Showing Posts For Eddy.1278:

Can we please have the game we paid for back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eddy.1278


I would actually be willing to fork out 15 a month for a premium version of GW 2 that doesn’t have this DR bullkitten and doesn’t require you to buy everything with karma and that would allow you to get the extra bank slots and stuff for free.

Throw in some discounts for karma items and it would totally be justified.

Seriously, would anyone else like this?

That would be cool.

Do not scorn the weak cub, for he may become the fierce Charr.

I hope item descriptions get fixed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eddy.1278


Wat.. All you have to do is mouse over the signet and it tells you exactly how much power precision or healing they do. How are you missing this.

Wat.. All you have to do is mouse over the signet and it tells you exactly how much power precision or healing they do. How are you missing this.And to op I think the majority of those things are just gimmicky fun items to goof around with since they are all 1 time use and they hardly cost anything.

I am talking about passive effects.

None of the passive effects in the game, like regen, show usable numeric info, like how much they actually heal passively and what intervals, or how much power or precision or adrenaline recharge signets give, etc.

Do not scorn the weak cub, for he may become the fierce Charr.

I hope item descriptions get fixed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eddy.1278


I agree, most tooltips in this game are utter crap, give NO usable numerical information and feel like they have been dumbed down for 12 year old idiots.
For example, the warrior’s signets “Heals you over time”, “Improves power”, “improves precision”, etc.

What the kitten is that useless crap supposed to tell me?

Reminds me of WoW and not in a good way.

Do not scorn the weak cub, for he may become the fierce Charr.

Only allow selling of items on the TP from within cities, and make the 15% sales tax more obvious so that geniuses don't end up selling stuff at less than vendor value..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eddy.1278


It’s negatively affecting my gameplay because I am losing a crap ton of money because of lazy ignorant people that can’t do basic math.

I have to resort to selling literally ALL my loot at vendors because I lose a lot of money if I try to sell on the TP.

Vendors are literally EVERYWHERE in the world, I don’t understand why people have to flood the market with cheap crap at a loss, thus screwing up my profits and other people’s profits just because they are too lazy to run for 30 seconds to a vendor.

If people could only use the TP in cities or designated areas in cities, the prices wouldn’t be so ridiculously low on everything on the TP, and people like me would actually make some profit for not being lazy and actually making an effort to go to a city to sell their things.

Doing it the lazy way (vendoring) should give you less money, not more.
Selling on TP with my idea in use would be the non lazy way and would make you more money, like it should.

Do not scorn the weak cub, for he may become the fierce Charr.

(edited by Eddy.1278)

Only allow selling of items on the TP from within cities, and make the 15% sales tax more obvious so that geniuses don't end up selling stuff at less than vendor value..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eddy.1278


Due to the fact that people can just sell items from anywhere in the world to empty their inventory without having to return to a city, people are just selling at a loss on the TP by undercutting by one copper.

Most people don’t know about the 15% sales tax so they prefer to sell on the TP remotely because it is more convenient.

It is extremely idiotic that you can actually make more money selling your blue/green loot to a VENDOR instead of selling it on the trade post, because the market is flooded by farmers that are selling items WHILE FARMING.

Please fix this by disallowing the selling of items on the TP from anywhere in the world.

People should have to at least be in a city to sell their things, or even better, be in specially designated “trade post active” areas.

Do not scorn the weak cub, for he may become the fierce Charr.