Showing Posts For El loco Lobo.4863:

did i miss the cutscene ?

in Living World

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

So did i somehow miss a cutscene that shows extra vines growing, chasing away the people and wrecking the waypoints upon entering the map or is there none? (i’ve entered Brisban and Dry Top with 2 lvl 80 characters and nothing happend)
If there is none then that is a shame, i would’ve loved seeing the people running in fear and the vines thrasing around.

The Sylvari as Mordremoth Minions?

in Living World

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

But all in all what do we know about the dragons?

1. By my account (and correct me if i’m wrong) they wake from hibernation to eat their fill and go back in to hibernation.
2. Each dragon has it’s own element thats seems to corrospond with the gods in some way or another up to now (except maybe Dwayna).
3. Until their masters awaken the minions seems to be somewhat dormant and become active when the time of their masters awakening comes near.
4. We know that there are 6 dragons, as far as we know, but most of the information comes from races that fought against single dragons (dwars v.s. the destroyer).

Keeping those in mind one might say that there is a possibility that the Sylavri could have been intended as minions in the start.

The seeds of the pale tree was found in a cave and protected by monsters.
Those monsters could have been the “gardeners” in-charge of planting the seeds so that Mord has an army of slaves at his disposal when he awakens.

Since he seems to be the dragon tied to Melandru, Goddess of nature … and GROWTH
it is not unlikely that he has the capability to grow his own minions.

And it is true that the seeds had been planted roughly 250 yeas ago, but didn’t vetari pick that spot because of special reasons, wich in turn could have given the Pale Tree it’s protection to the dragons will (some spot used for a dragon cleansing ritual or something).

But the only real way to find it out is to wait and see

The Sylvari as Mordremoth Minions?

in Living World

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

One could agrue that it was some sort of remainent of Abbadon and that scarlet was meant to awaken the last dragon so that they could be tricked into fighting each other and destroy the world, thus granting Abbadon vengeance on the race that caused his downfall

The Sylvari as Mordremoth Minions?

in Living World

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

Well since i’m lazy (and tired at the moment) i didn’t bother to read some of page 1 and all of 2.
But i would like to point out that in the silvari storyline Malyck mentions that he is unformiliar with the experience our Silvari know as the dream.
And since our veggies (as i like to call them lovingly) become aware of the dream before the pod falls one could conclude that the other trees don’t have such a thing.
Just a bit that was on my mind after reading a bit.
do with it what you like.

Your 10 great expectations

in Living World

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

It isn’t what i expect in S2 of LS, but hope they will implement.

1. More underwater Elite skills (like an undead shark for Necro)
2. Guild Hall/Plot (with a possibility for player housing).
3. Acces to the Dominion of four winds.
4. Acces to Cantha and Elona.
5. Mounts & mounted combat (and some twists, like necro and ranger can ride on
their pets).
6. A story to challange the other dragons & the reason why they are only on the Tyria continent (except for bubbles).
7. An big explorable underwater world where we can meet other races.
8. An henchman like entity that can be customized (in the gemstore)like and undead thing for the necro, or a gollem for an asura. With the option to set their priorities (like heal the master if health = 5%, Maintain agro or use stealth when possible) and their own bag where they collect henchman exclusive items (blade for the hench, armor, harvest goods to craft other parts like: body parts for necro or mechanical for gollem)
9. More ranger pets (as in use more than 1 at the same time and more capturable ones)
10. More legedary weapons and make them all legenday to aquire (like defeat that much of those enemies and that specific enemy instead of pure luck to get the precussor).

Well i have more both those make the top of the list at the moment

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

@Rabe, it’s not like i wanted to (150g can be spend beter and not owing ppl is a lot more fun) hence the resort.
It was the only way for me to beat her thats why i’m for making her a bit easier in exchange of removing the effectifness of the easy builds

Liadri and rage

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

First of not every player has multiple characters or enjoys speed training, wich means they might only have one or two classes available to fight Liadri. Especially the casual gamers
Second i am in favor for a adjustment in Liadri (to make her a bit easier) but at the cost that some builds are disabled or decreased in efficiency, like the Necro life steal build I had to resort to, to kill her. Because now I have the mini, but not the sense of accomplishment for beating. Becuase i killed her that cheaply (way of fight, not cost, had to make stuff and owe some ppl a lot of money (for me) now)

no achie for destroying your own bridges!

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

Please disable the achievement for destroying your own keep bridges!
It’s anoying that your own team is preventing you from spawning at the Keep.
For the record i’m a PvE’er who is irritated by it.

No karma on event fail doesn’t work

in Living World

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

No karma on event fail doesn’t work, so please let there be per event maximal 1 Champion who drops his goods en maybe a terribel drop from a Veteran but no loot other than that.

People still farm like there’s no tomorrow and ruin the fun and rewards of completion for the others

No karma on event fail doesn't work

in Suggestions

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

No karma on event fail doesn’t work, so please let there be per event maximal 1 Champion who drops his goods en maybe a terribel drop from a Veteran but no loot other than that.

People still farm like there’s no tomorrow and ruin the fun and rewards of completion for the others

Suggestion: Remove all loot, everywhere.

in Suggestions

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

What about this sollution, no mater how much players there are put just 1 champ and more of those silver ringed monsters in 1 event and keep the reward as it is.
That would make players more motivated to end then event

Make limited time events less farmable

in Suggestions

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

Hi, could you make Make limited time events less farmable so that people who are prevented to get all the achievements within a few days after the release still have a fair chance at getting them.
Because that’s not the case in the clockwork invasions atm

What small personal touches would you add?

in Suggestions

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

Give ppl a choice if they want to have a account spread gold deposit or a character bound one (same for karma)

a slight change to the new Wallet function

in Suggestions

Posted by: El loco Lobo.4863

El loco Lobo.4863

Hi there,
i have a small question could you make a small change in the wallet function that allows us to choose wheter we want our gold and karma account or character bound?
I for one hate it if that stuff is accessable for characters who’ve i just started and who in my eye’s need to earn they’re own money and karma

thnx for reading