dungeon

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Dyspare.8645



I had though the changes from GW to GW2 were almost WOW-like in nature, but I see Anet has gone fully to the darkside and made a WoW-Dungeon.

Seriously…it’s like you guys took all the great things of GW, and decided to scrap them and grab all the kittenty crap from all the over MMO’s for GW2.

Good work. No, really.

(In before qq/l2p/etc)

Please address Silk and Thick leather

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


Make it more cost effective to create 20 slot bags using leather/silk, then it is to buy gems and get another slot and another 15 slot bag.

That should fix the issue, or at least give us all a use for the silk/leather.

Bad design decisions IMO: The hologram boxes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


To be honest, I got a LOT more chests just doing map completes in the lower level areas then I did chasing holo’s.

Just not worth the agida dealing with the holos.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


I got 3 tickets early this morning, and then 500 coffers later, 3 pets, and a whole lot of candy and fireworks.

Critiques of Dragon Bash

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dyspare.8645


The issues with this event is apparent and numerous. However I think the most egregious is the fact they introduced an event that has caused our fellow players to act like they were playing in WoW or EQ.

The one thing I love about GW is the fact there is no node-stealing or kill-stealing. Everyone worked together, and there was harmony. In this, what I hope is a mistake, letting the holograms, and effigies be unique to the area, not the player, is allowing a lot of bad blood to be generated, not only at Anet, but also between players, and this is a sorrowful thing.