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My feedback: HoT Beta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

My feedback for BWE (first)

1) New HoT area is too much similar than Dry Top event cycle. Night time events are like Sandstorm events and Daybreake events are like clear time events in Dry Top. This kind of event cycle will get very fast boring. I for example played couple hours in new HoT area and it really start felt BORING. This kind of copying another area’s event cycle is not very good idea. I know that Dry Top is mostly unpopulated map areas in the game and when the dailies are happening in there, then there are players around.

2) I truly hope, that we are not forced to do those events in new HoT area to gain our masteries. If it is like that, it will be such a pain. I hope core game events are giving us also masterypoint, so we can do those masteries in more interesting maps.

3) Mobs are not too strong, they feel to have same power as Silverwastes mobs have. That is good point. If those mobs would be harder it really makes player frustrated, because so few waypoints in the map.

4) Map itself is very interesting. It has been made really fancy way. You don’t find roads too easily and sometimes it feels that you don’t know where to go, but behind of the corner there is a path to follow. I like this kind of maps what are more than one static flat area.

5) Gliding is awesome sensation. It is good that you can stop to glide middle of the fly and start it again for safe landing. This was awesome invention. It gives to players free movement feeling.

6) Mushroom jumping, it’s idea is same kind as zephyrites wind skill. It can be little tricky to understand how to aim and where to jump, but players will learn it

- Events themselves will be start feeling boring very fast.
- Masterypoints hopefully are gathered from core game events too.
- Mobs power is perfect
- Gliding gives special free feeling in the game
- Daybreak / Night cycle is too similar with Dry Top clear / sandstorm cycle, it start to be too boring in long term playing.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

[BUG] Can not buy Finisher from Gem Store

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I got today answer from CS Team, and it seems that this is bug after all. That’s why I have changed the topics. They suggest that I will make in-game bug report from the issue and I am also welcome to report a game issue in the Bugs sub-forum of the Guild Wars 2 Forums.

I will attach 2 pictures in this post too, those pictures are:

  • Picture 1 is from my account where I have bought that Permanent Guild Flag Finisher
  • Picture 2 is from my account where I would like to buy that Permanent Guild Flag Finisher, but I can not do that.


It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

[BUG] Can not buy Finisher from Gem Store

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I just face this problem with Gem Store.

I wanted to buy Permanent Guild Flag Finisher, but Gem Store says, that I have already purchased the maximum number of that item. But I haven’t buy it in this account. Finisher window is showing that Guild Flag finisher is locked, but Gem Store says I have bought maximum number of that item.

I have multiple accounts, and I did buy that finisher yesterday another account, but not to this account. And I would like to have that Finisher this account too.

I will add a picture from my finisher window and Gem Store window:


It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

ISP: Elisa/Saunalahti
Location: Tuusula, Finland, Europe
Your territory or region: EU
Your game world: Fort Aspenwood (NA)
The full error code: “The game client lost it’s connection to the server. Please wait few minutes before restarting the client and try again. (code=7:11:3:191:101)”
Number of characters with the problem: 3
The maps names where characters try to load up: Timberline Falls, Straits of Devastations

This issue started at Saturday around midday (EET timeline) and it has been continuing time to time and getting worse, with varied characters, with different maps. I am trying to do my personal stories and I need to go varied maps with it. Sometimes I am not getting in even story.

Patch didn’t help my situation, I am still stuck. But I hope this info helps a little bit.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

April Fools: Bobble Heads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

Thank you ArenaNet!

This was so awesome April Fool’s Day joke. I loved to see all my characters with bobbleheads.

My favourite foes and NPC’s was: Moose, with those huge horns. Minotaurs when they run. All Moas. Troll was hilarious. Oakhearts when they moved around and their head were moving side to side. I loved all drakes, wolves, jaguars and specially spiders Bandits, when they run and lean their heads back. Skritts in everywhere and what ever they did, they made me laugh. Emi in Queensdale, she really had huge head and large brains. All those huge headed NPC’s.

Yes, I really enjoy this April Fool’s Day. Thank you very much ArenaNet.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Thank you, ANet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

Look at gem prices. look at tp prices, there was a BIG jump once trains were introduced. Before trains people needed some minimum of intelligence and cleverness to make lots of gold. With trains every braindead kitten can generate loads of gold. The more gold there is the less it is worth. So even if i earn gold without trains its worth less due to trains. Therefore trains do indeed “cost” me and every player in game.

When GW2 started, gem prices were like 20 silvers / 100 gem. Very shortly after that gem price started to raise up without champ trains. In next half year gem price were already over 1 – 2 golds, and there weren’t any champ trains either. Gem price is rising and lowering depending how much people exchange gems to game gold (lowering) or using game gold buying gems (rising).

TP prices are depending rarity of the item and of course those people who are playing with TP are making prices going up and down. What more there is demanding some material / item the price is rising and what more there is coming materials / items to the TP prices are lowering. So what cost you most is not champ trains, those TP players are affecting you and every other players “costs” in this game.

Champ trains are not running because of raw money from bags or events. Champ trains are running in Queensdale because of experience points, Karma points and some materials. It is easy way to level up alt characters in Queensdale train and gain levels and Karma same time and some money when we sell all materials to TP (lowering prices). Frostgorge Sound train is running only because of materials.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

1. Order Specific Events (Vigil, Priory and Whisper)
2. Racial Titles
3. Add meaning to existing Personality System (Charm, Dignity and Ferocity)

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

(edited by Elessar Iso.9675)

What keeps you playing LS's releases?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

Nothing anymore, I just realize how unimportant this whole LS is. Why are we playing in here, just killing time? And when we are killing time, each minute takes us closer to our own death, in real life.

Why should I spent my precious time just loosing it, and don’t even have fun? I just don’t know.

They made this game like work. People can not get off the work mode even their free time. That’s not good.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

1. More Alt friendly
- More Account Bound items, so all Alt could use them too.

2. Guild Halls
- Guild Halls services would be “Buy” by Guild influence. Services could be: Merchant, Grafting stations, Guild Bank, Bank, TP services, Access to WvW and so on.

3. Wardrobe
- Wardrobe could have two separative sections. One for Armors and one for Town Clothes. Easy access to wardrobe from UI that character can change armor where ever he/she is.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Plz help! I used my Gift of Candy Corn......

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I don’t have the quartz node, so can someone confirm whether only the character that consumes the item gets access to the candy corn node or do alts also have access? Thanks.

All your alt’s have access too those nodes, it is account wide. But still you can use it only once a day. So you don’t need to remember which character reach access to those nodes.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Alone in the Guild Bugg.... Again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I have a same problem.
I can not join in a party either.

And if I try to look LFG tool, it says:
“Network error.
Please check your internet connection and try again. Code = 3022:1042:7:538:101"

I am European player in NA server (Fort Aspenwood).

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Alone in the Guild Bugg.... Again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I have a same problem.

I can not join in a party either.

And if I try to look LFG tool, it says:
“Network error.

Please check your internet connection and try again. Code = 3022:1042:7:538:101"

I am European player in NA server (Fort Aspenwood)

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

"upgrade account" trading post bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

Yes, I am EU player in NA (Fort Aspenwood) server. And my character is 372 days old. So I don’t have trial account.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

"upgrade account" trading post bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

Same problem here too.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

10 years is not normally a Jubilee

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I think ANet is using now Jubilee word in right form. Because Queen Jenna is still sitting monarch and usually the important dates in a sitting monarch’s reign can also be commemorated, an event often referred to as a ‘Jubilee’.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675


Fist of all, I apologize that my English is not good, but I hope you will understand.

I have problem with my friends to join Dungeons, personal stories or another instances with a group.

1) Dungeons gives prompt, but when we try to join to same dungeon instance and press the button, nothing happens. Those players who are living in NA region and play in NA server can join in a dungeon, but those players who are living in EU, but play in NA server can not join in a dungeon. And these players who are living in EU but play in NA server can not join even together in Dungeons, any of them.

2) Personal stories, most of the personal stories instances are not working when you are playing with a party. Game does not give any prompt to join a personal story even players are standing same spot in same map and doing same personal story. Game just send you alone to the personal story instance. This happes mostly in major cities like Lions Arch, Divinity’s Reach and so on, but it happens time to time in another part of the maps too, like Vigil’s keep and some places in Orr (for example “Quaestor’s Siege”, Vigil’s Keep part and “Forewarned is Forearmed”, Vigil’s Keep part. Another example “Estate of Decay” when you go to kill the Mouth of Zhaitan) . This problem is also only with those players who are living in EU and playing in NA server.

3) Another instances are working like personal stories or dungeons.

So, what I have seen and hear all of us who have these problems are from EU but we are playing in NA server, like me and my friends NA server Fort Aspenwood. And these problems are getting worse and worse every day. At first it was like one dungeon where we couldn’t join (Ascalonian Catacombs), now they are all of them. First it was like one personal story where we couldn’t join with a party now there is all those personal stories what are in major cities and few another areas too.

I would like to play with my friends, doing all personal stories with a party and playing dungeons and another instances with them. Now we are like handicapped by game. This game has been become like single player MMO and it restrict so many areas where players from EU can not go anymore in NA servers.

Please, could someone start to check this out, why this is happening. It really start to ruin enjoyment of this game.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Euros playing on NA servers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I am European too, and I am playing in NA server Fort Aspenwood. Me and my friends are all from Europe. It start to be really frustrating to play our home server. We can not join our personal stories with a party, we can not do Dungeons or FotM or any instances. Only few personal stories are working anymore and we enjoy do our personal stories with a group. Ok, we can do them with a solo, but this game supposed to be MMO.

These problems started with us 21st of July about 8:30 EET and they are getting worse and worse every day. It does not matter what kind of character we are playing (profession/race/order). They all have same problems with personal stories, dungeons, FotM and instances.

Please, try to fix this bug asap. I don’t want to play single player MMO, I want to have fun with my friends.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

[BUG] Personal story and party members [Merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

We are both from EU, but we are playing NA server. We saw yesterday at 26th of July that we can not join any Dungeon with NA players.

And the reason why we are playing NA server is that there are more players from all over the world. But it seems that if you are from EU and playing NA server, it causes all kind of the trouble.

I hope that they will find that bug what causing these problems. Well I bet they do, but it might take a time until they pinpoint what causes these problems.

What I have seen, it is not all the personal stories what does not let party members join in. Some of them works fine. Some of them let you join the personal story, but even if you are doing same story, you don’t get reward and you have to do it again.

I have made a list in my first post in here from all of those personal stories what does not give prompt to party members to join with your story. I hope it will help a little pinpoint that problem in these personal stories.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

China release trailer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

Well, first thing what came in my mind. Is that really same game what I am playing? That trailer was awesome! But still is it really same game? I saw that kind of cut-scenes in there what I have never seen in this game.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

[BUG] Personal story and party members [Merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

Hey, this same happened to me and my friend in Sunday, but we were doing personal story what was “Air Drop”. My friend did it first and I didn’t saw cutscreens and I didn’t got any reward when he finnish it. So we had to do it again. After that “Blast from the Past” personal story didnt let us go together in. We were playing Charr Guardians in that moment.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

[BUG] Personal story and party members [Merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

This happened to me and my friend too. We were both in Lions Arch (no overflow) and my friend started to do Priory mission near Trading post. And yes, I was standing beside of him as usually. He went alone to the story and I didn’t have any joining window as normal. Then we tried to do my quest what was Vigil mission in Lions Arch near Fort Mariner. In that case I went alone to the Vigil mission and he didn’t get joining window as normally either.

We played together with different characters in Sunday 21st of July and we noticed this was happening first time in our personal story mission what was Blast from the Past. It happened around 08:30 pm EET first time. After that we couldn’t join any personal stories together.

We are playing in NA server Fort Aspenwood.

EDIT 1 and 2:

I have now check out what personal missions don’t let other party members join:
Asuran Thief and faction Vigil

— A Fragile Peace —
- Destiny’s Edge meeting
- Vigil meeting in Fort Marriner
- Entering Ebonhawke and assisting Vigil warmaster Forgal to save Ebonhawke

— Quaestor’s Siege —
- When returning Vigil’s Keep to meet Almorra

— Forewarned is Forearmed —
- When entering Vigil’s Keep

— The Battle of the Claw island —

— Killing Fields —

— Defence Contract —

— Retribution —

— Estate of Decay —
- When you need to go to kill Mouth of Zhaitan.

Sometimes happens that when Party can join in the personal story, but party members can not claim reward in the end, even whole party is doing same personal story. I am still playing that Asuran Thief, Vigil

— A Light in the Darkness—
- I didn’t saw cut-scenes in the personal story and when it ended couldn’t accept the choise what my party member did and didn’t got reward either. Had to do it again to get reward and continue the story.

I don’t know is this any help, but in these personal stories my party members could not join even they were beside of me.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

(edited by Elessar Iso.9675)

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I just got in the game and character selection screen, but game didnt get any further. I got this kind of error message from game:

“Unable to find server address. A Domain Name Server (DNS) request failed.
Error code: 26:11:5:506:11”

I just wanted to inform this, if there is any help to find the problem.

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

Launcher login error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I am from Europe too, I play in US server and I can’t log in.

NA server: Fort Aspenwood
Build: 16732
Error Code: 42:1020:9001:4103

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elessar Iso.9675

Elessar Iso.9675

I can’t buy Gems either. I have all the time “Card Approval Failed.” It has never been worked.

[Incident: 120905-006670]

It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.