Showing Posts For ElZillcho.1549:
Please fix and clean up Lion’s Arch. I think it has been a ruin for far too long now. And why is the Fort Marriner waypoint still contested? Other then that I have no complaints and will adapt to changes. I miss the splender of the former Lions’s Arch.
Who knows perhaps (and i hope) they are waiting for halloween to fix it up again.
Please undo the level-locking of weapon skills, underwater skills and downd state.
If you want to teach new players about the game then make a proper toturial area when they create a character with the option to skip for player who already know about this. Think Pre-Ascalon area in the original Guild Wars.
The rest of the changes i don’t mind and will get use to but creating a new character now is not fun. I almost get the fealing that you the developers have come to a conclusion that players are not smart enough to figer out some basic stuff for them self.
There is no fun testing out weapons or skills if u use it until you level up and get the “Go Ahead” for your second skill.
Sure some things can be confusing at first for a new (and I mean truly new player). I remember starting Guild Wars back in 2007 and i was learning all the aspects of the game. Altho i fellt like a noob (and I was) I asked about stuff in the chat and people explained to me. Hell I helped new players myself with the lesons I learned. The same is now the case with GW2.
Sorry for my english but I had to put this out there.
Tryxtr is right about this! Remember the start after creating a character in Guild Wars Nightfall or Factions where you were killed instantly and then it was explained what the death penalty was and other stuff but players that don’t want to do it should have a option to skip it.. That is what i think is missing in GW2. The start is the toturial for the basics.
For me I think the system that was in GW1 was perfect you got a random mini each year and if you already have it you could always sell it. Or perhaps a few Gems or Black Lion chest keys . What do you fine people think?
P.S.: LoL Always that one typo that i miss. tnx Zelanard!
(edited by ElZillcho.1549)
Guild Wars 2 ideas and suggestions for a future content patch or perhaps a full true expansion
Hi fellow Guild Wars 2 players and fans, as the title seas these are some of the ideas I had that might be good for the future evolution of Guild Wars 2. Please comment and give your own opinions on what you think of these ideas or put in some of your own. I would love to read them since I have my own opinions of the game and might not think of things others think of. Since I am a more casual player (not too great to be honest xD) and I don’t play any PvP or WvWvW I’ll leave those ideas to others who will probably do a better job of giving ideas about those. I’ll mainly give some suggestions about PvE and the sort so let’s get started shall we.
1 – weapon skills: Some of you might have played the original Guild Wars and you would remember that weapons were for the most part with the exceptions for the warrior, dervish, assassin, ranger and paragon not tied to particular skills. So we mixed and matched and combined skills and powers to get good or bad builds. So to make it fresh my idea was to give weapons a second set of skills so the player can switch to a more attack, defensive or support oriented skills.
2 – new weapons for all professions: Some weapons like and I know other people suggested these too and some can be off-hand, main-hand or both: two handed great, crossbow, whip, hook sword, charkram, tonfa. These are just some that came to my mind.
3 – new race or races: the main race that I see that has potential in the land of Tyria are the Tengu, for the other races I leave it to you all to think of some
4 – open up more of the land in Tyria: there is still a lot of land in Tyria that can be used in the north and south
5 – heroes or some sort of mercenaries for hire in dungeons story mode: I made this suggestion once before. Give players a chance to hire mercenaries or heroes for the story mode part of the dungeon, so that we can do the story part alone if we so choose. I would leave the explorable part as is.
6 – change the final quest of the character personal story: this is mainly because feel that the story should not be forced in to a dungeon at the end. Why? To make players play the dungeons? They will play them if they want to anyway so don’t force us to play a dungeon to finish the story. The final mission could be something like the Claw island one.
7 – more elder Dragons: The game is out for almost 2 years. With the lore having 6 elder Dragons there is room for 5 full expansions each with its own elder Dragon and story. I would like this a lot since I personally don’t care much for the living story.
That is all I can think of for now :s
Please add your own thoughts.
Good point. I’m still hoping it will happen at some point thou. Perhaps with a larger update or perhaps (hopefull) a true expansion like Guild Wars had.
While I was playing the personal story I came to the last part where you have to defeat Zaitan (Victory or death). To my disappointment it is a dungeon and I need to be in a party of 5 people to actually have any chance to do anything. The AI that is with you is more or less useless. I think that the personal story should be designed so that you can do it alone, and I mean ALL of it. I know the game is social and all that but to have other players in your personal story is entirely optional.
So what I was thinking of is that ONLY for the Story dungeon mode players would have the option of doing it solo or if you could recruit a set of GOOD AI companions that would help you in the mission, if you want to do it alone. Kind of like Guild Wars had Heroes or Henchmen. You could even make it like you pay a fee to hire these “Sell-swords or Mercenaries”. Let’s say 5 silver or something like that. The AI could respond to the call target that you can do when you hold Ctrl and click a enemy.
That way it is possible for people to do the story dungeon alone with these “Sell-swords or Mercenaries” or with other people, but the explorable dungeon mode would stay as it is.
Hope most of this is written OK.
Taerik first of O_o . Second I do belive you must be very good at the game becouse 5 people were not able to do it and they knew what they were doing. I confess i’m not a great or eaven a good player but i can hold my own in most areas but the things that happened to me were just crazy.
I agree with you. I just reacently enterd Orr and it is a nightmare! I almost clared the first area except for that on skill point imbedded in the middle of “HELL” that is Balthasar temple (i probably didn’t spell that right anyway). To make things wors i think these living world stories are making it harder to compleate those events in Orr since most people are doing those and chasing the loot at the end of that rainbow. It comes to a point that it is impossible to do anything else in Orr then runn from bush to bush and not atract attention from the dozzens of your UN-friendly neibourhood unded. And it doesn’t help that almost 80% of the waypoints are contested. Players that are only now coming to Orr have a realy hard time and i hope ANet fixses something. P.S.: Sorry for the bad grammar.