Showing Posts For Ember.7906:


in PvP

Posted by: Ember.7906


Hi Narcasis, just thought I’d post here and make a comment on those vids, being the engie (Myrrinah) that fought you in both situations.

I wasn’t having a particularly great evening myself and in all honesty any other map in those situations would’ve had you as a victor. Both times I managed to get you were due to positional advantages which wouldn’t have been as important in other maps as those factors don’t exist (that is the collapsible tiles and falling off the edge).

Nevertheless it was a fun game and it was great having a chance to play against you in a tournament match and learn from better players to hopefully improve my game.

thanks for providing video evidence of the first time an engi’s ever said “thank god for my downstate”

That was pretty much my exact thought.

Is there a tiebreaker for draws?

in PvP

Posted by: Ember.7906


I belive it’s impossible to get 500 points at the EXACTLY same time. One always gets it a bit faster.

That might be the case – it’s just the points are being updated at the same time and capture points tick at the same time when you capture or neutralize – it gives the illusion though that the points are being scored at the same time when it really isn’t happening…

Yeh the red ream wins lol. Lost a few 500-500 when it was 499-499 and we both had 1 point capped.

Just have to hope I’m always on red team then xD.

Is there a tiebreaker for draws?

in PvP

Posted by: Ember.7906


Hi guys, just wondering if anyone knows what determines the winning team (if anything) in cases where both teams get 500 points at the same time? It’s a very rare circumstance but a friend recently played in a tPvP match and lost even though both teams scored 500 points. In these circumstances some tiebreaker should be implemented (perhaps increase the point cap requirement when this happens), or we should at least know what the tiebreaker rules are.