Showing Posts For Ellewind.9640:

SMS... Thingamjiggy...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


let me understand this correctly…
I don’t want use the SMS or the Authenticator, so the only thing i lose is the mini. i don’t be forced to choose one of them, now or in the future. still I can log in the same way as I have done so far and start playing.


Awful Female Human Heavy Armor Art Design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


I’m from the most imaginative and unrealistic armors in game design, skimpy? why not! sexys? Course! Feminine? Hell yeah! play Gw2 from week one and i’m so tired and bored about the heavy armors. So….


where do you go now that LA is ruined?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Hoelbrak and Divinity’s reach are my home now

The New Lion's Arch - Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Old LA was my “conan the barbarian” coast city type in Tyria, dirty, chaotic and dark. But beatiful and detailed with its own style, a real place from adventures! I drop a virtual tear the day it was destroyed. New LA is a generic, souless place. Yeah, it have some good bits here and there, but i’m sure as soon HoT give me new a new city i totally forget new LA exist :/


Which parts of the lore annoy or depress you?

in Lore

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


From me, is the Steam technologies. That kill totally my immersion in a sword & magic world setting, and now we have the dam Batman bike in HoT. Arrrgghhh! :/


HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Well, already take my decision. NO to Pre-Purchase, wait from official release and one month later I look from the players reviews but mostly about how much content HoT have.
From the actual price, hope at last EoN sized expansion or I walk instead “glide” far from the Magumma heart >.>

Evon Gnashblade needs an LA honor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


WHAT!? Statue!? In honor to the first Charr running at the hills maybe!

Hero Panel Dye Preview Failing [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Same here, i try this > zone change and then dye window work okay. but as soon i accept color changes it start to get crazy again. So i go now in and out from the HoM every time i need dye some :P

Missing Sound Effects?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


I need check about that today, but is possible. Shift+point any enemy “bring this one down!” dialogue has been missing from weeks at last from me. Not sure some note it too :/

Lion's Arch Poll Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


4. After Scarlet’s attack on our beloved city, the council installed additional ground and air defenses to improve security. Lion’s Arch now also hosts its very own air base. What should we call it?

Warbirds Nest


Lions Dent

Just saying

BTW, have you see that lion in the concept art? who need the puny little statue, lions arch its about get the most dam bigger lion wall in tyria history! Maybe we can go on top of that wall and glide down, by the gods!!

Failing to connect to server, anyone?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


it’s happening…again. Kick me out and now i can’t go in :/

omg what hair is this

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Yep, it is. I buy makeover kit since i really want it, but it was a mess (from me) so i go and buy a new one and choose another hairstyle. real problem was about the clipping thing, i up a screenshot here long ago >

What happened to my hair ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


What about show characters high texture resolution option? i think is somewhere in options menu.

Worst thing that could be announced at PAX?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Hearth of thorns, the Hug Pillow!!! which sells very well in the current circumstances :P

What Will Community Do If HoT Is Not Xpac

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


I go out ant eat some hot tacos, spicy tacos! Then back and start level my 3rd alt, a Mesmer as human. Some bad cause i really want a new race Mesmer :P

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Trademarked [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


I say Expansion ala Sorrow’s Furnace just like in GW, not so small course but not massive like Elona or Cantha thing. Maybe some extra maps and big bad boss dungeon or zone, thats my bet. Anyway hope i’m wrong and anet hit me whit a big full expansion! so lets jump in the Hype train too, i get nachos!

Dumb reasons why you can't play a class/race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640



Back in GW1

ASURA: I was disappointed to hear they will be a GW2 race, its all about the lights, tech and laser feeling thing they have. Totally kill my fantasy-epic adventure mood and it just become worst in game today :/

CHARR: Am a GW1 player, I hate Charr! okay, seriously. all about them just bored me :P

SYLVARI: I try! really!! 4 Sylavri characters started and deleted, is the way the armors look in them. I feel like the final result don’t worth the time.


RANGER: All about them in GW2

NECROMANCER: I play 5 years one in GW1, love it. but I don’t want stay out of the real action anymore. Think ELEMENTALIST fit here too.

Really want try GUARDIAN but as soon we don’t get a new good looking race I even try, Skritt, Kodan, Tengu or all the other horrible looking races are automatic DON’T GO from me.

[Suggestion] Account Hair Unlocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


I would be happy with a preview that don’t require me to buy the kit in the first place.



in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


well, I never do a long hair character before. since launch, every female norn long hair look Mhe! from me so just decide choose a generic short hair and go on. But finally anet make a good looking hair style non-braid and bam!

Looks so ugly it hurts, now i feel the pain from all the charr players :/


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


why arenanet!? why?! Arggh! the pain!


[Suggestion] Desert - What do u think?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


- Random Time LONG sandstorms from upper part of the map, hours, days, weeks? du no, nature is wild out there. Course some very light calm time spots too, can you imagine a map called “the eternal storm” looking on this way? by the six!

- Storms slow players movement and add some blindness degree (stats and on screen) maybe hard unique foes can appear on sandstorms or some ruins entrance become available only on that time.
- Caves as alternate way to go trough some parts of the desert, from underground part of the map (think on upper, mid and low floor in Divinity reach!) what amazing forgotten ruins or cites could be hidden under the sand, Lore related or maybe unknown lore? sky is the limit
- NEW wildlife related, please!
- Mystery and hidden danger sense!

thats all i can think now heh XD

[Suggestion] Engineers need more weapons

in Engineer

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Come on guys! at least you must agree engi need the ability to fast switch weapons :/

Missing Breast! D:

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


My bad, hope it can be moved to correct place from Mods. and yes, she have a big breast body type but that’s the first time i see this happen.


(edited by Ellewind.9640)

Missing Breast! D:

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Just note it in my female human Thief today at switch town cloth, since new patch coming very soon i post it asap. hope is the correct place


The 45 min Stealth Engi!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


oh! i dont know about the item could turn you in a ghost too. By the way i do my daily´s and that include the “kill different enemies” thing, just some very random PVE Dolyaks hit back as i can remember. Others like minotaur or jotur just do the “what a…?” and back to passive stand. Maybe is a nobody messes with Dolyak thing! O_o

The 45 min Stealth Engi!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Just eat the last stored Strawberry Ghost in my bank account (i think that cookie was from the first Halloween, du no XP) an i become total Stealth. Zone in and out, way point two times and effect still there. Enemy NPC can’t see me instead i “Engi RAM” hit them lol some players can’t see me too

Is that a common effect from strawberry ghost now?


Why do you play the class you play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Play necro 5 years in GW1 and love it! but I really don’t want play again a spell caster class. Try a ranger too but Gw2 was close to launch so my ranger never go far (Ah, that was the ranger “Touch” era)

Gw2 arrive, and thief play style was amazing so I do my main Human – Thief. Want again the Ranger but “Pet” thing make me abort the mission, instead get a Norn Engineer and was awesome! cause the class fit my second favorite play style, Supporter and healer.

Really, really want try guardian. But I’m on the fence, don’t want another human or Norn character. But I just hate Asura and Charr race, think Sylvari could fill that spot but the real problem from me is how armors looks plain awful on all that races, so my guardian must wait to Anet give us a new race. A good looking one :P

No "Dark" Environments in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Queen Jenna anniversary give me a torch “a light to found the way in darkness” My mind just blow, maybe (i think on that moment) there are impossible ancient places or corrupted zones in Tyria. so dark, so evil! and maybe the only way to get some decent and persistent light there could be magic items or special torchs.

I fantasied about run a underground divinity reach type/size forgotten city, staying at my party backs one hand sword and pull that torch on high so my fellows partners could stay get a fair fight. And then, close to be defeated from the minions hordes. Being rescued from a second players party, there is not magic items or torch on that party, but they get some Silvary characters and his natural glow luminescence given them a nice amount of light to slip trough the halls and corridors. then both groups joins and still go way down, in the darkness…

well, we already know what’s the real story here about that torch. so i just still dreaming about this class of stuff, Cmon Anet, make it happen!


Mysterious signs in Jormag's tooth

in Lore

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Still, do not let that discourage you from looking for things other people have missed. It’s a pretty big game, and there are probably dozens of details that have escaped the attention of the lore community.

So bad this was not at least one Easter egg, really would loved this mean something. Oh well, better luck next time i think

Disable Jumping

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


What?! No!! people love jumping!

Mysterious signs in Jormag's tooth

in Lore

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Hi! I love the GW lore (and exploring too) since GW1, so always go and fooling around looking from some nice and hidden secrets around the maps. Now, my English sux +1 so usually I just read the lore threads and learn from the qualified lore masters in the forums. But I was trying to make a nice screen from Jormag’s tooth in Hoelbrak last night and found very strange “symbols”, never see them before and they don’t looks like some painted or craved thing but as a part of the tooth. The fist one looks like human-ishi thing, then 3 dragon heads (at middle) but the most intriguing is the last one. That’s a human face!! (my example its horrible but you get the idea looking closely )
So i must ask! ¿we have reference about this or is just another new and unsolved mystery from GW2? You thoughts


What a Beautiful World It Is

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


I’m the commander shepard and this are my favorite places in GW1, please make it comeback by the way let’s not forget so many places looking stunning at some day/ night time too. Swamp of gods near to sunset is wow and all shiver peaks zones FTW!


What do you see behind this portal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Let’s speculate
(I think it’s something inside the tower, but that light like a clear and open sky is strange to me >.>)

My bet! >


More wings!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


I change my two wings from a cape or maybe that sweet, sweet quiver skin from F&F any day

Possible new race and/or profession coming!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


What?! No, no! wait! Nobody remember the Peter Fries on Twitter “GW2 race popularity makes me sad, People avoiding charr & asura are missing the strongest story stuff in our game, IMO.”?? and what about the eternal “Armors looks like…in no humans, Norn” cry?? we really want another race just like that? we don´t have capes cause its difficult from charrs right? so nobody get capes :P

Just make a NEW good looking race, expand the Gw universe. Asura and Norn existence was unknown until Eye of the North, and the Sylvari just born. Please, stop this madness!!

Bring back dwarves?

is not Asura the dwarf equivalence in gw? anyway, Oink race from playable race FTW!

Possible new race and/or profession coming!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


What?! No, no! wait! Nobody remember the Peter Fries on Twitter “GW2 race popularity makes me sad, People avoiding charr & asura are missing the strongest story stuff in our game, IMO.”?? and what about the eternal “Armors looks like…in no humans, Norn” cry?? we really want another race just like that? we don´t have capes cause its difficult from charrs right? so nobody get capes :P

Just make a NEW good looking race, expand the Gw universe. Asura and Norn existence was unknown until Eye of the North, and the Sylvari just born. Please, stop this madness!!

New Hair Styles Are Great!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Yup! I really like it too, Looks sweet in my Thief and will be pure awesomeness get the new human female hairs from the Norn girls, or at last some close Non-braid hairstyles version :P


What are the lines you hear the most?

in Audio

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


Oh no, no the leg! > on my norn engi
Sweet, sweet loot! > on my human Thief

Actually i love them

Take me to that magic place! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ellewind.9640


We already know Anet is not working in some expansion from GW2 on the nearest future, i hope some day we can step again in canthan or elona (well, maybe elona not so much :P) anyway, out there in the actual continent. surely, we can found as soon new areas will be added. many new and old revisited places to travel, explore and fight So i love make this tread about “that places” we already see in Gw1 looking epic but just can’t never reach or some favorite zone you think could be included and expand it canthan and elona places are ok too, i mean. we go there someday right?! oh yes, my English sux. apologies from that XP

So here is mine, inside the Droknars Forge. i was amazed fist time i found it, Jumping puzzle + explorable dungeon at the end in GW2 will be just epic! what do you think?
