Showing Posts For Eggers.5608:
This post was to address my concern for the up coming expansion to Arena Net.
I just read on ZAM where it was stated by Arena Net that there will be less map. Okay that is understandable; I can’t remember any MMO where the expansion has big as the original. Even with that stated I really am worried the zones may be small like Silver Waste and Weather Top, or there will be to few zones. Really all the Maguuma Falls and Waste need to opened up with this expansion.
The way Arena Net keeps taking about how vertically big the zones are still bothers me. Shouldn’t Shiver Peaks me the high vertically of the zones, and if these new ones are higher shouldn’t they be cold. (SWTOR was the last game to state this and it blew on them at launch).
I really think that this new content will be rushed through faster then Arena Net thinks, and that some of the new systems might not fix or correct issues with the current ones. A pattern in GW2 is Arena Net reworking entire systems when the issues could be corrected with simple fixes. The dailies where there was to many PVE and not enough PVP, could be fix by just adding or remove a couple from one or the other. The way traits, and skills are unlock has was changed to make it simpler, but really it was much easier the original way, and now it just awkward, confusing, and annoying.
I would like to say the more I hear about the expansion the more excited I get, but really the more I hear the more worried I become that Arena Net is trying to change to much at once, and making things over complicated.
With the expansion there have been things stated that worry me, they could be good or bad.
With every expansion in every MMO there are new zones opened up. Looking at the map in GW2 currently I would think the some places we can’t go will just be unlocked. Dry top and the Silver Waste are tiny compared to other zones in the game I worry that this is a trend and the new zones will be smaller. I hope that both the Magumma Falls and Waste are opened up with expansion, and maybe even the sea to the north of them. One thing that worries me is how the everything stated about the new zone say that they are huge vertically. I worry that to much was put into that instead of opening up more of the map.
Hang Gliding
While hang gliding could be fun it could cause major issues in the game down the road. Really hang gliding sounds a lot like flying mounts. Flying mounts always end up breaking game in that they are designed for one region, expansion, zone, or area , but down the road all the game becomes open to them. This ends up breaking the game in that most of the game wasn’t designed for flying, and much of the fun of exploration is removed from the game. This part of the expansion worries me the most.
Guild Halls
It sounds great and I’m very excited about guild halls. But will my smaller guild be able to make one? I have also seen this promised in many games, but never realized. Please don’t do that to us.
The mastery system sounds great on the surface, but I really don’t understand why GW2 refuses to use one of the best things that GW did. In GW bosses didn’t just drop loot, but skills too. You had a skill that allowed the player to take or steal a skill from a boss. When I first came across this in GW I was like “Wow!!! That is an awesome way to do progression! I love it!” This was to me the one thing that gave GW an edge over WoW. But this has never been used in GW2, like I was hoping it would. With the announcement of masteries I’m hoping that I’ll be blowing away again.
But I’m worried that the mastery system will make me do stuff (much in the way that the new daily system does) that I don’t want to. Will I have to do a jumping puzzle I don’t want to do to open up a skill, unlock all the achievements on a boss fight to unlock a skill I need, and/or finish a collection that I need tickets from the Black Loin chests to unlock a skill or finish my precurser? Now I unlock achievements and I’m rewarded for it; I’m worried that the mastery system will make it so that to progress in the game have to unlock achievements.
If we are still gaining experience why not use that to unlock new skills?
And please tell me Trehern is dead.
What I dislike about the new system isn’t that I’m not being rewarded, or the difference in the rewards. It is now that I am being told by Arena Net to finish my dailies (PvE), I have to go harvest nodes in one area or another, go get a vista (which if you are at 100 map is stupid), or go do event is this zones or that. I can’t just log do whatever a want and while I’m doing that finish the dailies. If I want to farm Orr events but none of the dailies are in that area I won’t finish them, or if want to finish exploring a region with an alt but I’m not in a region with any dailies again I won’t finish them. You have removed the freedom of choice from the game, and are trying to direct or tell players how and where to play. As a player I dislike that.
I don’t like the new dailies. I liked how with the dailies, I could log in do whatever I wanted to PvP, WvW, farm Orr events, farm world bosses , level up an alt, do the living story, or finish exploring with an alt, and finish my dailies. This feels more like I’m being push to do what Arena Net wants me to do instead of what I want to do. I like the freedom of choice in games, and do not like being told I need to play the game this way, or I’m playing the game wrong. The new dailies feel like that, like I’m not playing the way Arena Net wants me to, so this will get me to play the way they want me to.
I’ve been playing GW2 now since launch, and even did some of the betas, while I enjoy the game there are a few things I think would be cool if added.
One thing is a haunted castle and/or mansion/house. While I know that we do have a Halloween event which is very nice, and I have enjoy the first two very much, I really feel that this would add an element that is missing to the game. In most other MMOs I have played (I’ve been playing MMOs since EQ), they have had both or one of these. GW2 has Orr and AC but neither of those give the feeling of being haunted or are very spooky.
There has been talk of new Legendary items. I’ve heard back items, and stuff like rings thrown out there. I would really like to see just more different weapons. I would really like to see this because, I can never see myself using some of the current ones. I mean the short bow, pistol, and mace just aren’t ones that I would really ever see any of my characters using. I would really like to see alternatives to the currents ones out there.
I have never been a huge fan of the mega servers since they have started, but I am starting to hate them. The lag with the mega servers is getting out of control. My understanding of how it worked was that one zone on a server would open for people in it, and then with that zone became full it would open that zone on a new server and start populating that one. I can’t believe that the system is working. I was just lagged out in Dry top for full five minutes trying to open a chest, and then I just died. I couldn’t even waypoint res, because the lag was so bad! I ended up having to close the game down and reopen it. I haven’t seen lag this bad since EQ at its peak or WoW right at the start of the game. Either the mega servers are over populating zones, the whole concept was flawed from the start, and/or their is a tech issue with the servers (like maybe to few). Either way fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tired of changes to champions or boss in dungeons, and the changes not being on the patch notes. Maybe the changes to AC this week are a bug but I doubt. So now on the Spiders Queen we have to fight her in the open and dodge the AoE effect, can no longer stack between the wall and stairs. This is an okay, change but it would be been nice to know about it, and stacking for buffs and heals is part of the way the game is made. If you don’t want stacking then you have to change how the healing and buffing in the game works too. Also in AC on Path two the Gaveling Champion on the spike trap fight, now takes no damage from the spikes. This change was stupid, if you didn’t like how this fight worked Arena Net this you need to remove it or completely redo it. Now this fight feels broken.
I would of loved to known about any of these changes in the patch notes, but no where in the patch notes was anything about these changes stated.
The Ruined City of Arah (Explorable)
Path 1 (Jotun): Fixed a bug that prevented some of the waypoints from appearing after the correct event."
This has been done before, one example was in HotW with the Troll Champion fight on path one, where stacking was made pointless again by giving the Troll fear spam and a AoE stomp effect. That change also was never in any patch notes. I do understand that Arena Net might want to make the dungeons a bit more difficult, but please let of know about these changes in the patch notes. Please, also understand that with the way healing, buffing, and condition removal work in the game classes need to stack somewhat, so trying to remove all stacking from the dungeons like you seem to be, breaks how you designed those abilities to work, and doesn’t fix anything.
I doubt that any of these changes are bugs, but if they are fix them please, and please start putting the changes in the patch notes.
(edited by Eggers.5608)
Ever since the last patch, I had at some point while playing GW2 (and only GW2 nothing else does this) the screen go black, and then No Display come up. I’m use a radeon 7770 graphic card with two monitor (primary 42inch, secondary 32inch). I have never had issues like this before with GW2. I have updated all my drivers, and followed all the instructions on the forums for the black screen, and nothing seems to work. Again this only has started happening since the last patch, and only happens in GW2. Any ideas how to fix this issue.
With the world bosses, and dragons now having a time limit that will allow the event to fail, please remove the once a day chest limit on them. I’m okay with the chest that pops up in the lower right corner that always give you a yellow being once a day, but people remove it from the boss chest. On smaller severs like mine it makes so you can kill any of the bosses any other time then right after reset, everyone does them at that time only. If you really want people to do these events through out the day reward player who are willing to kill them more then once.
The Claw of Jormag on my server Devona’s Rest is bugged in phase one. The dragon will not stay on the ground long enough to finish the first phase. He lands we get three shots off at the ice wall and then he takes disappears. When Jormag lands again the ice wall’s health resets. Please fix this!!!!
Thank you for fixing this bug.
Over a month now a new update and this bug is still in the game, I don’t if you are all stupid or just lazy, but this bug needs fixed now. You need to create a team for bug fixes, and stop putting out new content if you can’t keep up with fixing the bugs created by it. Ever since the two week updates have started the bugs have gotten worst and ignored more and more. Fix this bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone who has posted on this form about the bug please go create a support ticket about it also and resubmit the ticket once every week.
Over a month now a new update and this bug is still in the game, I don’t if you are all stupid or just lazy, but this bug needs fixed now. You need to create a team for bug fixes, and stop putting out new content if you can’t keep up with fixing the bugs created by it. Ever since the two week updates have started the bugs have gotten worst and ignored more and more. Fix this bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone who has posted on this form about the bug please go create a support ticket about it also and resubmit the ticket once every week.
(edited by Eggers.5608)
You rat kittens you still haven’t fixed this bug!!!!!
This bug started with the Sky Pirates patch and on human males on the medium Order of Whisper pants and boots, removed one of the dye slots going from three to two. This results in where that dye was a bright red. My armor as been transmuted.
Fix this bug, a month is to kitten long!!!!!
What the hell is the problem? Would you please tell you why you can’t fix this bug after over a kittening month, or even respond to our frustration? I really fail to understand why we can’t even get an update stating at that you don’t give a kitten and aren’t going to fix this bug.
What the hell is you problem Arena Net?!! This bug has now been going on for over a month and you still haven’t fixed it, and not a kitten thing on the forms about the progress of this at all!!!! Are you even working on this!!?? What the hell is the issue, why with all the posts on this, and as simple and this is can’t you fix it or at least let us know what is going on with it!!! Maybe you should stop doing updates and patches if you can’t fix you kitten bugs in the game!!!! What the hell is the point of adding content when you don’t fix stuff the update broke!!!!? This did happen once before and you fix in a day, so what the hell is this now taking a kitten month!!!??
This bug started with the Sky Pirates patch and on human males on the medium Order of Whisper pants and boots, removed one of the dye slots going from three to two. This results in where that dye was a bright red. My armor as been transmuted.
Fix this bug, a month is to kitten long!!!!!
New day, new update, and you still have fixed this yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the hell is you problem Arena Net?!! This bug has now been going on for a month and you still haven’t fixed it, and not a kitten thing on the forms about the progress of this at all!!!! Are you even working on this!!?? What the hell is the issue, why with all the posts on this, and as simple and this is can’t you fix it or at least let us know what is going on with it!!! Maybe you should stop doing updates and patches if you can’t fix you kitten bugs in the game!!!! What the hell is the point of adding content when you don’t fix stuff the update broke!!!!? This did happen once before and you fix in a day, so what the hell is this now taking a kitten month!!!??
This bug started with the Sky Pirates patch and on human males on the medium Order of Whisper pants and boots, removed one of the dye slots going from three to two. This results in where that dye was a bright red. My armor as been transmuted.
Fix this bug, a month is to kitten long!!!!!
What the hell is you problem Arena Net?!! This bug has now been going on for a month and you still haven’t fixed it, and not a kitten thing on the forms about the progress of this at all!!!! Are you even working on this!!?? What the hell is the issue, why with all the posts on this, and as simple and this is can’t you fix it or at least let us know what is going on with it!!! Maybe you should stop doing updates and patches if you can’t fix you kitten bugs in the game!!!! What the hell is the point of adding content when you don’t fix stuff the update broke!!!!? This did happen once before and you fix in a day, so what the hell is this now taking a kitten month!!!??
This bug started with the Sky Pirates patch and on human males on the medium Order of Whisper pants and boots, removed one of the dye slots going from three to two. This results in where that dye was a bright red. My armor as been transmuted.
Fix this bug, a month is to kitten long!!!!!
Something weird happened this morning. I logged into GW2 and this bug still wasn’t fixed. What the hell is the issue!!?? It has been almost a month now, and now anger is really starting to set in. I really don’t see issue is that would cause this bug to be in the game for a month with all the posts made, aside from laziness.
This bug started with the Sky Pirates patch and on human males on the medium Order of Whisper pants and boots, removed one of the dye slots going from three to two. This results in where that dye was a bright red. My armor as been transmuted.
Fix this bug, a month is to kitten long!!!!!
A new day and you a still haven’t fixed this, what the hell is the problem!
This a bug on the Order of Whisper medium armor (boots and leggings for me), that on a human male one of the dye options has been removed (there where three options now there are two) resulting in a bright red where that dye option was (my armor was transmuted, I don’t know about others). This has now been going on for over three weeks since the Sky Pirates update, and you (Arena Net) still have not fixed, or even given us anything to let us know you are working on the issue. What is the problem! A similar bug to this did happen before that effected all the races and sexes, and it was fixed in a day. Why the hell is this taking three weeks to fix, what the issue!! Fix this!!!!!!!!
A new day and a new update you a still haven’t fixed this, what the hell is the problem!
This a bug on the Order of Whisper medium armor (boots and leggings for me), that on a human male one of the dye options has been removed (there where three options now there are two) resulting in a bright red where that dye option was (my armor was transmuted, I don’t know about others). This has now been going on for over three weeks since the Sky Pirates update, and you (Arena Net) still have not fixed, or even given us anything to let us know you are working on the issue. What is the problem! A similar bug to this did happen before that effected all the races and sexes, and it was fixed in a day. Why the hell is this taking three weeks to fix, what the issue!! Fix this!!!!!!!!
A new day and a new update you a still haven’t fixed this, what the hell is the problem!
This a bug on the Order of Whisper medium armor (boots and leggings for me), that on a human male one of the dye options has been removed (there where three options now there are two) resulting in a bright red where that dye option was (my armor was transmuted, I don’t know about others). This has now been going on for over three weeks since the Sky Pirates update, and you (Arena Net) still have not fixed, or even given us anything to let us know you are working on the issue. What is the problem! A similar bug to this did happen before that effected all the races and sexes, and it was fixed in a day. Why the hell is this taking three weeks to fix, what the issue!! Fix this!!!!!!!!
Hey guess what! This bug still hasn’t been fixed!!!!!!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is to long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Hey guess what! This bug still hasn’t been fixed!!!!!!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is to long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
I don’t get it another day and still nothing, what is the problem? I find it hard to believe that you can’t read, and if you would just tells us know where you are with the issue that would be nice, but still nothing. FIX THIS ISSUE!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
I really don’t get it. Another patch today and this bug still isn’t fix. What is the problem? Nothing from Arena Net aside from them merging threads again. Nothing, not we are working on this, or anything. Fix this !!!!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
Hey a new update and guest what you still haven’t fixed this bug!!!!
I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
Hey a new update and guest what you still haven’t fixed this bug!!!!
I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
Hey a new update and guest what you still haven’t fixed this bug!!!!
I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Fix this!!!!!!!!!!
Okay the holiday weekend is over, and it is now coming up on two weeks since this bug happened with the Sky Pirates, and it still hasn’t been fix.
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Okay the holiday weekend is over, and it is now coming up on two weeks since this bug happened with the Sky Pirates, and it still hasn’t been fix.
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
Okay the holiday weekend is over, and it is now coming up on two weeks since this bug happened with the Sky Pirates, and it still hasn’t been fix.
This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.
This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.
This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).
Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.
I see there has been another small update today and still this issue hasn’t been corrected. The Order of Whispers medium armor legging and boots have lost a dye option. This result and those part of the items assigned that dye option that now disappeared turning a bright red. The armor has been transmuted. This issue has been going on a week now. What is the point of updating content every two weeks if it isn’t tested enough to avoid bugs. This last patch was the buggiest one yet. I would much rather have content updated once a month with no or less bugs. Fix this Issue!!!!
I see there has been another small update today and still this issue hasn’t been corrected. The Order of Whispers medium armor legging and boots have lost a dye option. This result and those part of the items assigned that dye option that now disappeared turning a bright red. The armor has been transmuted. This issue has been going on a week now. What is the point of updating content every two weeks if it isn’t tested enough to avoid bugs. This last patch was the buggiest one yet. I would much rather have content updated once a month with no or less bugs. Fix this Issue!!!!
Two weeks is too fast, mainly because Arena Net isn’t testing these patches enough. The last one Sky Pirate was the buggiest one yet and most of the bugs still haven’t been corrected. I would much rather have content coming out every month or two with little or no bugs at all. You can put out new content as fast as you want but if it isn’t tested enough than, you will get bugs that break the game. Slow down!!!! More testing lest bugs! Two bugs that have been going on since the last Sky Pirate patch are the medium Order of Whisper armor losing a color option resulting in a horrible bright red, and on Claw of Jormag encounter during phase two he regains all his health.
Two weeks is too fast, mainly because Arena Net isn’t testing these patches enough. The last one Sky Pirate was the buggiest one yet and most of the bugs still haven’t been corrected. I would much rather have content coming out every month or two with little or no bugs at all. You can put out new content as fast as you want but if it isn’t tested enough than, you will get bugs that break the game. Slow down!!!! More testing lest bugs!
I see there has been another small update today and still this issue hasn’t been corrected. The Order of Whispers medium armor legging and boots have lost a dye option. This result and those part of the items assigned that dye option that now disappeared turning a bright red. The armor has been transmuted. This issue has been going on a week now. What is the point of updating content every two weeks if it isn’t tested enough to avoid bugs. This last patch was the buggiest one yet. I would much rather have content updated once a month with no or less bugs. Fix this Issue!!!!
I see there has been another small update today and still this issue hasn’t been corrected. The Order of Whispers medium armor legging and boots have lost a dye option. This result and those part of the items assigned that dye option that now disappeared turning a bright red. The armor has been transmuted. This issue has been going on a week now. What is the point of updating content every two weeks if it isn’t tested enough to avoid bugs. This last patch was the buggiest one yet. I would much rather have content updated once a month with no or less bugs. Fix this Issue!!!!
A new build just came though and this issue still hasn’t been resolved. The issue is that on the Order of Whisper medium armor legging and boots one of the dye options have been removed please fix this.
A new build just came though and this issue still hasn’t been resolved. The issue is that on the Order of Whisper medium armor legging and boots one of the dye options have been removed please fix this.
I noticed that there was another build, put in but it still hasn’t fixed the issue with the Order of Whisper armor. The issue is with the Order of Whisper medium pants and legging. They had before the Sky Pirates patch each three area’s to dye, and now they only have two. Now it has been three days and three new builds or updates and this still hasn’t been resolved please fix this issues. It is disappointing that it hasn’t been corrected already.
I noticed that there was another build, put in but it still hasn’t fixed the issue with the Order of Whisper armor. The issue is with the Order of Whisper medium pants and legging. They had before the Sky Pirates patch each three area’s to dye, and now they only have two. Now it has been three days and three new builds or updates and this still hasn’t been resolved please fix this issues. It is disappointing that it hasn’t been corrected already.
Okay this is now the third day of this bug and two updates and it still hasn’t been fixed. With this bug my Order of Whisper medium pants and boots lost a dye slot they are three before and now have two. This results in what was in the dye slot going from a the silver I had it has to a bright red. I am somewhat disappointed that within three days and two new builds since the patch this hasn’t been corrected. Please fix this.
Any ETA on when this might be fix the bug has been going on for over a day now?
How many suns and/or moons does Tyrian have?
I like the difficulty of this instance also. Thank you.